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Implementing & monitoring an institute contract

Implementing & monitoring an institute contract

This process starts only after the Research Institute contract is duly signed by ESA.

The ESA-PRODEX Technical Officer:

  • Verifies that the contractor meets milestones, schedule, cost requirements, etc.
  • Organizes progress meetings and reviews, and participates in consortium meetings.
  • Supports the Research Institute in the execution of the contract.
    • Addresses Research Institute/Industry needs within the boundary condition of the PRODEX Programme (for example, provides access to experts or facilities, coordinates expert recommendations, etc)
  • Reviews and approves technical decisions in the execution of the contract.
  • Is responsible for the preparation, implementation, and monitoring of Industrial contracts, with the support of ESA Contracts Services.
  • Evaluates and approves contract change requests.
  • Reviews and approves payments.

The Research Institute:

  • For development activities:
    • Provides inputs to the activity development plan; prepares the activity schedule.
    • Develops the general requirements.
    • Supports PRODEX in defining the applicable and reference documents and the applicable standards.
    • For Institute-led developments:
      • The Institute may develop sub-systems or elements of the instruments as per the development plan (per work package description).
      • Participates in progress meetings and reviews.
      • Liaises with mission and scientific counterparts as needed.
    • When Industrial activities are associated to the Research Institute activities: Supports the implementation and management of industrial activities.
      • Under the management of the PRODEX Technical Officer, provides inputs to industrial contract implementation and monitoring.
      • Supports the preparation of Statements of Work and Requirement Documents.
      • Participates in Tender Evaluation Boards.
      • Participates in progress meetings for industrial contracts.
      • Participates in preparation and execution of reviews
      • Liaises with interface and scientific counterparts as required.
  • For data processing activities:
    • Proposes the programme of work, and liaises with the relevant interfaces.
    • Executes the work.
    • Writes activity reports to PRODEX, on a yearly basis or twice per year, depending on the project.
Last Update: 23 September 2021
25-Sep-2024 02:00 UT

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