Theses related to the Cluster and Double Star Missions
Total: 151, of which 121 PhD Please inform Arnaud Masson of additions/omissions (Arnaud.Masson |
Liu, C., 'Multi-scale dynamics of dipolarization fronts in Earth's magnetotail', Award: PhD, Beihang University, Beijing, China |
Johlander, A., 'Ion dynamics and structure of collisionless shocks in space', Award: PhD, Institute: Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala | Thesis |
Kieokaew, R., 'Multi‐scale structure analyses of magnetopause Kelvin‐Helmholtz waves: Applications of four‐spacecraft to MHD simulations and Cluster and MMS observations', Award: Doctoral dissertation; Institute: University of Exeter, UK, 2019 | Thesis |
Schillings, A., 'How does O+ outflow vary with solar wind conditions?', Award: PhD, Institute: Luleå University of Technology, Sweden | Thesis |
Eriksson, E., 'Electron energization in near-Earth space: Studies of kinetic scales using multi-spacecraft data', Award: PhD, Institute: Uppsala University, Sweden | Thesis |
Schillings, A., 'O+ outflow during geomagnetic storms observed by Cluster satellites', Award: Licentiate thesis, Institute: Luleå University of Technology, Sweden | Thesis |
Bunescu, C., 'Auroral Field-Aligned Currents: Analysis, Structure, and Dynamics', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Prof. J. Vogt, Institute:Jacobs University Bremen, Germany, 2017 | |
Maes, L., 'The effect of solar illumination on ion outflow from the polar ionosphere', Award: PhD; Supervisor: S. Poedts, J. De Keyser, R. Maggiolo; Institute: KU Leuven, Belgium, 2017 | Thesis |
Norgren, C., 'Electron-scale physics in space plasma. Thin boundaries and magnetic reconnection', Award: PhD; Supervisor: M. André; Institute: Uppsala Universitet, Sweden, 2017 | Thesis |
Orel, I., 'Turbulence dans les plasmas spatiaux aux échelles cinétiques', Award: Master thesis; Supervisor: O. Alexandrova; Institute: Observatoire de Paris, France, 2017 | |
Romero Lopera, J., 'Statistical study of flux ropes in the plasma sheet of the magnetotail', Award: Master thesis; Supervisor: R. Nakamura; Institute: Technical University of Graz, Austria, 2017 |
Alexandrova, A., 'Magnetic Reconnection in the Earth's Magnetotail: Temporal Evolution and Spatial Characteristics', Award: PhD; Supervisors: R. Nakamura; Institute: University of Graz, Austria, 2016 | |
Eriksson, E., '3D Magnetic Nulls and Regions of Strong Current in the Earth's Magnetosphere', Award: Licentiate thesis, Institute: Uppsala University, Sweden | Thesis |
Hadid, L., 'In-situ observations of compressible turbulence in planetary magnetosheaths and the solar wind', Award: PhD; Supervisors: F. Sahraoui, P. Canu; Institute: LPP/Université Paris-Saclay, France, 2016 | |
Holzl, G., 'Study of a controlled potential on a sunlit spacecraft', Award: Master Thesis; Supervisors: R. Nakamura; Techincal University of Graz, Austria, 2016 | |
Johlander, A., 'Ion dynamics and structure of collisionless shocks', Award: Licentiate thesis, Institute: Uppsala University, Sweden | Thesis |
Lion, S., 'Analyse multi-satellite et multi-échelle de la turbulence dans le vent solaire', Award: PhD; Supervisor: F. Pantellini, O. Alexandrova; Institute: LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, France, 2016; Université Pierre et Marie Curie | Thesis |
Ryan, A., 'Large-scale vortices at the Earth's magnetopause during extreme solar events', Award: Msc thesis; Supervisors: L. Turc and O. Roberts; Institute: ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands, 2016 | |
Schmid, D., 'Magnetotail Dipolarization Fronts', Award: PhD; Supervisors: R. Nakamura and M. Volwerk; Institute: University of Graz, Austria, 2016 | |
Wang, G., 'Ultra-Low-Frequency Waves in the Magnetotail', Award: PhD; Supervisors: T. Zhang; University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, 2016 |
Alm, L., 'Cluster investigations of the extent and altitude distribution of the auroral density cavity', Award: PhD; Supervisor: G. Marklund; Institute: KTH Electrical Engineering department, Stockholm, Sweden, 2015 | Thesis |
