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ASTRO-F Announcement of Opportunity

ASTRO-F Announcement of Opportunity

21 September 2005

Dear Colleague,I am pleased to invite you to respond to the "Announcement of Opportunity" to submit proposals for observations to be performed with ASTRO-F.

ASTRO-F is a Japanese infrared all-sky survey mission, from the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) of the Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency (JAXA). In addition to the sky survey, part of the mission will be dedicated to pointed observations of specific astronomical targets. ASTRO-F has the capability for imaging and spectroscopy in 13 infrared bands from 2 to 180 microns. Resulting from ESA's participation in the mission, individuals and teams from institutes in ESA Member States may submit observing proposals for pointed observations in ASTRO-F's European Open Time programme. ASTRO-F is scheduled for launch in January-February 2006 and has a foreseen operational lifetime of about 1.5 years. This AO covers the period following the completion of the first round of all-sky survey, 8 months after launch, and lasting until cryogen consumption. This phase is estimated to last 300 days.

10% of the total observing time in this Phase will be dedicated to successful proposals from ESA member states. It should be noted that, whilst hereby facilitating access, ESA cannot provide funding for participation in this programme, full financial support must therefore be obtained through the usual national channels.

The Announcement of Opportunity will open on 20 September 2005 and close on 18 November 2005. Proposals to participate in the ASTRO-F European Open Time programme must be prepared in accordance with the information available electronically from ESAC at:

and must be submitted electronically to ESA by 18 November at the latest with a copy to the relevant national funding institution. Proposals will be peer-reviewed by an ESA established Time Allocation Committee, and then merged with those resulting from the parallel Japanese Call. It is expected that the result of this process will be made known to the users after the launch of ASTRO-F.

Yours Sincerely,

D.J. Southwood
Scientific Programme

Last Update: 1 September 2019
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