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News archive

The Science Programme is currently undergoing an external management review which is expected to be completed in the first half of 2007. The review is expected to have a major impact on the Science Programme of ESA over the next ten or more years.
Published: 7 August 2006
An overview of the SMART-1 mission from launch to lunar impact is presented in a new set of dedicated pages, providing details on the spacecraft's orbit and the performance of the electric propulsion system.
Published: 4 August 2006
The unique data obtained by the six Huygens experiments during the probe's descent to Titan's surface are now publicly available through the ESA planetary Science Archive (PSA), as well as the NASA Planetary Data System (PDS).
Published: 2 August 2006
The 2XMMp catalogue has recently been released and is the largest catalogue of astronomical X-ray sources ever produced, covering 285 square degrees on the sky and containing over 123 000 unique X-ray sources.
Published: 28 July 2006
Results from two recent flybys of Titan, by the Cassini spacecraft, have added to the evidence suggesting that hydrocarbon lakes exist on its surface.
Published: 25 July 2006
Only 20 days after Titan-15, Cassini returns to Titan for its seventeenth targeted encounter, Titan-16. The closest approach to Titan occurs on Saturday, 22 July, at 00:25 UT at an altitude of 950 kilometres above the surface and at a speed of 5.8 kilometres per second. The latitude at closest approach is 85° (near polar) and the encounter occurs on orbit number 26.
Published: 19 July 2006
Published in the July edition of Nature Physics, an international team led by Chinese scientists report the observational first by Cluster of the key region at the heart of the magnetic reconnection process in 3D.
Published: 18 July 2006
This call is to request for Letters of Intent from interested parties in ESA Member States and, in light of potential cooperation, in the United States for providing Solar Orbiter instruments.
Published: 11 July 2006
The Advanced Camera for Surveys aboard the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope was successfully reactivated on Friday 30 June 2006.
Published: 3 July 2006
Forty three days after Titan-14, Cassini returns to Titan for its sixteenth targeted encounter (Titan-15). The closest approach to the moon occurs on Sunday, 2 July at 09:21 UT at an altitude of 1906 km above the surface and at a speed of 5.8 kilometres per second. The latitude at closest approach is -0.4° (near equatorial) and the encounter occurs on orbit number 25.
Published: 29 June 2006
The two small Pluto moons with temporary designations S/2005 P 1 and S/2005 P 2, discovered in mid-May 2005 with the Hubble Space Telescope by Weaver et. al., have now been named by the International Astromical Union.
Published: 28 June 2006
NASA engineers continue to examine the issues surrounding a problem with the Advanced Camera for Surveys onboard Hubble. The instrument is currently off line, without any impact on the operations of the other science instruments.
Published: 28 June 2006
Presented in a recent paper by George Parks et al, unique observations of the combined Cluster and Double Star TC-1 spacecraft have revealed a new phenomenon of density holes in the solar wind, thousands of kilometres across.
Published: 20 June 2006
Based on recent observations by the Cluster and the Double Star TC-1 satellites, a team of American, European and Chinese scientists have discovered the presence of ion density holes in the solar wind, upstream of the Earth's bow shock, of thousands kilometers in size. More than 140 of such density holes were found, always observed with upstream particles (propagating against the solar wind flow), suggesting that backstreaming energetic particles interacting with the solar wind are important.
Published: 20 June 2006
Presented in a recent paper a team of astronomers led by R. Marcinkowski have shown INTEGRAL's capability to observe powerful Gamma-Ray Bursts that are located outside the telescope's field of view. The high energy radiation can pass through the lead shielding and onto the detectors. After analysis, the collected data can reveal the position on...
Published: 19 June 2006
The release of a Call for Mission Proposals has been pushed back to enable a review of the future programme by and a consolidated outcome from the SPRT.
Published: 1 June 2006
The Science Programme Committee of ESA met on 15/16 May 2006 and reviewed the status of Solar Orbiter - a mission to go inside the orbit of Mercury to get close to the Sun and climb out of the ecliptic plane to view the polar regions.
Published: 31 May 2006
The Science Programme Committee has approved the extension of the SOHO mission by more than two years, allowing the spacecraft to further extend its successful observations of the Sun.
Published: 24 May 2006
The Hubble Space Telescope has captured the first-ever picture of a distant quasar gravitationally lensed into five images by a massive cluster of galaxies.
Published: 23 May 2006
AKARI, the new Japanese infrared sky surveyor mission in which ESA is participating, saw first light on 13 April 2006 (UT). The first images were taken towards the end of a successful checkout of the spacecraft in orbit and show the enormous improvement in sensitivity and resolution compared to the IRAS satellite.
Published: 22 May 2006
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