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Solar Orbiter Announcement of Opportunity for Members of the SPICE Science Steering Committee

Solar Orbiter Announcement of Opportunity for Members of the SPICE Science Steering Committee

20 July 2012

This Announcement of Opportunity (AO) solicits proposals for members of the Solar Orbiter SPICE Science Steering Committee. The AO is open to scientists of any nationality. The deadline for submission of proposals is 15 September 2012, 12:00 CEST.

The SPICE Science Steering Committee under the chairmanship of the Solar Orbiter Project Scientist (or his delegated representative), will have an advisory role concerning the scientific aspects of the SPICE facility instrument onboard the Solar Orbiter mission.

Membership of the Committee will comprise one representative each of the nationally-funded groups participating in the SPICE consortium, together with a number (maximum four) of external scientists appointed through this AO.

The SPICE Science Steering Committee will have the following specific responsibilities:

  • Monitor the compliance of the instrument design to the scientific requirements outlined in the Science Requirements Document.
  • Monitor calibration of all parts of the instrument on the ground.
  • Participate in the definition of the science operations and data handling, and support the Science Operation Centre up to and including in-orbit commissioning.
  • Define a mechanism for the provision of scientific data (raw data, calibrated data, and higher level data), including relevant calibration software and/or products, to the Solar Orbiter archive for dissemination to the general science community.

Activities performed by the SPICE Science Steering Committee must comply with requirements indicated in the Solar Orbiter Science Management Plan.

The members of the Solar Orbiter SPICE Science Steering Committee selected through this AO will be appointed for a first period of three years, renewable but not exceeding the duration of the mission.

Full details of this Announcement of Opportunity can be found in the AO document, which is linked from the "Documentation" section in the right-hand menu.

Proposal submission

The proposals, in pdf format, shall be submitted to the e-mail address and must be received no later than
15 September 2012 at 12:00 CEST.

Please see the AO document for full details on the required contents of the proposal.

Reference documents

There are three reference documents associated with this AO, which can be retrieved from the right-hand menu, under "Documentation":

  • Solar Orbiter Science Requirements Document
    [ESA-Solar Orbiter-1858]

  • Solar Orbiter Definition Study Report (Red Book)
    - Section 4.2.3 in particular for SPICE

  • Solar Orbiter Science Management Plan
    [ESA/SPC(2012)2, rev.1]


Requests for further information and clarification should be addressed to:

R. Marsden and D. Müller
Postbus 299
2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands

Last Update: 1 September 2019
6-Oct-2024 06:52 UT

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