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Europa - Jupiter International Science Workshop

Europa - Jupiter International Science Workshop

28 March 2008

Frascati (Rome), ItalyApril 21-22, 2008

This is to announce a Workshop in association with studies for an international Europa/Jupiter System Mission in collaboration between NASA, ESA, JAXA and possibly other international partners. This mission would carry out an in-depth study of Europa and the Jupiter system, with special emphasis on studying Europa's habitability in the global context of the Jupiter system. Following ESA's Cosmic Vision call for a mission to be launched in the 2015-2025 time-frame, two missions were selected to study a candidate large mission to the Outer Solar System: 1) LAPLACE (Europa-Jupiter) and 2) TandEM (Titan and Enceladus - Saturn). JAXA and Roscosmos previously supported the LAPLACE proposal, and in 2007 NASA conducted studies of the Europa Explorer and the Jupiter System Observer as concepts for a flagship-class mission to Europa and the Jupiter system.

The purpose of this Workshop is to provide a venue for the international science community interested in the exploration of Europa and the Jupiter system to discuss the scientific and measurement objectives in the current plans by the space agencies that are now engaged in studying this very exciting and challenging mission to Europa and the Jupiter system. All contributions from the community are welcome, to address in particular the following three aspects of the mission design:

- Science objectives and support to science planning,
Mission profile definition to meet these objectives within a three-spacecraft mission architecture,
Design of the necessary payload elements, including advanced payload concepts to meet the stringent resource and environment constraints of the mission.

The Workshop is organised by INAF-IFSI and CESR with the support of ESA and NASA. Proposals for contributions can be sent to the members of the Organizing Committee.

Local Organising Committee
Federico Tosi (chair)
Angioletta Coradini
Enrico Flamini
Paolo Giommi
Gianrico Filacchione
Diego Turrini
Maria Teresa Capria

Scientific Organising Committee
Michel Blanc (Co-chair)
Ron Greeley (Co-chair)
Jean-Pierre Lebreton
Robert Pappalardo
Federico Tosi
Philippe Louarn
Lev Zelenyi
Sho Sasaki
Masaki Fujimoto
Olivier Grasset
Hauke Hußman
Norbert Krupp
Pierre Drossart

For full details and registration visit the workshop website at

Last Update: 1 September 2019
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