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Briefing Meeting Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Call for Proposals

Briefing Meeting Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Call for Proposals

12 April 2007

More than 60 Letters Of Intent were received in response to ESA's Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Call for Proposals. Wednesday, 11 April 2007, a briefing meeting to the proposers took place at ESTEC in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. The meeting comprised a number of presentations by ESA covering various aspects relative to the Call, followed by a session for questions from the proposers and for discussion.


The presentations of the briefing meeting are available in PDF format:

Programmatic context of the Cosmic Vision Call


Cosmic Vision 2015-2025: The scientific priorities

 -  Astrophysics and Fundamental Physics PDF
 -  Solar System. Synergies with the Exploration programme PDF

International collaboration


Evaluation and selection process


Technical guidelines


Question and answers:

 -  Answers to general and policy questions relative to the CV2015 Call PDF
 -  Q&A on Cost, Technology, Communications, and others PDF

Clarifications to additional questions that were not yet covered in the last two presentations are available on a dedicated Q&A page, linked from the right hand navigation.

Submitted Letters of Intent

The Letters Of Intent that were received in response to ESA's Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Call for Proposals are organised below by the three main topics - Astrophysics, Fundamental Physics and Solar System - and within each topic by date received.

Name, Affiliation Country Title
Labeyrie, Antoine, College de France FR Luciola
Swinyard, Bruce, RAL UK SPICA: The next generation IR space observatory
Turner, Martin J L, Univ. Of Leicester UK XEUS: Physics of the Hot Evolving Universe
Ollivier, Marc, IAS FR Enabling science for DARWIN. PEGASE : a space interferometer to study stellar environments and low mass objects
Catala, Claude, Obs. de Paris FR PLATO - PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars
Schneider, Jean, Obs. de Paris FR Super-Earth Explorer SEE-COAST
Knödlseder, Jürgen, CESR FR The Gamma-Ray Imager mission
Helmich, Frank, SRON NL FIRI - the Far-InfraRed Interferometer
Refregier, Alexandre, CEA Saclay FR DUNE: The Dark Universe Explorer
Greiner, Jochen, MPE Garching DE GRIPS - GRB Investigations via Polarimetry and Spectroscopy
Leger, Alain, IAS FR Darwin
Janson, Markus, MPIA, Heidelberg DE The Celestial Exoplanet Survey Occulter
Santangelo, Andrea, IAAT Tuebingen DE Space Observatory for the study of the Universe at Ultra High Energies
Contopoulos, Ioannis, Acad. Of Athens GR Measurement of cosmological magnetic fields in Lyman-alpha clouds through the paramagnetic Faraday effect
Srama, Ralf, MPI Kernphysik DE Sample Return of Interstellar Matter - SARIM
Cimatti, Andrea, Uni. Bologna IT SPACE : the SPectroscopic All-sky Cosmic Explorer
de Bernardis, Paolo, Dip. Fisica IT B-Pol
Wild, Wolfgang, SRON NL Millimetron
Koechlin, Laurent, Obs. Midi-Pyr. FR Fresnel Interferometric Imager
Barstow, Martin, Univ. Of Leicester UK Stellar and Galactic Environment Survey (SAGE)
Piro, Luigi, IASF Roma IT EDGE, Explorer of Diffuse Emission and GRB Explosions
Boulanger, Francois, IAS FR The Molecular Hydrogen Explorer (H2EX)
Bougeret, Jean-Louis, Obs. Paris FR A New Window to the Universe: Very Low Frequency Astrophysics (VLFA)
Werner, Klaus, Univ. Tuebingen DE Far Ultraviolet Space Observatory

Fundamental Physics
Sharma, raj gaurav, Sati Other dayforever
Valent, Pavol, Univ. KF Nitra SK Direct search for deviation of the one-way speed of the light
Popov, Michael, Royal Antr. Inst. UK Kant Mission
Dittus, Hansjörg, ZARM, Univ. Bremen DE Astrodynamical Space Test of Relativity using Optical Devices (ASTROD)
Dittus, Hansjörg, ZARM, Univ. Bremen DE Laser Astrometric Test Of Relativity (LATOR)
Dittus, Hansjörg, ZARM, Univ. Bremen DE Deep Space Gravity Explorer (DSGE)
Tino, Guglielmo M., Univ. Firenze / LENS IT Atom Interferometry in Space (AIS)
Christophe, Bruno, ONERA FR Solar System ODYSSEY
Sumner, Timothy, Imperial College UK GAUGE (GrAnd Unification and Gravity Explorer
Schiller, Stephan, Univ. Düsseldorf DE Gravity Explorer
Ertmer, Wolfgang, IQ DE Matter Wave Explorer of Gravity
Santangelo, Andrea, IAAT Tuebingen DE Space Observatory for the study of the Universe at Ultra High Energies
Wolf, Peter, Obs. Paris FR SAGAS
Bertolami, Orfeu, IST PT Deep Space Gravity Probe - Zacuto Mission
Nobili, Anna M., Univ. Di Pisa IT GALILEO GALILEI" (GG)"

Solar System

Luchian, Ghidel, PS Elektronik DE Venus Troposphere
Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F., Univ. Kiel DE The Interstellar Heliopause probe
Schwartz, Steve, Imperial College UK Cross-Scale
Turck-Chieze, Sylvaine, CEA Saclay FR DynaMICCS
Rosales, Jose Luis , RSEF Other Research of life liquid water generated via non-stellar energy sources in ENCELADUS
Barucci, Maria Antonietta, Obs. Paris FR NEO Sample Return Mission
Farkin, Bernard, Digital Space FR Virtual Human Spaceflight: Europa and Mars mission concepts enabled by autonomous robot and virtual environment technologies
Chassefiere, Eric, Serv. D'Aeronomie FR EVE (European Venus Explorer) : an in-situ mission to Venus
Maksimovic, Milan, Obs. Paris, CNRS FR PHOIBOS (Probing Heliospheric Origins with an Inner Boundary Observing Spacecraft)
Damé, Luc, Serv. D'Aeronomie FR HIRISE - HIgh Resolution Imaging and Spectroscopy Explorer
Pulkkinen, Tuija, Finnish Meteor. Inst. SF WARP - Waves And Relativistic Particles
Marty, Bernard, CRPG/CNRS FR KRONOS : Saturn atmospheric probe and deep atmosphere and interior remote sounding
Philippe, Lognonné, IPGP FR European Moon and Mars Planetary Observatories
Appourchaux, Thierry, IAS FR POLAR Investigation of the Sun / POLARIS
Smith, Alan, MSSL UK LunarEx - A Lunar Penetrator Mission
Leblanc, Francois,Serv. D'Aeronomie FR Mars Environment and Magnetic Orbiter
Coustenis, Athena, Obs. Paris Meudon FR Titan and Enceladus Mission (TANDEM)
Westall, Frances, CNRS FR "Mars Origins Mission" to Noachian-Mars: exploring the southern hemisphere of Mars in search of traces of life
Gruen, Eberhard, MPI Kernphysik DE DuneXpress
Vincent, Robert, BGSU USA Methane Imager for Planetary Missions (Including Earth)
Lundin, Rickard, IRF SE Evolution Surveyor of the Atmospheric Composition
Peeters, Bart, Ursa Minor NL MarsFly: Scientific research of Mars by flapping wing
Fineschi, Silvano, INAF Obs. Torino IT Coronal Magnetism, Plasma and Activity Studies from Space
Küppers, Michael, MPS DE Comet Sample Return Mission
Blanc, Michel, CESR FR A Mission to Europa and the Jupiter System

Last Update: 1 September 2019
19-Oct-2024 15:04 UT

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