Chasapis, A., 'Study of magnetic reconnection in turbulent plasmas using satellite data', Award: PhD; Supervisors: A. Retino and P. Canu; Institute: LPP/Université Paris Sud, France, 2015 | |
Dorville, N., 'Étude des couches frontières dans les plasmas : structure et stabilité de la magnétopause terrestre', Award: PhD; Supervisors: G. Belmont and L. Rezeau; Institute: LPP/Ecole Polytechnique/CNRS, France, 2015 | |
Hrbackova, Z., 'Spacecraft observations of waves in low-latitude magnetospheric', Award: PhD; Supervisor: O. Santolík; Institute: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015 | |
Rossi, C., 'Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the magnetopause: theory and observations', Award: PhD; Supervisors: F. Califano, L. Rezeau, A. Retino; Institute: LPP (France) and Pisa university (Italy), 2015 | Thesis |
Varsani, A., 'Microscale dynamics of the Earth's magnetopause and its boundary layer - Cluster observations', Award: PhD; Supervisor: C.J. Owen; Institute: University of London (UCL/MSSL), 2015 | Thesis |
Wang, S., 'Hot magnetospheric O+ and cold ion dynamics and their effect on the reconnection rate in magnetopause reconnection and electron heating in magnetotail reconnection', Award: PhD; Supervisor: L. Kistler; Institute: University of New Hampshire, USA, September 2015 |
Guillemant, S., 'Etude et Simulations des Phénomènes d’Interactions Satellite/Plasma et de leurs Impacts sur les Mesures de Plasmas Basses Energies', Award: PhD; Supervisors: P. Louarn, V. Génot, J.-C. Matéo-Vélez; Institute: Toulouse University, France, 2014 | |
Li, B., 'Cluster in situ studies of the auroral acceleration region', Award: PhD; Supervisor: G. Marklund; Institute: KTH Electrical Engineering department, Stockholm, Sweden, 2014 | Thesis |
Liu, Y., 'Heavy ion effects on magnetic reconnection in the Earth’s magnetotail', Award: PhD; Supervisor: L. Kistler; Institute: University of New Hampshire, USA, 2014 | |
Macusova, E., 'Analysis of whistler-mode electromagnetic waves in plasmas of the Earth's magnetosphere', Award: PhD; Supervisor: O. Santolík; Institute: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014 | |
Norgren, C., 'Lower hybrid drift waves and electron holes in the Earth's magnetosphere', Award: Licentiate thesis; Institute: Uppsala University, Sweden, 2014 | |
Roberts, O.W., 'Astrophysical turbulence in the solar wind by the use of the k-filtering method, velocity distribution functions and wave polarisation methods', Award: PhD; Institute: Aberystwyth University, UK, September 2014 | |
Turc, L., 'Interaction des nuages magnétiques éjectés par le Soleil avec l'environnement terrestre', Award: PhD; Supervisors: D. Fontaine and P. Savoini; Institute: Ecole Polytechnique, France, 2014 | Thesis |
Zhang, Z.Y., 'Study on Field-Aligned Electon in the Earth's polar region', Award: PhD; Supervisor: J. Shi; Institute: National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2014 |
Anekallu, C.R., 'Energy conversion across the Earth’s magnetopause: Observations', Award: PhD; Supervisor: M. Palmroth; Institute: Helsinki University, 2013 | |
Beyene, S., 'Understanding the Formation of Magnetic Field and Plasma Structures in the Magnetotail Via the Reconnection Process', Award: PhD; Supervisor: C.J. Owen; Institute: University of London (UCL/MSSL), 2013 | Thesis |
Slapak, R., 'O+ heating, outflow and escape in the high altitude cusp and mantle', Award: PhD; Supervisor: H. Nilsson; Institute:Luleå Tech. Univ., 2013 | Thesis |
Teubenbacher, R., 'Determination of Spin-Axis Offset of a fluxgate magnetometer using data from the electron drift instrument onboard the Cluster Satellite', Award: Msc thesis; Supervisors: R. Nakamura and M. Heyn; Institute: Graz University of Technology, Austria, 2013 | |
Viberg, H., 'Generation of electromagnetic emissions at reconnection sites', Award: Licentiate thesis; Institute: Université de Toulouse, France, and National Space Science Center (NSSC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), February 2013 | |
Wang, Z., 'Accélération Non Adiabatique des lons causée par des Ondes électromagnétiques (Observations de Cluster et Double Star) et réponse du champ géomagnétique aux variations de la pression dynamique du vent solaire', Award: PhD; Supervisor: H. Rème; Institutes: Université de Toulouse, France, and National Space Science Center (NSSC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), February 2013 | |
