Science Results

Science Results

An exoplanet barely larger than the Earth has been discovered by the CoRoT satellite. This was announced on 3 February at a press conference during the First CoRoT International Symposium held in Paris.
Published: 3 February 2009
The quick turn-around time of the INTEGRAL operation teams has enabled rare high-energy observations of a magnetar. The observations followed indications late last week that 1E 1547.0-5408 was in outburst mode.
Published: 27 January 2009
Archival data of serendipitous observations by INTEGRAL's optical monitoring camera have revealed the characteristics of twenty eclipsing binary stars for which the light curve had hitherto not been analyzed
Published: 19 January 2009
[14.01.2009] Cluster data have revealed that thousands of tons of hydrogen escape from the Earth's atmosphere annually. This result is detailed in the January 2009 edition of Nature Geoscience.
Published: 14 January 2009
Observations made with the OMEGA imaging spectrometer onboard Mars Express reveal very strong signatures of sulfates and ferric oxides in Aram Chaos. The presence of these chemicals may indicate that significant amounts of water were present in this area in the past.
Published: 18 December 2008
A recent article by Jonathan Eastwood on "The Science of Space Weather", published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, provides a timely insight into this subject which is relevant for ESA's Space Situational Awareness programme.
Published: 15 December 2008
Light-Toned Deposits (LTD) on the surface of Mars have been at the centre of scientific debate since their discovery by the Viking spacecraft in the late 1970's.
Published: 10 December 2008
Data collected by the NICMOS instrument on board the Hubble Space Telescope have led to the discovery of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the exoplanet HD 189733b, adding to previous detections of water and methane
Published: 9 December 2008
A recent study provides new insight into the cause of periodic substorms in Earth's magnetosphere by comparing data of these energetic events with data obtained in Jupiter's magnetosphere of similar events
Published: 5 December 2008
A recent study combining data from the VMC and the VIRTIS instruments on board Venus Express sheds light on the atmospheric conditions that are responsible for the characteristic ultraviolet features in the Venusian cloud deck
Published: 3 December 2008
Two of our Galaxy's most massive stars have been scrutinised in an impressive view by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. The new image shows them in greater detail than ever before.
Published: 24 November 2008
The Hubble Space Telescope has made the first direct observation of an exoplanet at optical wavelenghts orbiting the star Fomalhaut at a distance of about 115 AU, about 25 light years from Earth
Published: 13 November 2008
Ulysses has forever changed the way scientists view the Sun and its effect on the surrounding space. In the November 2008 issue of the ESA Bulletin Richard Marsden and Nigel Angold consider the epic voyage of this remarkable spacecraft.
Published: 31 October 2008
A team of astronomers led by Eric Michel has unambiguously detected solar-like oscillations in three main sequence F stars using data collected with the CNES/ESA CoRoT spacecraft
Published: 24 October 2008
Highlights from the recent First Joint Cluster-THEMIS workshop, held at the University of New Hampshire, 23-26 September, are presented in a series of summary articles
Published: 17 October 2008
An analysis of the 47 gamma-ray bursts detected by INTEGRAL since its launch reveals a previously unnoticed population of faint gamma-ray bursts associated with the local supergalactic structure.
Published: 13 October 2008
Rosetta's OSIRIS Narrow Angle Camera observes the galactic bulge region in a programme to detect gravitational microlensing events
Published: 9 October 2008
Data from the joint ESA/NASA Ulysses mission show that the Sun has reduced its output of solar wind to the lowest levels since accurate readings have become available. This current state of the Sun could reduce the natural shielding that envelops our Solar System.
Published: 23 September 2008
The VIRTIS instrument on-board Venus Express has provided an extensive and homogeneous multi-wavelength data set for building a detailed 3D picture of winds in the cloud layers on Venus for the entire southern hemisphere
Published: 18 September 2008
The first detection of strong, quasi-periodic oscillations (QPO) in the X-ray emission of an active galaxy (RE J1034+396), obtained with XMM-Newton, is reported in the 18 September issue of Nature
Published: 17 September 2008
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