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46th ESLAB Symposium

46th ESLAB Symposium

Programme, Presentations and Abstract Book


Formation and Evolution of Moons

25-28 June 2012
European Space Agency, ESTEC
Noordwijk, The Netherlands

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Group photo of attendees at the 46th ESLAB Symposium. Credit: ESA


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The workshop abstract book can be downloaded by clicking on the image to the right (PDF file, 472 Kb).

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abstract book


Monday 25 June 2012

Registration & Welcome
12:00-14:00 Registration, posters set up
14:00-14:20 Welcome and opening remarks (O. Witasse, L. Colangeli)
Session 1 - Formation mechanisms: Moons of giant planets
Moderator: A. Coustenis
14:20 Moon formation in the context of solar system formation
A. Coustenis
14:30 Origin and evolution of Galilean satellites (Invited Talk)
O. Grasset
15:00 On the Origins of the Regular Satellites of Gas Giant Planets (Invited Talk)
P. Estrada
15:30 Final origin of the Saturn system
E. Asphaug
15:50 Coffee break
Session 1 - Formation mechanisms: Moons of giant planets
Moderator: D. Richardson
16:20 The spreading of a tidal disk as a new mechanism for satellite formation: The case of Saturn's satellites and rings and implications for Saturn's dissipation.
S. Charnoz
16:40 A general model for satellite formation: the spreading of massive rings
A. Crida
17:00 The anelastic equilibrium tide in Solar System
F. Remus
17:20-18:00 Discussion
18:15 Welcome reception (sponsored by HE Space)

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Session 1 - Formation mechanisms: Moons of Giant planets (continued from prevous day)
Moderator: S. Charnoz
09:00 The Formation Environment of the Galilean Moons
N. Turner
09:20 Dynamics of the small Saturn's moons in coupled resonances
M. El Moutamid
09:40 A study of small satellites capture in corotation resonance
E. Vieira Neto
10:00 Satellite Origin and Evolution via Three-body Encounters (Invited Talk)
C. Agnor
10:30 Coffee break
Session 2 - Mechanisms of formation: Moons of terrestrial planets
Moderator: P. Estrada
11:00 Recent advances in formation of moons of terrestrial planets
P. Estrada
11:10 On the Formation of the Martian Moons from a circum-Mars accretion disk
P. Rosenblatt
11:30 New results on the formation of the Moon: 100-years accretion timescales and implications for Earth-Moon isotopic similarities (Invited Talk)
J. Salmon
12:00 Possibility of Moon formation from debris escaped after impacts on the Earth
W. Svetsov
12:20 Earth's minimoons
M. Granvik
12:40-13:10 Discussion
13:15-14:30 Lunch
Session 3 - Formation mechanisms: Pluto, KBOs & Asteroid systems
Moderator: E. Asphaug
14:30 Multi-bodies systems
E. Asphaug
14:40 Modeling the Collisional Origin of Satellites around Large KBOs (Invited Talk)
Z. Leinhardt
15:10 Formation of Pluto's small satellites (Invited Talk)
H. Levison
15:40 Formation scenarios of asteroid binaries and implications for the science return of the MarcoPolo-R mission (Invited Talk)
P. Michel
16:10 Numerical Simulations of Small Solar System Binary Formation
D. Richardson
16:30-17:00 Discussion
17:00-18:30 Coffee break and poster session
List of posters:
Why Mercury and Venus do not have a Moon?
J. Benkhoff
Statistical co-accretion model of formation and composition of prelunar swarm
G. Pechernikova
Impact craters: the evolutionary leaders?
E. Martellato
Modeling and measuring the mass distribution inside Phobos to constrain its origin
A. Rivoldini
A database of elongated craters on Mars to study the falling moonlet hypothesis
B. Buchenberger
Tidal displacements of Phobos' surface: A key information to reveal its origin
S. Le Maistre
Deimos and Phobos compared observations by OMEGA/MEX
B. Gondet
How to improve the orbit model of Phobos using observations with ALMA?
E. Villard
Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy Capabilities for Observations of Moons
M. Burgdorf
Interaction of Phobos' surface with the Solar Wind and the Martian Environment
F. Cipriani
SCF_LAB: an infrastructure to characterize laser altimetry of icy and rocky moons
S. Dell'Agnello
A high resolution orbitrap mass spectrometer for future moon missions
S. Cornelli
A New Numerical Model for multiple systems: ODIN
L. Beauvalet
Charged Nanograins in the Plume of Enceladus
G. Jones

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Session 4 - Moons atmosphere, environment and evolution
Moderator: M. Dougherty
09:00 Interaction between moons and their environment
M. Dougherty
09:10 The origin and evolution of Titan's atmosphere (Invited Talk)
A. Coustenis
09:40 Io: A (geo-)physicist's playground (Invited Talk)
N. Thomas
10:10 Satellite-Magnetosphere Interactions (Invited Talk)
G. Jones
10:40 Plasma interactions at Titan and icy moons: evolving ionospheres
A. Coates
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Surface radiation environment of Saturn's icy moon Mimas
T. Nordheim
11:50 Magnetospheric Ion Implantation in the Icy Moons of Giant Planets
G. Strazulla
12:10 Ridge formation and de-spinning of Iapetus via an impact-generated satellite
K. Walsh
12:40-13:10 Discussion
13:15-14:30 Lunch
Session 5 - Observational constraints
Moderator: J.-P. Lebreton
14:30 Observations for origin and evolution of moons
J.-P. Lebreton
14:40 Depth of Enceladus craters: implications of surface properties on the early differentiation of icy moons
K. Degiorgio
15:00 Mimas and Enceladus: Formation and interior structure from astrometric reduction of Cassini images.
R. Tajeddine
15:20 Constraints on Moon evolution and planetary processes using SMART-1 data
B. Foing
15:40 Mars Express investigations of Phobos
O. Witasse
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 The origin of the Martian moons revisited
P. Rosenblatt
16:50 The age of Phobos (Invited Talk)
G. Neukum
17:20 Meteorite Analogs for Phobos and Deimos: Unraveling the origin of the Martian moons
P. Vernazza
17:40-18:00 Discussion
19:00 Dinner Restaurant "Het Zuiderbad", Noordwijk

Thursday 28 June 2012

Session 6 - Future missions and Instrumentation
Moderator: P. Rosenblatt
09:00 Future exploration of moons
P. Rosenblatt
09:10 Future plans for Cassini
N. Altobelli
09:30 New Horizons (Invited Talk - Cancelled)
H. Levison
10:00 JUICE: an ESA L-mission to the Jupiter system (Invited Talk)
O. Grasset and M. Dougherty
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Science and payload activities in support of the ESA Lunar Lander
J. Carpenter
11:50 The Martian Moon Sample Return mission study MMSR
D. Koschny
12:10 GETEMME: a mission to explore the Martian satellites
C. Le Poncin-Lafitte
12:30-13:00 Discussion
13:00-13:15 General conclusions



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