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Call for Payload Study Consortia for Cosmic Vision L-class mission EJSM/Laplace

Call for Payload Study Consortia for Cosmic Vision L-class mission EJSM/Laplace

Online Submission Forms

This page provides access to the two web forms for submitting the Letter of Intent (LOI) and the Declaration of Interest (DOI) in response to the ESA "Call for Declarations of Interest in Science Instrumentation" for the L-class Cosmic Vision mission study EJSM/Laplace.

The proposal process consists of two parts:

1. LOI 
The first part consists of a single A4-page containing a summary of the proposed instrument study activity and the names of the proposers and their affiliations. This Letter of Intent (LOI) should be submitted to ESA through the LOI submission form. The LOI must be in the form of a PDF document. Submission deadline: 15 April 2009, 16:00 CET.

The LOI submission deadline has passed.

2. DOI
The second part consists of a full study proposal and shall have a maximum length of 20 A4-pages with a minimum font size of 10 points. It shall address the following issues:

  • Definition of the science payload item proposed for study
  • Rationale for proposing the study
  • Scope of the study
  • Study logic
  • Preliminary plan for addressing radiation and planetary protection
  • Study team organisation
  • Expected study outputs: reports, models, etc
  • Proposed funding scheme of the study through Member States
  • Preliminary list of technology developments

This proposal (or Declaration of Interest, DOI) must be submitted to ESA through the DOI submission form. It must be in the form of a PDF document. Submission deadline: 11 May 2009, 16:00 CET.

The DOI submission deadline has passed.

General information

Full details about the Call and the associated documentation are available at

Last Update: 1 September 2019
5-Feb-2025 07:40 UT

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