Venus Express coverage of Venus from 23 June 2013 to 20 July 2013

Date: 12 November 2013
Satellite: Venus Express
Depicts: Coverage of Venus during medium term plan #94
Copyright: ESA
This figure shows coverage of Venus by orbital tracks during the reporting period from 23 June 2013 to 20 July 2013 (medium term plan (MTP) #94). The sequence of lines to the left shows the ascending branches of the orbits. The sequence of lines to the right shows the descending branches. The purple colour indicates that the spacecraft is in darkness; the yellow colour indicates that the spacecraft is in sunlight. The position of terminator corresponds to the last orbit of this MTP. Purple triangles along the top are pericentre locations (on left, at the top of the ascending branch) and along the bottom are apocentre locations (on right, at the bottom of the descending node). In the ascending branch, yellow triangles denote start and end of solar eclipse; blue triangles denote beginning and end of Earth occultations.