ESA Science & Technology - News Archive
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A team of astronomers have used Hubble to study the aftermath of a collision between two asteroids over a period of several months
Published: 13 October 2010
High-resolution images from the Hubble Space Telescope and a rare view obtained, from a unique perspective, by the Rosetta spacecraft provide a comprehensive picture of P/2010 A2, a puzzling body in the asteroid main belt.
Published: 13 October 2010
Data from the SOHO and GOES spacecraft have enabled a team of European scientists to shed new light on the role of solar flares in the total output of radiation from the Sun. Their surprising conclusion: X-rays account for only about 1% of the total energy emitted by these explosive events.
Published: 12 October 2010
New density measurements, centred on the Northern Pole and obtained during the Venus Express Atmospheric Drag Experiment, show an unexpected inhomogeneous pattern in the atmosphere of our neighbouring planet.
Published: 7 October 2010
The International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) has decided to award The Laurels for Team Achievement Award to the Double Star/Cluster Team. The official ceremony took place in Prague, Czech Republic, on 26 September, in the margin of the International Astronautical Congress.
Published: 4 October 2010
The Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI), a major instrument due to fly aboard the James Webb Space Telescope, is getting its first taste of space in the test facilities at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in the United Kingdom.
Published: 30 September 2010
During a test performed on Rosetta's Reaction Control System (RCS) on 9 September 2010, a leak has been identified in this sub-system in an area which cannot be isolated. Despite the unwelcome news, an operation strategy has already been defined that conserves the mission objectives without re-pressurisation of the RCS system. Rosetta will...
Published: 23 September 2010
The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope has captured a dramatic view of gas and dust sculpted by intense radiation from hot young stars deep in the heart of the Lagoon Nebula (Messier 8).
Published: 22 September 2010
The complete archive of data sets from ESA's 3-year SMART-1 mission to the Moon has been released to the scientific community.
Published: 21 September 2010
The EIT camera on board SOHO has transmitted a picture of the solar corona every 12 minutes for almost 15 years - after a remarkable career it is now time for a change in pace.
Published: 21 September 2010
Planck has obtained its very first images of galaxy clusters, amongst the largest objects in the Universe, by means of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, a characteristic signature they imprint on the Cosmic Microwave Background
Published: 15 September 2010
ESA's mission to measure the precise positions of a billion stars reached an important milestone on 3 September with the delivery of its first primary mirror.
Published: 13 September 2010
In the summer of 2000, four identical ESA spacecraft lifted off from Baikonur Cosmodrome at the start of the most detailed investigation ever of the interaction between the Sun and Earth. 10 years later, the Cluster quartet continues to unravel the secrets of invisible particles and magnetic fields that envelop our planet
In the summer of 2000, four identical ESA spacecraft lifted off from Baikonur Cosmodrome at the start of the most detailed investigation ever of the interaction between the Sun and Earth. 10 years later, the Cluster quartet continues to unravel the secrets of invisible particles and magnetic fields that envelop our planet
Published: 6 September 2010
ESA's Herschel Space Observatory has detected water vapour in a location previously thought to be impossible - in the atmosphere of an ageing, red giant carbon star.
Published: 1 September 2010
Published: 1 September 2010
Published: 30 August 2010
Published: 24 August 2010
An international team of astronomers using gravitational lensing observations from the Hubble Space Telescope has taken an important step forward in the quest to solve the riddle of dark energy.
Published: 19 August 2010
Curling around itself like a question mark, the unusual looking galaxy NGC 4696 itself begs many questions. Why is it such a strange shape? What are the odd, capillary-like filaments that stretch out of it? And what is the role of a large black hole in explaining its decidedly odd appearance?
Published: 12 August 2010
Using a new image analysis technique that significantly improves the sensitivity limits reached by the IBIS imager on board INTEGRAL, the deepest survey ever of the entire sky in hard X-rays has been completed
Published: 11 August 2010
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