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Call for Payload Study Consortia for Cosmic Vision L-class Mission EJSM/Laplace

Call for Payload Study Consortia for Cosmic Vision L-class Mission EJSM/Laplace

26 March 2009

On 26 March ESA issued a "Call for Declarations of Interest in Science Instrumentation" for the L-class Cosmic Vision mission study EJSM/Laplace. Prospective Instrument Study Teams are invited to submit proposals outlining the composition of nationally funded consortia to carry out assessment level studies.

The deadline for receipt of proposals has now passed.

ESA is currently carrying out an assessment study phase for a number of L-class missions which are candidates for the first launch slot (possibly in 2020) in the Cosmic Vision plan. All currently studied L mission concepts will undergo a competitive selection at the end of 2010, from which 2 missions (out of the 3 currently under study - IXO, LISA, and EJSM) will be selected for definition studies extending to the end of 2012. Eventually, only one mission will be adopted for flight with the industrial implementation phase starting in 2013.

The instruments for the Cosmic Vision L-class missions are foreseen to be nationally funded and provided by consortia of institutes led by Instrument Study Leads. To enable the instruments to be defined at the same level as the other mission elements (platform, launch services, etc.), the assessment-level studies for the instrumentation will have to be nationally funded and will be carried out by the prospective Instrument Study Teams, in line with the general approach to science payload studies and development described in the Science Programme Committee document on "National Activities parallel to Cosmic Vision Studies", (ESA/SPC(2008)3).

Prospective Instrument Study Leads are invited to respond to this call with details of the composition of nationally funded consortia and of the proposed work-plan. These consortia are expected to carry out assessment-level studies of the scientific instruments for the EJSM Cosmic Vision mission study. A description of the scope of the studies, the consortium structure and selection procedure, and interfaces with the ESA-managed system study is provided in this call, which can be downloaded from the right-hand menu.

A number of documents are included in this call:

- A call for declaration of interest in science instrumentation for EJSM
- The draft Payload Definition Document (PDD) for the JGO element of EJSM
- The draft Science Requirements Matrix (SRM) for the JGO element of EJSM
- Document ESA/SPC(2008)3, "National Activities Parallel to The Cosmic Vision Studies"
- Further information and reports on the EJSM study

(All of these documents are available to download from the documentation link on the right-hand menu)

Timetable for this call:

26 March:    Call for declaration of interest in science instrumentation is issued

6 April:

  Submission system open
15 April:
(16:00 CET)
  Deadline for receipt of Letters of Intent
11 May:
(16:00 CET)
  Deadline for receipt of proposals

Submission process:
Proposals must be submitted electronically using the online forms provided (see right-hand menu). Please note that there are two separate forms: one for the Letter of Intent, and one for submitting the full proposal.

Further details:
For more information on programmatic matters please contact:

Dr. Marcello Coradini
Solar System Missions Coordinator, ESA HQ

Last Update: 1 September 2019
31-Mar-2025 22:29 UT

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