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1st Mars Express Conference Presentations

1st Mars Express Conference Presentations

Speaker Programme

Programme and presentations of the First Mars Express Science Conference, held at ESTEC in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, from 21 to 25 February 2005.

The abstract of a presentation can be viewed by clicking on the title. To access the entire presentation click on PDF; for details on the poster programme use the link on the right side navigation.

21 February
Opening Remarks
A. Gimenez
Introduction (video)
D. Southwood
Historical Perspective
The history of Mars Exploration (invited)
P. Masson
Mars Express scientific objectives (invited)
A. Chicarro
The development of Mars Express (invited)
R. Schmidt
Status of Mars Express in orbit (invited)
F. Jansen
The Martian Interior & Subsurface
Mars internal structure activity & composition (invited)
T. Spohn
Recent volcanism due to global partial melting
D. Breuer
The MARSIS experiment (invited)
G. Picardi
MARSIS expected results (invited)
J. Plaut
The Martian Geology & Mineralogy - 1
Key issues in Mars geology & mineralogy (invited)
G-G. Ori
The HRSC experiment & scientific results (invited)
G. Neukum
Hi-res DTM from HRSC data
K. Gwinner
Mars surface compositional units
T. McCord
Orbital imaging photometry and surface geology
P. Pinet
Fluvial erosion and surface run-off in Lybia Montes
R. Jaumann
Evolution of Holden-Ladon fluvio-lacustrine system
L. Marinangeli
Recent and episodic volcanic and glacial activity
G. Neukum
Evolutionary history of volcanic constructs
S. Werner
Erosion by flowing Martian lavas
D. Williams
Tropical to mid-latitude glaciation
J. Head
Evidence for a frozen sea close to Mars' equator
J.B. Murray
Delta-like deposits in Xanthe Terra
E. Hauber
Erosion ages and stratigraphy of Hydraotes Chaos
R. Wagner
Regional differences in gully occurrence
D. Reiss
Lobate debris aprons in Hellas and Argyre planitiae
S. van Gasselt
Water-related processes of Martian impact craters
G. Komatsu
Geology and structure of Gusev crater
T. Zegers
Tutorial Session
Geoscientific mapping with HRSC and other datasets
G-G. Ori
Mars Express science planning & operations
R. Pischel
The SPICE auxiliary data system
Ch. Acton
Science data archive demonstration
J. Zender
22 February
The Martian Geology & Mineralogy - 2
The OMEGA experiment & scientific results (invited)
J-P. Bibring
Mafic and hydrated minerals in Syrtis Major
J. Mustard
Identification and mapping of sulfates
A. Gendrin
3 micron absorption feature
F. Poulet
Valles Marineris interior deposits
N. Mangold
Geology of Melas Chasma by OMEGA
C. Quantin
Hydrated minerals in circumpolar regions
Y. Langevin
Observations over Meridiani Planum
R. Arvidson
Mars photometry from OMEGA
S. Erard
Surface chemistry from Orbit and In-situ
Mars Odyssey main scientific results (invited)
J. Plaut
Chemical composition by gamma-ray spectrometer
J. Brückner
MER main scientific results (invited)
R. Arvidson
Mössbauer investigations at MER landing sites
G. Klingelhöfer
Strength of soil deposits along MER traverses
L. Richter
The Martian Polar Region
Studies of polar caps by HEND (invited)
I. Mitrofanov
Constraints on the distribution of H2
W. Boynton
Martian polar layered deposits
A. Ivanov
Martian North polar cap spirals
A. Kostrikov
Observation of polar regions by HRSC
H. Hoffmann
Evolution of permanent North polar cap
Y. Langevin
H2O and CO2 ices and dust in South polar cap
B. Schmitt
Northern seasonal condensates
S. Doute
Colour of Martian polar deposits
G. Bellucci
Precession-induced water exchange between poles
F. Montmessin
Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
Martian variable features by MEX and MER (invited)
R. Greeley
Martian dust devils by HRSC
C. Stanzel
Reflectance of fog in Valles Marineris
A. Inada
Surface albedo and related features by PFS
F. Esposito
Atmospheric optical depth and surface albedo
W. Markiewicz