Zhou, Q.H., 'Study on instability and propagation characteristics of low-frequency electromagnetic waves in the magnetospheric plasma', Award: PhD; Supervisor: J. Shi; Institute: National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2013 |
Bountonas, A.E., 'Application interface to the ESA/NASA Cluster spacecraft active archive', Award: Master Thesis; Institute: University of Sussex, United Kingdom, August 2012 | |
Breuillard, H., 'Détermination des distributions d'ondes de type choeur dans la magnétosphère interne de la Terre et leur conséquences sur la dynamique de la ceinture de radiation externe', Award: PhD; Supervisor: V. Krasnoselskikh; Institute: Université d'Orléans, France, 2012 | |
Connor, H.J., 'Cusp ion structures and their relation to magnetopause processes', Award: PhD; Supervisor: J. Raeder; Institute: University of New Hampshire, USA, 2012 | Thesis |
Davey, E.A., 'The Earth's Magnetotail during Varying Levels of Geomagnetic Activity', Award: PhD; Supervisor: M. Lester; Institute: University of Leicester, UK, 2012 | |
Hietala, H.., 'Multi-spacecraft studies on space plasma shocks', Award: PhD; Supervisors: H. Koskinen; Institute: Helsinki University, Finland, 2012 | |
Sadeghi, S., 'Multi-Spacecraft Observations of the Auroral Acceleration Region', Award: PhD; Supervisor: G. Marklund; Institute: KTH Electrical Engineering department, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012 | Thesis |
Schmid, D., 'A statistical and event study of magnetotail depolarization fronts', Award: Msc thesis; Supervisors: M. Heyn and M. Volwerk; Institute: Graz University of Technology, Austria, 2012 | |
Tenerani, A., 'Dynamics of ion-scale coherent magnetic structures and coupling with whistler waves during substorms', Award: PhD; Supervisors: L. Rezeau, F. Califano, O. Le Contel; Institutes: LPP, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France) and Univ. of Pisa (Pisa, Italy), 2012 | Thesis |
Tomori, A., 'Waves and particles in the magnetosphere of the Earth', Award: Msc thesis; Supervisor: O. Santolík; Institute: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012 |
Aunai, N., 'Numerical simulation of magnetic reconnection: kinetic mechanisms underlying the fluid description of the ions', Award: PhD, Supervisors: G. Belmont and R. Smets, Institute: LPP, Paris Sud - Paris XI University, February 2011 | Thesis |
Cerny, M., 'Analysis of wave-particle interactions in space plasmas', Award: Msc thesis, Supervisor: O. Santolík, Institute: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2011 | |
Domanovic, B., 'Earth magnetic flux tube investigation using Cluster data', Award: Msc thesis, Supervisor: R. Nakamura, Institute: University of Graz, Austria, 2011 | |
Leinweber, H.K., 'In-flight calibration of space-borne Magnetometers', Award: PhD, Supervisors: G. Belmont and R. Smets, Institute: LPP, Paris Sud - Paris XI University, February 2011; Supervisors: K. Torkar and M. Friedrich, Graz University of Technology, Austria, December 2011 | Thesis |
Liao, J., 'Statistical study of O+ transport from the cusp to the plasmasheet', Award: PhD, Supervisor: L. Kistler, Institute: University of New Hampshire, USA, 2011 | |
Rossi, C., 'Small scale turbulence in the solar wind', Award: Master thesis; Supervisor: O. Alexandrova and V. Carbone; Institute: Università della Calabria, Italy, 2011 | |
Waara, M., 'High Altitude Ion Heating Observed by the Cluster Spacecraft', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Hans Nilsson, Institute: IRF, Kiruna, May 2011 | Thesis |
Walsh, B., 'Energetic Particles in the Earth's Magnetospheric Cusps', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Prof. T.A. Fritz, Institute: Boston University, USA, 2011 | Thesis |
Cai, C., 'Analysis of particle kinetics within boundary layers of the Earth's magnetosphere using Cluster and Double Star data', Award: PhD, Supervisors: Henri Rème and Iannis Dandouras, Institute: CESR, Toulouse University, UT3 Paul Sabatier, 22 June 2010 | |
