Status report archive

Status report archive

Throughout the night of 30 June/1 July 2004 the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft successfully completed its Saturn Orbit Insertion manoeuvre.
Published: 1 July 2004
The second Double Star spacecraft, TC-2, has been declared ready for shipment to the launch pad by the Chinese and ESA review board.
Published: 29 June 2004
Report for Week 18 to 25 June 2004The reporting period covers the third week of Cruise 1. The main activity was a first check for availability of the MGA-S antenna, in order to select it in case of Survival Mode.
Published: 28 June 2004
Report for week 11 to 18 June 2004In the second week of the Cruise 1 phase, several activities on the AOCS (Attitude and Orbit Control System) were executed.
Published: 21 June 2004
After completing a successful trajectory correction manoeuvre on 16 June 2004, the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft is now on its final approach to Saturn. The spacecraft is operating normally and is in excellent health.
Published: 18 June 2004
The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft has passed another milestone on its way to Saturn. On 11 June the spacecraft passed within 2068 kilometres of the surface of the moon Phoebe, while travelling at a speed of 20 900 kilometres per hour (relative to Saturn). During the flyby 11 instruments on the spacecraft were targeted at the tiny moon. Initial...
Published: 14 June 2004
Report for week 4 to 11 JuneThe first part of the Rosetta Commissioning Phase was successfully completed in the reporting period. The Cruise 1 Phase formally started on 7 June 2004 and will last until the start of the second and last commissioning slot in September/October 2004. The last payload activities in this phase, the repetition of OSIRIS...
Published: 14 June 2004
The spacecraft is now flying its 302nd orbit, in good status and with all functions performing nominally. The current thrusting strategy, adopted end of May (see Status Reports #20 and #21), is progressing with thrust arcs around perigee for about one third of every revolution. The thrust arcs duration is for about 18 hours out of an orbital...
Published: 11 June 2004
Report for week 28 May to 4 JuneThe reporting period covered part of the transition from the payload commissioning activities to the start of the Cruise 1 phase, which will take place next week. The ALICE PAT test was finally and, after two cancellations due to different reasons in the past weeks, successfully carried out. The first pass of the...
Published: 7 June 2004
Report for week 21 to 28 May 2004Payload commissioning activities continued in the reporting period, with the execution of the second ROSINA commissioning slot. The DFMS and RTOF instruments were tested, with high voltage operations and the final successful acquisition of spectra from DFMS. RTOF commissioning will be completed in the autumn...
Published: 30 May 2004
Mission StatusINTEGRAL continues to run smoothly. Preparations are under way at the ISOC for the release of the INTEGRAL AO-3. This will cover observations between 18 February 2005 and 17 August 2006. The AO is expected to open on 13 September 2004 with proposals due by 29 October 2004. The planning for the move of the ISOC from ESTEC to ESAC is...
Published: 24 May 2004
Mission statusCluster is now in its 4th year of operations and the four spacecraft and instruments are working nominally. The data return was, on average, 99.7 % in March 2004 and April 2004. The VILSPA-1 and Maspalomas ground stations are operating nominally. The spacecraft will be moved away from each other from a starting distance of 250 km...
Published: 24 May 2004
Mission StatusXMM-Newton operations continue to run smoothly. The spring 2004 eclipse season went by without any problems. A problem with the elevation drive of the Kourou antenna was experienced on 22 April 2004; this required the temporary use of the Santiago ground station until the Kourou problem was fixed. The upgrade of the XMM-Newton...
Published: 24 May 2004
Mission statusThe Cassini-Huygens spacecraft is performing nominally. The in-flight engineering demonstration of the Probe Relay Sequence was executed successfully in the period 29 February-4 March. The end to-end data ground flow was also successfully tested. The 13th Probe checkout was successfully conducted on 20 March.
Published: 24 May 2004
Report for week 14 to 21 MayThe main activities in the reporting period were the touch-up deep-space manoeuvre, the second Comet Linear observation and the completion of the Lander commissioning slot 3.
Published: 24 May 2004
Mission Status The spacecraft status is nominal, with the High Gain Antenna (HGA) Z-axis in a fixed position.
Published: 24 May 2004
Active Archive Phase activitiesThe ISO Data Archive (IDA) has been enhanced in content with six new sets of Highly Processed Data Products - the results of dedicated projects focused on removing residual instrumental artefacts from the pipeline products of selected instrument modes. Products from scientifically focussed projects from the...
Published: 24 May 2004
Mission Status The Jupiter Distant Encounter (JDE) campaign that commenced on 25 January was completed successfully on 8 March. The on-board tape recorder has been switched on again, marking the end of more than 40 days of 24-hour per day real-time coverage by the Deep Space Network.
Published: 24 May 2004
Mission StatusOverall, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is operating nominally with all instruments functioning very well.
Published: 24 May 2004
Report for week 7 to 14 May 2004The most important activity in the reporting period was the execution of the first deep-space manoeuvre on 10 May. This was the most critical spacecraft activity executed since LEOP, involving a change in velocity (delta-V) of 152.8 ms-1, achieved through a continuous burn of the four on-board axial thrusters for...
Published: 18 May 2004
12-Sep-2024 21:53 UT

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