Dust content in the Martian atmosphere
G. Rinaldi
Limb observations of dust vertical profiles
T. Fouchet
Optical depth retrieval of Gusev crater
N. Hoekzema
23 February
The Martian Atmosphere & Climate - 1
Key issues in Mars atmosphere & climate (invited)
F. Forget
The PFS experiment & scientific results (invited)
V. Formisano
Seasonal variations of atmospheric structure
L. Zasova
Water vapour in atmosphere
N. Ignatiev
CO in the atmosphere of Mars
F. Billebaud
Morning atmosphere during Northern spring
D. Grassi
Early Martian Atmosphere and Its Water Inventory
H. Lammer
Cloud-tracked Martian winds by HST
V. Kaydash
Atmospheric CO2 Emissions by PFS/OMEGA
M. Lopez-Valverde
OMEGA observations of Martian atmosphere
P. Drossart
Atmospheric water vapour on Mars
D. Titov
Evolution of seasonal water ice clouds
B. Gondet
Observations of CO2 in Martian atmosphere
T. Encrenaz
Possible detection of Lee waves
R. Melchiorri
The Martian Atmosphere & Climate - 2
The SPICAM experiment & scientific results (invited)
J-L. Bertaux
The SPICAM AOTF near-IR spectrometer
O. Korablev
Ozone Retrieved from SPICAM Stellar Occultations
S. Lebonnois
Vertical profile of upper atmosphere
F. Forget
First global view of ozone on Mars
S. Perrier
Intercomparison of SPICAM and PFS
A. Fedorova
Detection of cloud layers
F. Montmessin
The MaRS experiment & scientific results (invited)
M. Pätzold
Sounding of ionosphere by radio science
S. Tellmann
Density and temperature profiles by MaRS/SPICAM
M. Pätzold
Solar light scattered by aerosols
P. Rannou
High-altitude aerosol particles
A. Rodin
Martian nightglow NO bands in UV
J-L. Bertaux
Martian upper atmosphere by SPICAM UV
F. Leblanc
Martian water vapour observations
E. Lellouch
Atmospheric argon by GRS on Mars Odyssey
A. Sprague
24 February
The Space Environment of Mars
Key issues in Mars space environment (invited)
K. Maezawa
The ASPERA experiment & scientific results (invited)
R. Lundin
Energetic neutral atom imaging
S. Barabash
Energetic neutral atom investigations
A. Mura
Crustal magnetic fields by MGS
D. Brain
Magnetic anomaly signatures by ASPERA
Y. Soobiah
Martian ionospheric photoelectrons
A. Coates
Solar wind interaction with ionosphere
K. Maezawa
Escape of CO and CO2 from Mars
A. Fedorov
Mars thermospheric circulation
S. Bougher
The Martian Moons
Phobos and Deimos investigations (invited)
T. Duxbury
HRSC imaging of Phobos and Deimos flybys
J. Oberst
The parallel grooves of Phobos
J. Murray
Phobos observations with SPICAM
S. Perrier
Exobiology on Mars
The search for life on Mars (invited)
E. Gibson
Methane formaldehyde and water by PFS
V. Formisano
Oxidant enhancement in dust devils
S. Atreya
Fingerprinting sources and sinks of methane
G. Morgan
Terrestrial extreme environments (invited)
F. Gomez
Adsorption water driven processes on Mars
D. Möhlmann
Martian candidate organisms (invited)
E. Szathmary
Discussion of all exobiology papers
Upcoming American Mars Missions
The NASA Mars Exploration program (invited)
D. McCuistion
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission (invited)
S. Saunders
The Mars Surface Laboratory mission (invited)
M. Meyer
Mars Phoenix mission landing site characterization
R. Arvidson
25 February
Future Mars Exploration in Europe
I. Wright PDF
C. Pillinger PDF
P. Lognonne PDF
A. Peacock PDF
Conference Media Event Details
F. Jansen - ESA Mars Express Mission Manager
D. Southwood - ESA Director of Science
Overview of scientific instruments
A. Chicarro - ESA Mars Express Project Scientist
ASPERA results
S. Barabash - ASPERA co-Principal Investigator
MaRS results
M. Pätzold - MaRS Principal Investigator
SPICAM results
JL. Bertaux - SPICAM Principal Investigator
PFS results
V. Formisano - PFS Principal Investigator
OMEGA results
JP. Bibring - OMEGA Principal Investigator
HRSC results
G. Neukum - HRSC Principal Investigator
Summary of exobiology session
E. Gibson - NASA
Overall Conclusions
A. Chicarro - ESA Mars Express Project Scientist
Questions & answers -