Chen, C.H.K., 'Anisotropy of solar wind turbulence', Award: PhD, Supervisor: T. Horbury, Institute: Imperial College, London, UK, 2010 | |
Henley, E., 'Scales and variability of the Earth’s bow shock', Award: PhD, Supervisor: T. Horbury, Institute: Imperial College, London, UK, 2010 | |
Jacobsen, K., 'Cluster and THEMIS studies of Dayside Magnetospheric Boundary Layer Phenomena', Award: PhD, Supervisors: Jøran I. Moen, Arne Pedersen and Bjørn Lybekk, Institute: Oslo University, Norway, 2010 | Thesis |
Lukacs, K., 'Investigation of the plasma environment of the Earth based on measurements aboard spacecraft', Award: Msc thesis, Supervisor: M. Tatrallyay, Institute: Department of Astronomy, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, 2010 | |
Miao, B., 'Local structure of Earth's quasi-perpendicular bow shock', Award: PhD, Supervisor: H. Kucharek, Institute: University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire, USA, January 2010 |
Billingham, L., 'Upstream transients at planetary bow shocks', Award: PhD, Supervisor: S. Schwartz, Institute: Imperial College London, London, UK, August, 2009 | |
Burin des Roziers, E., 'Dynamics of energetic plasma sheet electrons', Award: PhD, Supervisor: X. Li, Institute: University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado, USA, October 2009 | |
Clausen, L., 'Ultra-Low Frequency Waves in the Magnetosphere', Award: PhD, Supervisor: T. K. Yeoman, Institute: Radio and Space Plasma Physics Group, University of Leicester, UK, July 2009 | Thesis |
Dai, L., 'Wave dynamics in the Geomagnetic tail', Award: PhD, Institute: University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA, December 2009 | |
Engwall, E., 'Low-energy ion escape from the terrestrial polar regions', Award: PhD, Institute: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala university, ISBN 978-91-554-7512-3, urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-100650, 2009 | Thesis |
Forsyth, C., 'Bursty Bulk Flows and Substorm-Time Magnetotail Dynamics', Award: PhD, Supervisor: M. Lester, Institute: University of Leicester, March 2009 | Thesis |
Hrbackova, Z., 'Analysis of electromagnetic waves in the vicinity of geomagnetic equator', Award: Msc thesis, Supervisor: O. Santolík, Institute: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2009 | |
Juusola, L., 'Observations of solar wind–magnetosphere–ionosphere coupling', Award: PhD, Supervisors: O. Amm and K. Kauristie, Institute: Helsinki university and FMI, 2009 | |
Kogler, C., 'Boundary detection in space plasmas with ESA’s Cluster 2 mission', Award: Msc thesis, Supervisors: M. Heyn and R. Nakamura, Institute: Graz University of Technology, Austria, 2009 | |
Liléo, S., 'Auroral electrodynamics of plasma Boundary Regions', Award: PhD, Institute: KTH electrical Engineering department, Stockholm university, Sweden, 2009 | Thesis |
Lindstedt, T., 'Magnetic reconnection and separatrix regions', Award: PhD, Supervisor: G. Marklund, Institute: Uppsala University, Sweden, 2009 | |
Musatenko, K., 'Wave characteristics analysis in the vicinity of shocks in space plasmas: CLUSTER satellite observations, numerical simulation and interpretation', Award: PhD, manuscript in Russian, French and English, pp. 172, Supervisors: V.V. Krasnosselskikh and I. Anisimov, Institute: LPC2E/CNRS and Université d'Orléans, France, June 2009 | Thesis |
Snekvik, K., 'Observations of field aligned currents in the plasma sheet. Two kinds of field aligned currents generated during magnetotail convection', Award: PhD, Supervisor: N. Østgaard, Institute: Bergen University, Norway, February 2009 | Thesis |
Walsh, A.P., 'New perspectives on Magnetotail Dynamic Processes From Combined Cluster and Double Star Observations', Award: PhD, Supervisor: A.N. Fazakerley, Institute: University College London (MSSL), 2009 | Thesis |
Wendel, D., 'Topology and convection of a Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field Reconnection Event', Award: PhD, Supervisor: P.H. Reiff, Institute: Rice University, Texas, USA, April 2009. (Outstanding thesis award in the Physics & Astronomy Department) |
