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Observing with CHEOPS

Observing with CHEOPS

CHEOPS will target bright stars which are known to host exoplanets. The core observing programme for CHEOPS will be defined by the CHEOPS Mission Consortium (CMC), through the CHEOPS Science Team (CST), with the first target list to be defined prior to launch.

Twenty per cent of the observing time of CHEOPS will be open to guest observers, and can be used to observe any targets not included on the CMC target list. Proposals will be requested annually through an open ESA Announcement of Opportunity (AO) to the general scientific community. The first AO was issued in early 2019. Proposals will be selected on scientific merit by a CHEOPS Time Allocation Committee (TAC) appointed by ESA in consultation with the Principal Investigator, but working independently.

In order to allow important new targets to be included in the open time programme at any time during the mission, up to 25% of the open time will be allocated to a discretionary programme. The discretionary programme will be overseen by ESA, in consultation with the chair of the TAC and the Principal Investigator.

Last Update: 16 December 2019
10-Mar-2025 03:28 UT

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