Open star clusters NGC 265 and NGC 290 in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Date: 18 April 2006
Satellite: Hubble Space Telescope
Depicts: NGC 265, NGC 290
Copyright: European Space Agency & NASA
Show in archive: true
Hubble has captured the most detailed images to date of the open star clusters NGC 265 and NGC 290 in the Small Magellanic Cloud - two sparkling sets of gemstones in the southern sky.
Two new composite images taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys onboard the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope show a myriad of stars in crystal clear detail. The open star clusters, NGC 265 and NGC 290, are located about 200 000 light-years away and are both roughly 65 light-years across.
Acknowledgements: Davide de Martin ( and Edward W. Olszewski (University of Arizona, USA)
Last Update: 1 September 2019