Copyright: SCIENCE journal
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Top panels : (A) Observed infrared emission towards VLA1, (B) VLA4 and (C) the
Cohen-Schwartz star (CS star). The
spectra for VLA4 and the CS star correspond to those obtained with a POFV of 3 arcsec while
for VLA1+VLA2 we show the spectra
observed in both CVFs. Note the emission through the three infrared windows. Panel (D) shows
the observed infrared emission around
VLA1+VLA2 with a PFOV of 3 arcsec. (E) Optical17 image [SII 6717/31 E] of the central HH1-2
region (colors) with a superposition
(contours) of the IR emission detected with the LW2 filter of ISOCAM. The positions of the
VLA1 & 2 &4 sources are indicated by
white filled circles. The position towards which we have discovered the three infrared
windows is indicated by a black filled
square and coincides, within the astrometric errors, with that of VLA1+VLA2 objects; the red
circle indicates the PFOV the infrared
observations (6 arcsec). (F) Optical image (same as before) with the contours of the
continuum emission at 1.3 mm (1300 mm as
observed with the 30-m IRAM radiotelescope). The contours are between 0.04 and 0.4 Jy/beam
and show the presence of a core centered
on VLA1+VLA2 surrounded by an extended envelope indicating the Class 0 nature of the powering
engine of the HH1-2 system (see
text). (G,H,I) Optical image (as above) with the corresponding infrared emission in the 5.3
and 6.6 mm windows minus the adjacent
continuum (G); the total continuum emission between 5 and 7 mm (H), and the total continuum
emission between 13 and 14 mm (I).
In these three figures the emission of the source VLA4 has been removed by fitting the ISOCAM
PSF to the CVF spectra.
Image credit: Science journal
Last Update: 31 August 2019