Poster Programme

22 February
Poster Session (1) - Mars geology, mineralogy, chemistry and moons
Martian Interior and Subsurface
Isostatic compensation modells of the Martian lithosphere
M. Fels
Impact of the low bulk modulus in the mantle transition zone on tidal deformations of Mars
L. Hanyk
Study of subsurface structure of water-rich regions on Mars by data from HEND and GRS instruments onboard Mars Oddyssey
A. Kozyrev
Improvement of the Martian gravity field with MEX
R. Rosenblatt
The evolution of planetary geodynamics modulated by water
P. van Thienen
Slow secular cooling of planet Mars, as predicted by thermochemical mantle convection models in line with young surface age deduced from high resolution camera data
A. van den Berg
Martian Geology and Mineralogy
Coordinated Mars Express OMEGA and Mars Exploration Rover Observations
A. Arvidson
The geology of Western Olympus Mons as deduced from the analysis of the Mars Express HRSC camera images
A. Basilevsky
Stability of subsurface ice on Mars – a local and global perspective
H. Boettger
Laboratory spectra of hydrated sulfates: implications for OMEGA detection on Mars surface
G. Bonello
A 2 Square Metre True-3D Image Map of Chaotic Terrain, Lower Vallis Marineris, Mars
M. Buchroithner
Juventae Chasma: A case study of the association of light-toned layered deposits, chaos, and outflow channels
D. Catling
Martian surface texture study by a filtering approach using Mars Express HRSC data
A. Cord
Photometric study of the Martian surface using Mars Express HRSC data: the GUSEV Crater Region
A. Cord
Analysis of alluvial fans and deltas in Xanthe Terra using HRSC data
G. Di Achille
Hydrological Analysis of the Mars Topography
P. Dorninger
Mars Express HRSC contact for MER spirit in GUSEV Crate
Bernard Foing
High resolution simulations of Martian tropical glaciers
F. Forget
Attitude determination of geological layers using HRSC data and Orion software
F. Fueten
Identification of Low Calcium Pyroxene rich areas by OMEGA, and comparison with other datasets
Gendrin, Aline
Geologic evolution of the Harmakhis Vallis region
M. Glamoclija
Bidirectional reflectance observed by Mars Express HRSC and first assessment of its deviation from the Lambert and Lommel-Seeliger approximations
K. Gwinner
Interior Layered Deposits in Valles Marineris, Mars: Insights From 3D-Data Obtained by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on Mars Express
E. Hauber
Is Mars hiding some ice in Terra Arabia?
J. Helbert
The Berlin Mars near Surface Thermal model (BMST) – A new approach to assess the burial depth of ice on Mars
J. Helbert
Simple Estimate for Gusev Infillin Thickness
B. Ivanov
Water and sediment dynamics and delta formation in Ma'adim Vallis and Gusev Crater
M. Kleinhans
Acheron Fossae, Mars: A Martian Rift Observed By The High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC)
P. Kronberg
Multispectral Investigation of the Gusev Crater Region Using Mars Express HRSC Colour Data: Preliminary Results
P. Martin
Chaotic terrain development and the origin of layered deposits - re-investigation combining up to date HRSC data and other available datasets
P. Masson
HRSC observations of valley networks and inverted channels in the Valles Marineris Region
P. Masson
Emissivity Spectra of Planetary Analog Materials: a Key for the Interpretation of Remote Sensing Measurements
A. Maturilli
Interior Layered Deposit in Coprates Chasma north wall: results from Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) derived topography
G. Michael
Extent and further characteristics of former glaciated terrain owing to a retreating frozen lava-covered water lake in Elysium Planitia, Mars
J. Nussbaumer
High-resolution morphological analysis of the central part of Ares Vallis using HRSC, MOC and THEMIS data
A. Pacifici
Derivation of Mars regional photometric surface properties from Omega spot pointing observations
P. Pinet
Iron-reach silicate as water marker: Olivine in OMEGA spectra
R. Politi
Possible origins of light-toned materials in Margaritifer Sinus
I. Popa
