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Mission Timeline

Mission Timeline

Distance between the Cluster spacecraft during the mission

Launch 1


Date Time Description
16-07-00 12:39Z Launch 1 (S/C 3 + S/C 2)
  14:14Z AOS Kiruna
  18:12Z Spin-up S/C 3 completed
  18:32Z Spin-up S/C 2 completed
17-07-00 11:21 / 11:22Z Delta V1 (apogee raising)
18-07-00 08:34 / 08:38Z Delta V2 (apogee raising)
19-07-00 05:08 / 05:15Z Delta V3 (apogee raising)
19-07-00 22:58 / 23:11Z Delta V4 (apogee raising)
20-07-00 03:40 / 06:54 Slew to inclination attitude
20-07-00 22:59 / 23:47Z Delta V5 (Inclination Change)


Launch 2


Date Time Description
09-08-00 11:13Z Launch 2 (S/C 1 + S/C 4)
  12:45Z AOS Kiruna
  15:39Z Spin-up S/C 1 completed
  16:04Z Spin-up S/C 4 completed
10-08-00 15:14 / 09:54Z Delta V1 (apogee raising)
11-08-00 04:45 / 05:49Z Delta V2 (apogee raising)
12-08-00 00:10 / 00:46Z Delta V3 (apogee raising)
12-08-00 16:33 / 16:36Z Delta V4 (apogee raising)
12-08-00 20:40 / 23:45Z Slew to inclination attitude
13-08-00 16:52 / 16.50Z Delta V5 (Inclination Change)
14-08-00 18:10Z Slew to operational attitude S/C 4
15-08-00 05:24Z Slew to operational attitude S/C 1
15-08-00   Declare Main Engine not needed anymore
16-08-00   ASPOC and CIS experiment cover release
17-08-00 to 21-08-00   Radial Boom Deployment
17-08-00 to 27-08-00   Trim Manoeuvres to achieve spacecraft constellation
28-08-00   Start of Instrument Commissioning
31-01-01   End of Commissioning


Routine Operations


Date Description
01-02-01 Mission Commissioning Results Review (MCRR)
01-02-01 Start of Routine operations for minimum 24 months
01-02-01 1st central Polar cusp crossing
(600 km separation)
01-08-01 1st central Magnetotail crossing
(2000 km separation)
02-02-02 2nd central Polar cusp crossing
(100 km separation)
02-08-02 2nd central Magnetotail crossing
(4000 km separation)
01-06-02 Start of full orbit coverage
01-02-03 3rd central Polar cusp crossing
(5000 km separation)
02-08-03 3rd central Magnetotail crossing
(200 km separation)
01-02-04 4th central Polar cusp crossing
(300 km separation)
02-08-04 4th central Magnetotail crossing
(1000 km separation)
01-02-05 5th central Polar cusp crossing
(1300 km separation)
02-08-05 5th central Magnetotail crossing
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=10 000 km; C3,C4=1000 km)
01-02-06 6th central Polar cusp crossing
(10 000 km tetrahedron)
02-08-06 6th central Magnetotail crossing
(10 000 km tetrahedron)
01-02-07 7th central Polar cusp crossing
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=10 000 km // bow shock; C3,C4=450 km perpendicular to bow shock)
02-08-07 7th central Magnetotail crossing
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=10 000 km; C3,C4=40 km)
01-02-08 8th central Polar cusp crossing
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=10 000 km // magnetopause/bow shock; C3,C4=40 km perpendicular to magnetopause/bow shock)
01-05-08 C3 spacecraft tilt by 40° during one month
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=10 000 km; C3,C4=40 km)
02-08-08 8th central Magnetotail crossing
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=10 000 km; C3,C4=3000 km)
01-02-09 9th central Polar cusp crossing
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=10 000 km; C3,C4 first at 10 000 km for solar wind and then at 1000 km for auroral acceleration)
01-05-09 1st Auroral acceleration crossing
(1000 km separation)
02-08-09 9th central Magnetotail crossing
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=10 000 km; C3,C4=500 km)
01-12-09 2nd Auroral acceleration crossing
(1000 km separation)
01-08-10 10th Magnetotail crossing
(5000 km separation)
01-02-11 Solar wind crossing
(5000 km separation)
02-04-11 GI - High latitude energetic electrons
01-06-11 Solar wind crossing
(5000 km tetrahedron)
01-10-11 Auroral acceleration region
01-02-12 GI - Solar wind turbulence
01-05-12 GI - Magnetopause multi-scale
01-07-12 GI - Tail flow braking multi-scale
01-11-12 GI - Large scale flank waves configuration
01-01-13  GI - Flux transfer events
01-05-13 Auroral acceleration region
01-08-13 Inner magnetosphere
(small scale triangle C1,C3,C4 ~10-100 km)
01-11-13 GI - Cusp
01-03-14 Ring current with Swarm
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=3000 km; C3,C4=800 km)
01-08-14 Near plasmasheet
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=7000 km; C3,C4=300 km)
01-12-14 GI - Cusp repeat
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=2000 km; C3,C4=1000 km)
01-01-15 Bow shock small scales
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=4000 km; C3,C4=6 km)
01-02-15 GI - Turbulence
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=4000 km; C3,C4=6 km)
01-03-15 GI - Thrusters
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=4000 km; C3,C4=1000 km)
01-06-15 GI - Ring current with Swarm
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=4000 km; C3,C4=1500 km)
01-08-15 Tail
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=4000 km; C3,C4=500 km)
01-12-15 GI - Cusp different local time
(multi-scales: C1,C2,C3=30 000 km; C3,C4=1000 km)
01-01-16 GI bow shock 3 km
(multi-scales: largest=22 000 km, smallest=3 km)
01-02-16 GI solar wind reconnection
(multi-scales: largest=20 000 km, smallest=100 km)
01-04-16 GI bow shock structures
(multi-scales: largest=23 000 km, smallest=4000 km)
01-06-16 GI KH waves on dawn flank
(multi-scales: largest=27 000 km, smallest=5000 km)
01-08-16 Tail
(multi-scales: largest=7000 km, smallest=200 km)
01-12-16 Magnetopause
(tetrahedron: 3700 km)
01-04-17 Magnetopause
(tetrahedron: 3700 km)
01-08-17 Tail
(multi-scales: largest=7000 km, smallest=1000 km)
01-12-17 Exterior cusp different local time
(multi-scales: largest=22 000 km, smallest=6000 km)
01-02-18 Jet breaking region at perigee
(multi-scales: largest=12 500 km, smallest=2500 km)
01-10-18 High and low latitude chorus
(multi-scales: largest=67 000 km, smallest=3 km)
01-02-19 Solar wind local monitor and magnetopause
(multi-scales: largest=54 000 km, smallest=9000 km)
01-08-19 Magnetotail lobes and plasmasheet
(multi-scales: largest=40 000 km, smallest=120 km)
01-12-19 Exterior cusp sampled in altitude and local time
(multi-scales: largest=32000 km, smallest=4300 km)
01-01-20 ECS Northern polar cusp gradients
(multi-scales: largest=13500 km, smallest=3000 km)
01-05-20 ECS Southern polar cusp gradients
(multi-scales: largest=11000 km, smallest=2600 km)
01-08-20 ECS Plasmasheet magnetic holes
(multi-scales: largest=13500 km, smallest=3000 km)
01-12-20 ECS Cluster-MMS magnetopause conjunctions
(multi-scales: largest=14500 km, smallest=70 km)


Last Update: 22 July 2020
13-Mar-2025 17:44 UT

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