Status report archive

Status report archive

Report for Period 12 September - 9 October 2010 (week 37 - week 40)The reporting period, covering four weeks of Venus Express mission operations, was devoted primarily to routine science activities. In addition, a number of preparatory activities were carried out for the next atmospheric drag experiment campaign, and two orbit control...
Published: 26 October 2010
Report for Period 15 August to 11 September 2010 (week 33 - week 36)The reporting period, covering four weeks of Venus Express mission operations, was devoted to routine science activities and included the last quadrature operations. The swap from high gain antenna 1 (HGA1) to HGA2 and the associated 180° flip of the spacecraft around its Z-axis...
Published: 15 September 2010
Report for Period 18 July to 14 August 2010 (week 29 - week 32)The reporting period, covering four weeks of Venus Express mission operations, was devoted to routine science activities. On 21 July the spacecraft entered a new quadrature phase that will last until 26 August. On 28 July a few anomalies were observed relating to the solid state mass...
Published: 18 August 2010
Report for Period 20 June to 17 July 2010 (week 25 - week 28)The reporting period, covering four weeks of Venus Express mission operations, was devoted to routine science activities and has been nominal on the spacecraft side. The mission's ninth Earth occultation season, which started on 30 April 2010, has concluded on 11 July 2010. The regular...
Published: 21 July 2010
Report for Period 23 May to 19 June 2010 (week 21 - week 24)The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments continue to perform nominally. The eclipse season that started on 7 April 2010 has concluded in this reporting period. The mission's ninth Earth occultation season is ongoing and will last until 11 July 2010.
Published: 23 June 2010
Report for Period 25 April to 22 May 2010 (week 17 - week 20)The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments performed nominally during the reporting period. However, two occurrences of a minor anomaly with ASPERA led to the loss of part of the science data taken by the instrument on 27 April and on 7 May. On 30 April the mission's ninth Earth...
Published: 27 May 2010
Report for Period 28 March to 24 April 2010 (week 13 - week 16)The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments performed nominally during the reporting period. The atmospheric drag experiment (ADE) campaign #3b was performed from 11 to 16 April. Several solar array tilt experiments were carried out around the pericentre on 3 April and on the last...
Published: 4 May 2010
Report for Period 28 February to 27 March 2010 (week 9 - week 12)The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments performed nominally during the reporting period. The atmospheric drag experiment (ADE) campaign #3a concluded on 28 February. On 20 March the regular DDOR measurements were performed. A solar array tilt experiment was carried out on 25...
Published: 7 April 2010
Report for Period 31 January to 27 February 2010 (week 5 - week 8)The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments performed nominally during the reporting period. Two solar array tilting tests were successfully performed on 15 and 25 February. These were set up to validate a special solar array orientation for future atmospheric drag experiments....
Published: 9 March 2010
Report for Period 3 January to 30 January 2010 (week 1 - week 4)The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments performed nominally during the reporting period. The solar conjunction operations phase that had started on 29 December 2009 in the previous reporting period was concluded on 22 January 2010. During this phase all instruments were off....
Published: 9 February 2010
Report for Period 27 December 2009 to 2 January 2010The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments performed nominally during this week. On 29 December (DOY 363) the Venus Express operations entered the solar conjunction phase. During this phase, which will last until 22 January 2010, no science activities are planned and there are fewer, plus...
Published: 6 January 2010
Report for Period 20 December to 26 December 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments performed nominally during the reporting period. This week's activities focussed on performing the last science operations before Venus Express operations enter the solar conjunction phase on 29 December. All commands related to autonomous operations...
Published: 30 December 2009
Report for Period 13 December to 19 December 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments performed nominally during this week. The mission planning activities were focussed on the planning for the next two weeks leading up to the solar conjunction period, and for the conjunction period itself, which runs from 29 December 2009 to 22 January...
Published: 23 December 2009
Report for Period 6 December to 12 December 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments performed nominally during this week. A pre-solar conjunction test was successfully performed at Cebreros on DOY 343. The outcome of the test was the final ground station configuration set-up that will be used during the upcoming phase of Venus Express...
Published: 16 December 2009
Report for Period 29 November to 5 December 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments performed nominally during this week. Strong rain at the site of the Cebreros ground station on 29 November temporarily affected the downlink. Part of the data originally planned to be transmitted to Earth was stored aboard Venus Express and successfully...
Published: 9 December 2009
Report for Period 22 November to 28 November 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments performed nominally during this week.
Published: 2 December 2009
Report for Period 15 November to 21 November 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments performed nominally during this week. A pre-solar conjunction test with a new ground station configuration was successfully performed at New Norcia on DOY 320. The test was done in preparation of the upcoming phase of Venus Express superior conjunction...
Published: 25 November 2009
Report for Period 8 November to 14 November 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments performed nominally during this week. Routine maintenance was carried out at the Cebreros ground station on 10 and 11 November.
Published: 18 November 2009
Report for Period 1 November to 7 November 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments performed nominally during this week.
Published: 11 November 2009
Report for Period 25 October to 31 October 2009The Venus Express spacecraft and instruments performed nominally during this week.
Published: 4 November 2009
27-Jul-2024 00:54 UT

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