Breneman, A., 'Multi-spacecraft observations of chorus dispersion and source location', Award: PhD, Supervisor: C.A. Kletzing, Institute: University of Iowa, USA, 2008 | |
Guo, J.G., 'Investigation on the mid-altitude cusp: particle dynamics and configuration', Award: PhD, Supervisor: J. Shi, Institute: National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2008 | |
Henderson, P.D., 'Cluster Multi-point Observations of the Magnetotail Plasma Sheet', Award: PhD, Supervisor: C.J. Owen, Institute: University of London (UCL/MSSL), January 2008 | |
Krupar, V., 'Investigation of lion roar emissions using the data of the Cluster spacecraft', Award: Msc thesis, Supervisor: O. Santolík, Institute: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2008 | |
Mazouz, F., 'Study of the natural emissions in the plasmasphere, related to the electron gyrofrequency using CLUSTER multi satellites data', Award: PhD, Supervisors: Pierrette Décréau and Jean Gabriel Trotignon, Institute: LPCE (Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement Terrestre et Planétaire), 30 June 2008 | Thesis |
Osman, K., 'Multi-spacecraft measurement of turbulence in the solar wind', Award: PhD, Supervisor: T. Horbury, Institute: Imperical College London, August 2008 | Thesis |
Rosenqvist, L., 'Energy transfer and conversion in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system', Award: PhD, Institute: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala university, ISBN 978-91-554-7192-7, urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-8716, 2008 | Thesis |
Blagau, A., 'Characteristics of Earth's magnetopause from Cluster measurements', Award: PhD, Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Manfred Scholer, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Treumann, Institute: Ludwig-Maximilans-Universität, Munich, December 2007 | |
Cheng, Z.W., 'Study on Field-Aligned Currents in the magnetosphere-ionospheric coupling system', Award: PhD, Supervisor: J. Shi, Institute: National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2007 | |
Cully, C., 'Electric fields and current sheet structure in magnetospheric plasmas', Award: PhD, Supervisor: R. Ergun, Institute: University of Colorado,USA, 2007 | Thesis |
Eriksson, P.T.I., 'Multi-point Measurements of Ultra Low Frequency Waves in the Terrestrial Magnetosphere', Award: PhD, Supervisor: L.G. Blomberg, Institute: Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2007 | |
Fackso, G., 'Investigations in the region upstream of the terrestrial bow shock based on measurements aboard the Cluster spacecraft', Award: PhD, Supervisor: K. Kecskemety, Institute: Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, 2007 | |
Grimald, S., 'Etude de l’émission et de la propagation du Continuum terrestre à partir des données des satellites Cluster', Award: PhD (Très honorable), Supervisor: P. Décréau, Institute: LPCE (Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l’Environnement Terrestre et Planétaire), a CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and Université d’Orléans (Orléans, France) institute, February 2007 | Thesis |
Horova, Z., 'Horova, Z', Award: MsC Thesis, Supervisor: O. Santolík, Institute: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007 | |
Krupar, V., 'Analysis of lion roar emissions', Award: Bsc thesis, Supervisor: O. Santolík, Institute: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007 | |
Laitinen, T., 'Reconnection in Earth’s magnetosphere', Award: PhD, Supervisors: T. Pulkkinen and H. Koskinen, Institute: FMI, Helsinki, Finland, 2007 | |
Maggiolo, R., 'Une étude des processus de pénétration, d'accélération et de chauffage des ions dans la magnétosphère terrestre', Award: PhD (Très honorable), Supervisor: J.-A. Sauvaud, Institute: CESR (Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements), March 2007 | |
Qureshi, M.N.S., 'Theoretical study on the nonlinear waves in space plasmas', Award: PhD, Supervisor: J. Shi, Institute: National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2007 | |
Retinò, A, 'Magnetic reconnection in space plasmas: Cluster spacecraft observations', Award: PhD, Institute: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala University, Sweden, ISBN 978-91-554-6898-9, urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-7891, 2007 | Thesis |
