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No. 47 - Solar Conjunction Phase Operational Strategy Tested

No. 47 - Solar Conjunction Phase Operational Strategy Tested

Report for Period 24 September to 30 September 2006The reporting period contained a spacecraft hardware safe which occurred on 27 September (DoY 270) at 04.37 UT.

The outage has caused the following impact at mission level:

  • science operations from Safe Mode occurrence until spacecraft recovery to nominal operations (270 14.00) have been skipped
  • USO switched OFF for about 10 hours

The spacecraft is now back to routine operations and nominal planning for the upcoming week has already been resumed.

The ground segment performance has been nominal throughout the reporting period. The table below shows a chronology of the main activities in the reporting period:

MET (Day) Date DOY VPER# Main Activity
320 24/09/06 267 156 Routine science operations
321 25/09/06 268 157 Routine science operations
322 26/09/06 269 158 Routine science operations
323 27/09/06 270 159

Safe Mode recovery
Routine science operations

324 28/09/06 271 160 Routine science operations
325 29/09/06 272 161 Routine science operations
326 30/09/06 273 162 Routine science operations

At the end of the last Cebreros pass in the reporting period (DOY 273, 16:00) Venus Express was orbiting Venus at 255 million km from the Earth. The one-way signal travel time was 850 seconds.

Payload Activities

The instrument is regularly operated as part of the routine plan.

The instrument is regularly operated as part of the routine plan. At safe mode transition, the instrument was ON. The safing AP powered off the instrument. The instrument was switched back on as part of the SM recovery at DoY 270.

At safe mode transition, the instrument was ON. It was switched off by SM safing procedure without blocking of the pendulum. The PI recommended blocking the pendulum by additional commanding which was executed immediately after the recovery pass. The instrument is currently OFF and is not included in the routine planning.

The instrument is regularly operated as part of the routine plan.

The USO is nominally powered but muted. After the Safe Mode the USO remained powered OFF for approximately 15 hours.

The instrument is regularly operated as part of the routine plan. The safing AP did not close the cover of the instrument, which is currently under investigation.

The instrument is regularly operated as part of the routine plan. At safe mode transition the instrument was ON. The safing AP powered off the instrument.

Mission Planning

Short Term Planning
Operations of STP21 have been completed successfully and the planning of STP22 was completed in time. A pre-check of the payload requests for STP23 and STP24 was also successful. DSN key file for the upcoming solar corona observations has been produced and sent to DSN.

An operational strategy for the upcoming solar conjunction phase in October/November 2006 has been tested. Spacecraft Operations Requests (SOR) for the upcoming conjunction platform MTL operations have been created and are to be planned in the next cycles.

Medium Term Planning
MTP08 has been fully processed and a report has been generated.

Future Milestones

Throughout the next week short term planning for STP23 and the first 2 orbits of STP24 will be performed.

TM BR change to 38 kbps and TC BR change to 1 kbps occur on 4 October.

TM BR change to 22 kbps occur on 10 October.

SPS PIT 3-way D/L only (parallel to nominal Cebreros pass) test scheduled for 5 October.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
26-Sep-2024 23:08 UT

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