Silicates in Hale-Bopp: hints from laboratory studies
Publication date: 06 December 1998
Authors: Brucato, J.R., et al.
Journal: Planetary and Space Sciences
Volume: 47
Issue: 6-7
Page: pp.773-779
Year: 1999
Copyright: Elsevier Sciences
The recent passage of the Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) comet has provided the first opportunity to analyse the infrared spectral properties of a bright comet both from the ground and by the ISO space observatory. Previous works have already been dedicated to study the potential candidates to reproduce the cometary feature at 10 micron observed for different comets. We have applied a similar approach to compare the Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) spectra with laboratory data. The best fit has been obtained by using a mixture of crystalline Mg-rich olivine (forsterite), amorphous olivine and amorphous carbon grains. Some constraints on the possible cometary grain types derive from our simulation. Aggregates of submicron particles, composed of amorphous and crystalline olivine and amorphous carbon materials seem to be compatible with the cometary emission. Moreover, the possibility of fitting observational data on a wide IR spectra range, offered by ISO, provides interesting hints about the size distribution of grains responsible for the detected features
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