Asset Publisher

No. 43 - Science Operations

No. 43 - Science Operations

Report for Period 27 August to 2 September 2006During the reporting period the mission operations have been conducted according to the plan.The ground and the space segment performance have been nominal.

The table below shows a chronology of the main activities in the reporting period:

MET (Day) Date DOY VPER# Main Activity
292 27/08/06 239 128 Routine science operations
293 28/08/06 240 129 Routine science operations
294 29/08/06 241 130 Routine science operations
295 30/08/06 242 131 Routine science operations
PM3 dump in support of Safe Mode investigation
296 31/08/06 243 132 Routine science operations
297 01/09/06 244 133 Routine science operations
298 02/09/06 245 134 Routine science operations

At the end of the last Cebreros pass in the reporting period (DOY 24515:00) Venus Express was orbiting Venus at 247 million km from the Earth. The one-way signal travel time was 823 seconds.

Payload Activities

The instrument is regularly operated as part of the routine plan.

The instrument is regularly operated as part of the routine plan.

The instrument is currently OFF and is not included in the routine planning. Next PFS tests in Venus pointing attitude are planned for the first 4 orbits of MTP 6 (24-27 September 2006).

The instrument is regularly operated as part of the routine plan.

The USO is nominally powered but muted. Occultation Observations with USO un-muted took place on DOY 239 and 242.

The instrument is regularly operated as part of the routine plan.

The instrument is regularly operated as part of the routine plan. 

Mission Planning

Short Term Planning
Operations of STP17 have been completed successfully and the planning of STP18 was completed in time. A pre-check of the payload requests for STP19 was also successful.

Medium Term Planning
MTP007 has been completed with no major problems.

Future Milestones

Throughout the next week short term planning for CP19 and pre-checks for CP20 will commence.

An operational strategy for the upcoming solar conjunction phase in Oct /Nov 2006 is being further iterated.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
26-Sep-2024 22:42 UT

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