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Expanding Bubble of Tycho's Supernova

Expanding Bubble of Tycho's Supernova

Date: 27 October 2004
Satellite: Hubble
Depicts: Tycho's Supernova, SN 1572A
Copyright: NASA/ESA, CXO and P. Ruiz-Lapuente (University of Barcelona)

This is a wide-field view of the region around Tycho's Supernova showing the expanding bubble of the supernova explosion. The colours in this Chandra X-Ray image of the hot bubble show different X-ray energies, with red, green, and blue representing low, medium, and high energies, respectively. (The image is cut off at the bottom because the southernmost region of the remnant fell outside the field of view of the Chandra camera.)

Last Update: 1 September 2019
18-Oct-2024 03:17 UT

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