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Exoclimes III - The Diversity of Planetary Atmospheres

Exoclimes III - The Diversity of Planetary Atmospheres

Start date: 09 Feb 2014
Address: Davos, Switzerland

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This meeting will bring together Earth, Solar System and Exoplanet specialists to discuss recent results and the way ahead.


  • Earth: atmosphere, oceans, interior, paleo-climates, generalizations to exoplanets
  • Solar System: Venus, Mars and Titan, gas giants: atmospheres, clouds, circulation models
  • Gas-rich and rock/ice exoplanets: atmospheres, spectral and evolutionary models, climate models
  • Brown dwarfs and directly imaged exoplanets: observations, spectral and evolutionary models, clouds, the L-T transition, temporal variability

Last Update: 1 September 2019
23-Sep-2024 09:21 UT

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