
Athena – Advanced Telescope for High-ENergy Astrophysics – will be an X-ray telescope designed to address the Cosmic Vision science theme 'The Hot and Energetic Universe'. By combining a large X-ray telescope with state-of-the-art scientific instruments, Athena will be able to make an important contribution to answering these questions. In 2014, Athena was selected as the second large (L-class) mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision programme.



A unique experiment to explore black holes
23 May 2019

What happens when two supermassive black holes collide? Combining the observing power of two future ESA missions, Athena and LISA, would allow us to study these cosmic clashes and their mysterious aftermath for the first time.

Athena to study the hot and energetic Universe
27 June 2014ESA has selected the Athena advanced telescope for high-energy astrophysics as its second 'Large-class' science mission.

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Athena builds on the legacy of ESA's high-energy space observatories
31 October 2017Athena, the Advanced Telescope for High-ENergy Astrophysics, is the second Large mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision plan, building upon a remarkable heritage of space observatories devoted to the exploration of the most exotic objects in the Universe.
The Hot and Energetic Universe
10 December 2014X-ray astronomy is crucial for seeing the Universe as it really is, not as we think it to be. Traditionally, space has been thought of as a place of serene majesty but X-ray astronomy has shown us the truth: it’s a hot and energetic Universe out there. Even the stars look cool in comparison.
28-Oct-2024 10:20 UT

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