ESA Science & Technology - Science Results
Science Results
Science Results
The discovery of a probable companion star of supernova SN1572A supports the theory of Type Ia supernovae originating in a binary system.
Published: 28 October 2004
Using data from ESA's Hipparcos satellite, a team of European astronomers has discovered several groups of 'rebel' stars in the vicinity of our Sun, that move in peculiar directions caused by our galaxy's spiral arms.
Published: 20 October 2004
During the 8th Cluster joint ESA-NASA workshop, several key topics were discussed in four working groups, covering the important physical processes in the Earth's magnetosphere and the plasma environment of near Earth space.
Published: 5 October 2004
A team of European and American scientists has produced a series of results on the flow of interstellar helium atoms within the solar system. This flow is created by the Sun's motion inside the Local Interstellar Cloud of gas and dust.
Published: 20 September 2004
A multipoint analysis of Cluster data allows, for the first time, to locate the source of NTC radiation, triggering the need for more detailed generation and propagation models to explain new findings.
Published: 17 September 2004
Published: 17 August 2004
The strong stellar wind and intense ultraviolet radiation of a young hot star is blowing a bubble into the surrounding gas. The object, known as N44F, lies in our neighbouring dwarf galaxy the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Published: 13 August 2004
ESA's Cluster spacecraft has discovered vortices of ejected solar material high above the Earth. The superheated gases trapped in these structures are probably tunnelling their way into the Earth's magnetic 'bubble', the magnetosphere.
Published: 12 August 2004
Published: 6 August 2004
Hubble has captured a subregion of the second largest star-forming region, N11, in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Published: 1 July 2004
Recent statistical studies of Cluster data have provided new insights into the origin of rapid large-amplitude magnetic variations in the centre of the Earth's magnetotail.
Published: 23 June 2004
An international team of astronomers using the world's biggest telescopes have directly measured the mass of an ultra-cool brown dwarf star and its companion dwarf star for the first time.
Published: 15 June 2004
On 18 April 2002, three cusps were consecutively observed by Cluster over the northern hemisphere. A detailed study reveals that this triple cusp was a temporal sequence rather than a spatial effect.
Published: 13 May 2004
Cluster's unique capability for multipoint measurements has provided new insights into the thickness of the Earth's bow shock with broad relevance to collisionless shocks in astrophysics.
Published: 5 April 2004
About 40 Cluster scientists gathered recently for a workshop investigating phenonmena associated with the Earth's magnetotail.
Published: 15 March 2004
A Coronal Mass Ejection has caused a chance encounter of the Ulysses spacecraft with the ion tail of one and possibly two comets.
Published: 9 February 2004
Over the next few weeks, scientists on the joint ESA-NASA Ulysses mission will be turning their attention away from the Sun, and looking at Jupiter. In early February, Ulysses will approach the giant planet for a second time - 12 years after their first encounter.
Published: 29 January 2004
On the 24th of October 2003, the SOHO spacecraft registered a huge Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), emitted by the Sun. Several hours later this eruption reached the Earth and was detected by a number of spacecraft including Cluster.
Published: 29 October 2003
Published: 6 October 2003
Observations by the DUST experiment on board Ulysses have shown that the stream of galactic stardust is highly affected by the Suns magnetic field. After the recent solar maximum, more dust is now expected to enter our Solar System.
Published: 1 August 2003
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