46th ESLAB Symposium
Programme, Presentations and Abstract Book
Formation and Evolution of Moons
25-28 June 2012
European Space Agency, ESTEC
Noordwijk, The Netherlands
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Group photo of attendees at the 46th ESLAB Symposium. Credit: ESA |
Monday 25 June 2012
Registration & Welcome |
12:00-14:00 | Registration, posters set up | |
14:00-14:20 | Welcome and opening remarks (O. Witasse, L. Colangeli) | |
Session 1 - Formation mechanisms: Moons of giant planets |
Moderator: A. Coustenis | ||
14:20 | Moon formation in the context of solar system formation A. Coustenis |
14:30 | Origin and evolution of Galilean satellites (Invited Talk) O. Grasset |
15:00 | On the Origins of the Regular Satellites of Gas Giant Planets (Invited Talk) P. Estrada |
15:30 | Final origin of the Saturn system E. Asphaug |
15:50 | Coffee break | |
Session 1 - Formation mechanisms: Moons of giant planets |
Moderator: D. Richardson | ||
16:20 | The spreading of a tidal disk as a new mechanism for satellite formation: The case of Saturn's satellites and rings and implications for Saturn's dissipation. S. Charnoz |
16:40 | A general model for satellite formation: the spreading of massive rings A. Crida |
17:00 | The anelastic equilibrium tide in Solar System F. Remus |
17:20-18:00 | Discussion | |
18:15 | Welcome reception (sponsored by HE Space) |
Tuesday 26 June 2012
Session 1 - Formation mechanisms: Moons of Giant planets (continued from prevous day) |
Moderator: S. Charnoz | ||
09:00 | The Formation Environment of the Galilean Moons N. Turner |
09:20 | Dynamics of the small Saturn's moons in coupled resonances M. El Moutamid |
09:40 | A study of small satellites capture in corotation resonance E. Vieira Neto |
10:00 | Satellite Origin and Evolution via Three-body Encounters (Invited Talk) C. Agnor |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
Session 2 - Mechanisms of formation: Moons of terrestrial planets |
Moderator: P. Estrada | ||
11:00 | Recent advances in formation of moons of terrestrial planets P. Estrada |
11:10 | On the Formation of the Martian Moons from a circum-Mars accretion disk P. Rosenblatt |
11:30 | New results on the formation of the Moon: 100-years accretion timescales and implications for Earth-Moon isotopic similarities (Invited Talk) J. Salmon |
12:00 | Possibility of Moon formation from debris escaped after impacts on the Earth W. Svetsov |
12:20 | Earth's minimoons M. Granvik |
12:40-13:10 | Discussion | |
13:15-14:30 | Lunch | |
Session 3 - Formation mechanisms: Pluto, KBOs & Asteroid systems |
Moderator: E. Asphaug | ||
14:30 | Multi-bodies systems E. Asphaug |
14:40 | Modeling the Collisional Origin of Satellites around Large KBOs (Invited Talk) Z. Leinhardt |
15:10 | Formation of Pluto's small satellites (Invited Talk) H. Levison |
15:40 | Formation scenarios of asteroid binaries and implications for the science return of the MarcoPolo-R mission (Invited Talk) P. Michel |
16:10 | Numerical Simulations of Small Solar System Binary Formation D. Richardson |
16:30-17:00 | Discussion | |
17:00-18:30 | Coffee break and poster session |
List of posters: | |
Why Mercury and Venus do not have a Moon? J. Benkhoff |
Statistical co-accretion model of formation and composition of prelunar swarm G. Pechernikova |
Impact craters: the evolutionary leaders? E. Martellato |
Modeling and measuring the mass distribution inside Phobos to constrain its origin A. Rivoldini |
A database of elongated craters on Mars to study the falling moonlet hypothesis B. Buchenberger |
Tidal displacements of Phobos' surface: A key information to reveal its origin S. Le Maistre |
Deimos and Phobos compared observations by OMEGA/MEX B. Gondet |
How to improve the orbit model of Phobos using observations with ALMA? E. Villard |
Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy Capabilities for Observations of Moons M. Burgdorf |
Interaction of Phobos' surface with the Solar Wind and the Martian Environment F. Cipriani |
SCF_LAB: an infrastructure to characterize laser altimetry of icy and rocky moons S. Dell'Agnello |
A high resolution orbitrap mass spectrometer for future moon missions S. Cornelli |
A New Numerical Model for multiple systems: ODIN L. Beauvalet |
Charged Nanograins in the Plume of Enceladus G. Jones |
Wednesday 27 June 2012
Session 4 - Moons atmosphere, environment and evolution |
Moderator: M. Dougherty | ||
09:00 | Interaction between moons and their environment M. Dougherty |
09:10 | The origin and evolution of Titan's atmosphere (Invited Talk) A. Coustenis |
09:40 | Io: A (geo-)physicist's playground (Invited Talk) N. Thomas |
10:10 | Satellite-Magnetosphere Interactions (Invited Talk) G. Jones |
10:40 | Plasma interactions at Titan and icy moons: evolving ionospheres A. Coates |
11:00 | Coffee break | |
11:30 | Surface radiation environment of Saturn's icy moon Mimas T. Nordheim |
11:50 | Magnetospheric Ion Implantation in the Icy Moons of Giant Planets G. Strazulla |
12:10 | Ridge formation and de-spinning of Iapetus via an impact-generated satellite K. Walsh |
12:40-13:10 | Discussion | |
13:15-14:30 | Lunch | |
Session 5 - Observational constraints |
Moderator: J.-P. Lebreton | ||
14:30 | Observations for origin and evolution of moons J.-P. Lebreton |
14:40 | Depth of Enceladus craters: implications of surface properties on the early differentiation of icy moons K. Degiorgio |
15:00 | Mimas and Enceladus: Formation and interior structure from astrometric reduction of Cassini images. R. Tajeddine |
15:20 | Constraints on Moon evolution and planetary processes using SMART-1 data B. Foing |
15:40 | Mars Express investigations of Phobos O. Witasse |
16:00 | Coffee break | |
16:30 | The origin of the Martian moons revisited P. Rosenblatt |
16:50 | The age of Phobos (Invited Talk) G. Neukum |
17:20 | Meteorite Analogs for Phobos and Deimos: Unraveling the origin of the Martian moons P. Vernazza |
17:40-18:00 | Discussion | |
19:00 | Dinner Restaurant "Het Zuiderbad", Noordwijk |
Thursday 28 June 2012
Session 6 - Future missions and Instrumentation |
Moderator: P. Rosenblatt | ||
09:00 | Future exploration of moons P. Rosenblatt |
09:10 | Future plans for Cassini N. Altobelli |
09:30 | New Horizons (Invited Talk - Cancelled) H. Levison |
10:00 | JUICE: an ESA L-mission to the Jupiter system (Invited Talk) O. Grasset and M. Dougherty |
11:00 | Coffee break | |
11:30 | Science and payload activities in support of the ESA Lunar Lander J. Carpenter |
11:50 | The Martian Moon Sample Return mission study MMSR D. Koschny |
12:10 | GETEMME: a mission to explore the Martian satellites C. Le Poncin-Lafitte |
12:30-13:00 | Discussion | |
13:00-13:15 | General conclusions | |
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Last Update: 1 September 2019