Status report archive

Status report archive

Overall Mission and Payload StatusAt the end of May 2005, a mass memory (SSMM) software upload was performed successfully prior to the second and third MARSIS booms deployments, with no impact on science return. Following successful and complete MARSIS deployment in the May-June time period, routine science operations of all of the Mars Express...
Published: 28 September 2005
Report for Period 26 August to 16 September 2005The reporting period covers three weeks of passive cruise, with no major activities planned and weekly ground contact with the spacecraft.
Published: 19 September 2005
Report for Period 29 July to 20 August 2005The reporting period was originally dedicated to spacecraft monitoring in Passive Cruise Mode.However, an unexpected fuel over-consumption of 20 grams and a delta-V of 2.5 mm per second weredetected off-line on data acquired during DOY 216. On DOY 220, a short pass was taken onshort-notice to confirm...
Published: 26 August 2005
Report for Period 18 July to 14 AugustOverall Status: After 5 months of Electric Propulsion pause, SMART-1's ion engine was nominally restarted as plannedon 2 August. The EP power is being set to 1325W due to the Sun distance seasonal effect.
Published: 25 August 2005
Report for Period 15-29 July 2005The reporting period was dedicated to the preparation and entry into Passive Cruise Mode. This was the first time that this mode is entered operationally during the mission. The spacecraft willremain in this low activity, low bitrate mode over the next two months.
Published: 1 August 2005
Overall StatusDuring the period 20 June to 17 July 2005, SMART-1 ground activities focused on planning and preparing for the upcoming firing of the ion drive.It is planned to exhaust all the Xenon available in the tank going beyond the design limit of 2 kg. This has required special simulations and the development of new procedures.
Published: 22 July 2005
Report for period 24 June to 15 July 2005The spacecraft is in active cruise mode. The reporting period covers the first active science phase of the mission, dedicated to the observation of the NASA Deep Impact probe's encounter with comet Tempel-1.
Published: 18 July 2005
Report for period 10 to 24 June 2005The Rosetta spacecraft is in active cruise mode and preparation activities for the observation of the NASA Deep Impact probe's encounter with comet Tempel-1 continued over the reporting period.
Published: 27 June 2005
Overall StatusDuring the period 17 May to 19 June 2005, SMART-1 activities were focused on three main tasks:Continuous Payload activities in Lunar orbit with all instruments performing nominallySelection of new optimised moon orbit for the mission extension based on available Xenon.Completion of improvements in the mission planning system.
Published: 20 June 2005
Report for period 27 May to 10 June 2005The Rosetta spacecraft is in active cruise mode in preparation for the next science phase planned for end June. The most important activity in the reporting period was a full reload of the Solid State Mass Memory (SSMM) onboard software, carried out in the period 7 to 9 June.
Published: 14 June 2005
Overall Mission and Payload StatusThe Mars Express spacecraft and payload instruments are in good condition. Mars Express payload operations were stopped on 27 April in order to perform an avoidance manoeuvre with Mars Odyssey as well as to start the MARSIS deployment phase.
Published: 31 May 2005
Report for period 13-27 May 2005The spacecraft is in active cruise mode in preparation for Rosetta's next active science phase planned for end June. In the reporting period several thermal characterisation and reconfiguration activities were carried out.
Published: 30 May 2005
Overall StatusDuring the period 25 April to 16 May 2005, SMART-1 activities were focused on two main tasks:Operational Orbit Review - ESOC 28 AprilMoon Science Activities
Published: 19 May 2005
Report for period 22 April - 13 May 2005The main activity in this three week period was the in-flight commissioning of the Near SunHibernation Mode (NSHM), during which the Rosetta spacecraft spent days in this special low activity mode, with attitude controlled via Star Tracker and thrusters only (gyroscopes and reaction wheels are inactive).
Published: 17 May 2005
Mission StatusThe two spacecraft and the instruments are operating nominally. The magnetometer data are used to derive the attitude of the spacecraft. The satellite manufacturer, CAST, has made a model of the evolution of the attitude of the two spacecraft. The spin axis of TC-1, the equatorial spacecraft, will have drifted by about 9° at the...
Published: 9 May 2005
Mission StatusThe reporting period was dominated by the preparation and execution of the first Earth swingby manoeuvre of the Rosetta spacecraft. The sequence started with a trajectory correction manoeuvre successfully executed on 17 February, which put the spacecraft on its final course to Earth. Thanks to the precision of this manoeuvre, a...
Published: 9 May 2005
Mission StatusThe first quarter of 2005 largely was marked by the start of the missions' second eclipse season. Some of the longest eclipses left only very little margin in which science operations could be conducted, yet this was successfully achieved and, with the eclipse durations getting shorter, science data taking was gradually resumed at...
Published: 9 May 2005
Mission StatusINTEGRAL operations continue smoothly with the spacecraft, instruments and ground segment performing nominally. The INTEGRAL Science Operations Centre (ISOC) completed its move from ESTEC to ESAC. After a period of parallel operations, ISOC operational responsibility was transferred to ESAC on 2005 February 3 coincident with the...
Published: 9 May 2005
Mission StatusThe four spacecraft and instruments are operating nominally. The short eclipse (less than 1 hour) season has been passed successfully. On spacecraft 1, one of the two batteries had a voltage drop about 3 minutes before the end of the eclipse and the second battery was not powerful enough to keep the spacecraft and instruments...
Published: 9 May 2005
Mission StatusXMM-Newton operations continue to run smoothly with the exception of an anomaly in one of the EPIC MOS cameras. On 9 March XMM-Newton registered an event in the focal plane of the EPIC MOS1 instrument. The characteristics of the event were reminiscent of very similar events registered in the EPIC cameras at an earlier point in the...
Published: 9 May 2005
25-Jan-2025 02:17 UT

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