Deconvolution of OMEGA spectra: a first quantitative analysis of the maficcomposition
F. Poulet
Surface Type II: a new assessment from OMEGA
F. Poulet
Erosion-deposition history of the Eastern Hellas region
J. Raitala
Influence of the thermal properties of a regolith cover on the depth of the melting point of water and the sublimation rate of ice
S. Schumacher
Volcanic History of Hadriaca Patera Constrained by HRSC Data
D. Williams
Estimation of the detectibility of anhydrous and hydrous sulfates in Martian soil from laboratory reflectance spectra
A. Witzke
Age Measurements and Stratigraphic Relationships in the Hadriaca Patera, Dao and Niger Valles Regions
W. Zuschneid
23 February
Poster Session (2) - Martian atmosphere & its surface interactions
Surface Chemistry
Martian soil and atmosphere as seen through their gamma-ray continuum
O. Gasnault
Chemical diversity of the Gusev and Meridiani MER landing sites
R. Gellert
Water Alteration and Biogenic Activity on Mars
E. Gibson
Lab simulation of the UV-radiation at the Martian surface: performance and experiments
C. Kolb
The chemical variability at the surface of Mars: statistical analysis on Lander data
C. Kolb
Solid state oxidation of Fe(II) in an environment similar to the Martian surface
P. Nornberg
Martian Polar Regions
Spatial variability of the Martian Polar Caps: PFS/MEX preliminary results
M. Giuranna
The Martian North Polar Cap spirals are the traces of an ancient ice sheet collapse
A. Kostrikov
Seasonal evolution of the northern martian polar cap: Comparisons between MEX/OMEGA, TES (MGS) observations and LMD GCM predictions
B. Levrard
Distribution of CO2 deposit density within Martian seasonal caps from HEND/Mars Odyssey and MOLA/MGS data
M. Litvak
Comparison of UV albedo of CO2 and H2O ices at North and South poles perennial caps
S. Perrier
Exploration of Martian residual polar caps based on HEND/Mars Odyssey data
A. Sanin
Understanding the physical evolution and chemical differentiation of the northern seasonal condensates on Mars from the analysis and modelling of OMEGA spectra
B. Schmitt
Structure of the Martian atmosphere in the Northern polar region and distribution of the O2 emission and O3 column density at late winter. OMEGA and PFS experiments
L. Zasova
Atmosphere and Climate
Undulatory patterns in the Martian atmosphere as seen by the OMEGA instrument
F. Altieri
Detection of a new population of small particles in the atmosphere of Mars from UV occultation measurements with SPICAM
J. Bertaux
Measurements of the Martian dust by Planetary Fourier Spectrometer aboard the Mars Express
M. Blecka
Observations of CO in the Martian Atmosphere with Omega/Mars Express
T. Encrenaz
Structure of the martian wake
A. Fedorov
Measurement of water vapor at 1.38 micron in the Mars atmosphere with the SPICAM AOTF near-IR spectrometer
A. Fedorova
Analysis of the Mars Express observations of the atmosphere and the polar caps: interpretation with a Global Climate Model
F. Forget
2-Atmospheric oxygen emission at Mars studied with PFS data
V. Formisano
PFS Limb Measurements
V. Formisano
First analysis of the circulation of the Martian atmosphere from PFS data
C. Fiorenza
Extension of a Martian GCM to the thermosphere
F. González-Galindo
Comparison of atmospheric temperature fields measured by PFS with SPICAM temperature profiles from star occultations
D. Grassi
Optical depth retrievals from HRSC Stereo images of Apollinaris Patera, of Lowlands during a dust storm, and around Vallis Marineris
N. Hoekzema
The influence of irregularly shaped dust particles on reflectivities and polarisation of the Martian atmosphere
E. Laan
Mars ozone profiles retrieved from SPICAM stellar occultations, and interpretation using the LMD Mars Climate Model
S. Lebonnois
Isotopes: Fingerprinting the Sources and Sinks of Martian Methane
G. Morgan
Study of the Martian atmosphere by the radio science experiment MaRS during the first occultation season of Mars Express
M. Pätzold
Simultaneous ozone and water vapour SPICAM nadir measurements: revisiting the Mars anti-correlation paradigm
