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The confirmation of the nature of CoRoT-7b as the first rocky planet outside our Solar System marks a significant step forward in the search for Earth-like exoplanets.
Published: 16 September 2009
An exoplanet barely larger than the Earth has been discovered by the CoRoT satellite. This was announced on 3 February at a press conference during the First CoRoT International Symposium held in Paris.
Published: 3 February 2009
New details have been announced about the exoplanet CoRoT-Exo-4b. Data from CoRoT and ground-based observations have established the nature of the exoplanet and its parent star.
Published: 28 July 2008
The COROT team has detected two new exoplanets and a new type of object. These discoveries were announced this week at the IAU Symposium on Transiting Planets.
Published: 22 May 2008
CoRoT started its first science observation period on 3 February 2007 and has already returned data with a quality that is exceeding pre-launch expectations. Among the early results is the mission's first detection of an extrasolar planet
Published: 3 May 2007
Following a competitive definition study, ESA has awarded EADS Astrium GmbH with the contract to build the Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) instrument on board the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).
Published: 6 August 2004
Astronomers from ESA's Member States are preparing to take part in a French-led mission to be the first to search for rocky planets around other stars. The mission, COROT, is an important stepping stone in the European effort to find habitable, Earth-like planets around other stars.
Published: 27 February 2002
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