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New insights into the dust properties of the Taurus molecular cloud TMC-2 and its surroundings

New insights into the dust properties of the Taurus molecular cloud TMC-2 and its surroundings

Publication date: 02 June 2005

Authors: del Burgo, C. & Laureijs, R. J.

Journal: MNRAS
Volume: 360
Issue: 3
Page: 901-914
Year: 2005

Copyright: RAS

We present ISOPHOT observations at 120 and 200 µm of a 31 × 57 arcmin² region, with optical extinction AV ranging between ~ 0.5 and 11 mag, that encloses the Taurus molecular cloud TMC-2. The far-infrared emission is separated into a warm and a cold component using the ISOPHOT data and IRAS measurements at 60 and 100 µm. This separation is based on the very different morphologies of the 60 and 200 µm emission maps.

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