S. Perrier
Lee Wave Clouds in the HRSC Images: Wind Velocity Measurements
G. Portyankina
Studies of HEND/Odyssey neutron data from Mars in correspondence with the recent results from PFS instrument of Mars Express
A. Sanin
Remote sensing of the surface atmospheric pressure with Omega
S. Vinatier
Water ice clouds from the LWC PFS data
L. Zasova
24 February
Poster Session (3) - Martian environment, exobiology & future missions
Space Environment of Mars
Influence of the magnetic barrier on Kelvin-Helmholtz instability driven by the solar wind flow around Mars
U. Amerstorfer
Filamentary structure of neutral atoms at Mars - Aspera observations
M. Fraenz
Electron Oscillations in the Martian Sheath
R. Frahm
ASPERA-3: First Results of Neutral Particle Measurements
A. Galli
Analysis of the Martian Ionosphere and Thermosphere Environment
S. Kazeminejad
Numerical interpretation of high-altitude photoelectrons observed by ASPERA-3
M. Liemohn
Martian Moons
Feasibility study for a precise mass determination of the moon Phobos by the radio science experiment MaRS on Mars Express
T. Andert
High-Resolution Mapping of Phobos by the HRSC on Mars-Express
B. Giese
Mars Express and Phobos mass: a challenge for celestial mechanics
V. Lainey
Reflectance spectra of possible phobos analogue materials as a support for interpretation of Mars Express data
L. Moroz
Thermal Infrared Observations of Phobos
E. Palomba
Methods, Instruments, Missions
MIMS – The Mars Image Mining System
I. Alves
Fusion of HRSC and MOLA Data for High Quality Mars DTM Computation
M. Attwenger
OMEGA: A statistical method for spatial contrast improvement
G. Bellucci
Surface features extraction from Mars Express Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) spectra: application of Factor Analysis technique on remote sensing infrared data
M. D'Amore
Instrument Independent Definition of the Geometrical and Positional Information for the Mars Express Mission
J. Diaz del Rio
Experiences with Shape-from-Shading for the Refinement of Spatial Data for Mars Cartography from MARS EXPRESS HRSC Imagery
E. Dorrer
Automatic Recognition of Crater-Like Structures in Satellite Images of Earth and Mars
J. Earl
Component separation of OMEGA spectra using ICA : denoising and spectral identification
O. Forni
Conversion Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy on Mars?
H. Gunnlaugsson
Distribution of Mars Express science data via the planetary science archive
D. Heather
Exploring Mars by a European Small Mars Mission
H. Hoffmann
Automatic crater detection and 3D reconstruction for Mars geochronology
J. Kim
Mapping of Photometric Anomalies with HRSC: Demonstration of the Principal Possibility
M. Kreslavsky
The OMEGA data set
Y. Langevin
Statistical interpretation of PFS spectral data
G. Marzo
Usage of Measured Mars Data for the Determination of the Field of View Orientation and Shape for the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) onboard the Mars Express Mission
A. Maturilli
A quantitative assessment of Mars HRSC stereo-derived DTMs using MOLA profile data and experimental results from the operational VICAR stereo-photogrammetric system
J. Muller
MEX:OMEGA-MRO:CRISM Cooperation: Testing the CRISM Global Mapping with Mars Express OMEGA Data
J. Mustard
The performance of HRSC's Super Resolution Channel (SRC)
J. Oberst
Analysis and automatic feature recognition on images of the surface of Mars
P. Pina
First HRSC Archive in the Planetary Science Archive
T. Roatsch
Hypsometric map of Mars
J. Rodionova
MAGIC, the Portuguese participation in Mars Express
M. Roos-Serote
ArcGIS and GRASS GIS for planetary data
P. Saiger
Test of statistical methods for the classification of polar terrains on Mars observed by OMEGA
F. Schmidt
Improving the Mars Express Orbit using MOLA Data
R. Schmidt
Operational Processing of MEX HRSC Data
F. Scholten
Height Measurements on HRSC stereo-image data by making use of a high-precision stereo comparator
B. Schreiner

Last Update: 1 September 2019
12-Feb-2025 11:03 UT

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