Teste, A., 'Aurores et échappements de particules au-dessus des calottes polaires terrestres, Observations à haute altitude par la mission Cluster', Award: PhD, Supervisor: D. Fontaine, Institute: CETP, December 2007 | |
Wenhui Li, 'Solar wind entry into the magnetosphere under northward IMF conditions', Award: PhD, Supervisor: J. Raeder, Institute: University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire, USA, 2007 | |
Zhang, H., 'Structure and Dynamics of High Latitude Magnetospheric Boundaries', Award: PhD, Supervisor: T.A. Fritz, Institute: Boston University, USA, December 2007 | Thesis |
Borg, A.L., 'A Study of magnetic reconnection events observed by the Cluster satellites in the Earth's magnetotail', Award: PhD, Supervisors: Jan Holtet and Arne Pedersen, Institute: Department of Physics, University of Oslo, September 2006 | |
Cai, C., 'Energetic Electron Region and its Acceleration Machanism in the Magnetotail Reconnection', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Masahiro Hoshino, Institute: University of Tokyo, March 2006 | |
Cao, X., 'Magnetospheric Substorms and Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetotail: Multiple Scale Analyses of Cluster II Measurements', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Z.Y. Pu, Institute: School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, July 2006 | |
Cerny, M., 'Analysis of Dispersion and Stability of Waves in Space Plasmas', BSc Thesis, Supervisor: Doc. RNDR. Ondrej Santolík, Dr., Department of Electronics and Vacuum Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006 | |
Darrouzet, F., 'Etude de la magnétosphère terrestre par l'analyse multipoint des données de la mission CLUSTER. Contributions à la caractérisation des frontières et de la magnétosphère interne', Award: PhD (Très honorable), Supervisor: Pierrette Décréau, Institute: Université d'Orléans, June 2006 | Thesis |
Engwall, E., 'Cold magnetospheric plasma flows: Properties and interaction with spacecraft', Award: Fil lic (Licentiate degree), Supervisor: Anders Eriksson, Institute: Department of Astronomy and Space Physics, Uppsala University, March 2006 | Thesis |
Fear, R.C., 'Cluster Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Flux Transfer Events', Award: PhD, Supervisor: A.N. Fazakerley, Institute: University of London (UCL/MSSL), March 2006 | Thesis |
Grison, B., 'The polar cusps: study of a key region of the interface solar wind/ magnetosphere performed with Cluster data', Award: PhD, Supervisor: N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, Institute: Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, September 2006. | Thesis |
Ilie, D., 'Dynamics and structure of the Earth's magnetopause: Analysis of Cluster Data', Award: Diploma, Supervisor: Rudolf Treumann, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, May 2006. | |
Krupar, V., 'Analysis of Lion Roar Emissions Measured on Spacecraft', BSc Thesis, Supervisor: Doc. RNDR. Ondrej Santolík, Dr., Department of Electronics and Vacuum Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006 | |
Ma, Y., 'Bursty Bulk flows in the magnetosphere', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Jinbin Cao, Institute: Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, National key laboratory for space weather of China, May 2006 | |
Macusova, E., 'Analysis of Whistler Mode Waves Using Measurements of the Cluster and Double Star Spacecraft', MSc Thesis, Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Ondrej Santolík, Dr., Department of Electronics and Vacuum Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006 | |
Masood, W., 'Electrons and Waves in Space Plasmas', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Steve Schwartz, Institute: School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, August 2006 | |
Narita, Y., 'Low Frequency Waves Upstream and Downstream of the Terrestrial Bow Shock', Award: PhD (Dr. rer. nat.), Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Glassmeier, Institute: Technischen Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig, February 2006 | |
