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Second announcement for the fourth CHEOPS Science Workshop

Second announcement for the fourth CHEOPS Science Workshop

Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Date: 21 - 23 June 2016

---  Deadline for registration/applications: 14 April 2016  ---

The CHaracterizing ExOPlanet Satellite (CHEOPS) will be dedicated to search for transits by means of ultrahigh precision photometry on bright stars already known to host planets. It is the first S-class mission from ESA. CHEOPS will have a nominal lifetime of 3.5 years, with launch-readiness targeted for end 2017. The purpose of this fourth CHEOPS science workshop is to bring together the community interested in the mission, providing information about its current status and preparing its scientific exploitation. Details will be presented on the implementation of Guaranteed Time Observations and Guest Observations (20% open time). Participants are invited to propose contributed talks on all scientific aspects relevant to the mission, including synergies with other facilities. Ample time will be devoted to discussions.

A handful of ESA-sponsored bursaries will be available to cover part of the expenses of European/ESA-member state PhD students attending the workshop. These will be awarded on a competitive basis, with priority given to students presenting a poster or giving a talk. Students interested in receiving a bursary should send a motivation letter stating why attending the CHEOPS workshop will be of benefit to their work, and a letter of support from their PhD supervisor, to the following email address: ChantalTacoyunigech

The deadline for both workshop registration and for applications for bursaries is 14 April 2016.

Workshop contact: vincentbourrierunigech

Last Update: 1 September 2019
6-Oct-2024 13:19 UT

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