Nemec, F., 'Low-frequency wave phenomena in the inner magnetosphere of the Earth', Award: Msc thesis, Supervisor: Ondrej Santolík, Institute: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006 | |
Penz, T., 'Reconstruction of reconnection: Theoretical considerations and applications to Cluster data', Award: PhD Doctorate, Supervisor: Prof. Helfried Biernat, Institute: Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Karl Franzens Universität, Graz, May 2006 | Thesis |
Pietras, M., 'Spacecraft eclipse operations with insufficient heating power - evaluation and proposals for new strategy', Master Thesis, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Department of Mechnical Engineering, 2006 | |
Platino, M., 'Aspects of ELF/VLF Chorus Generation Mechanism: Source Location and Motion', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Prof. U.S. Inan, Institute: Department of Electrical Engineering and the Committee on Graduate Studies, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, October, 2006 | |
Swanner, J.M., 'WBD Response to Bipolar and Tripolar Pulses: Bench Tests vs. in Flight Observations', BSc Thesis, Supervisors: J. S. Pickett and C. A. Kletzing, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA, 2006 | |
Yong Liu, 'Thermalization downstream of the bow shock', Award: PhD, Supervisors: Martin A. Lee/H. Kucharek, Institute: University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire, USA |
Alexandrova, O., 'MHD turbulence in the Earth's magnetosheath downstream of quasi-perpendicular bow shocks', Award: PhD, Supervisors: Andre Mangeney and Milan Maksimovic, Institute: LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, Universite Paris 6, November 2005 | |
Arvelius, S., 'Energization and acceleration of dayside polar outflowing oxygen', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Dr. M. Yamauchi, Institutes: Umea Univ. and IRF Kiruna, Sweden, 2005 | Thesis |
Asikainen, T., 'Observations of Energetic Particles in the Terrestrial Magnetosphere', Award: PhD, Supervisor: prof. Kalevi Mursula, Institute: Department of Physical Sciences, University of Oulu, Finland, 22 December 2005 | |
Backrud, M., 'Cluster Observations and Theoretical Explanations of Broadband Waves in the Auroral Region', Award: Fil dr (PhD), Supervisor: Jan-Erik Wahlund, Institute: Department of Astronomy and Space Physics, Uppsala University, June 2005 | Thesis |
Behlke, R., 'Dissipation at the Earth’s Quasi-Parallel Bow Shock', Award: Fil dr (PhD), Supervisor: Mats André, Institute: Department of Astronomy and Space Physics, Uppsala University, December 2005 | Thesis |
Dewhurst, J., 'Cluster Investigations of Magnetotail Processes', Award: PhD, Supervisor: C.J. Owen, Institute: University of London (UCL/MSSL), August 2005 | |
Draper, N.C., ' Multi-instrument Magnetospheric Substorm Studies', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Professor M. Lester, Institute: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester, October 2005 | |
Huttunen, E., ' Interplanetary shocks, magnetic clouds and magnetospheric storms', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Professor H. Koskinen, Institute: University of Helsinki, 2005 | |
Kis, A., 'Energetic ions at Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Martin Scholer, Institute: Ludwig-Maximilans-Universität, Munich, September 2005 | |
Knetter, T., 'A new perspective on the solar wind micro-structure due to multi-point observations of discontinuities', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. F.M. Neubauer, Institute: Univ. Köln, Cologne, Germany | Thesis |
Longmore, M., 'Multi-spacecraft observations at Earth's bow shock and a survey of the dayside magnetosheath', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Prof. Steve J. Schwartz, Institute: Queen Mary, University of London, December 2005 | |
Retinò, A., 'Magnetic reconnection at the Earth's magnetopause: Cluster spacecraft observations at different scales', Award: Fil lic (licentiate degree), Supervisor: Mats André, Institute: Department of Astronomy and Space Physics, Uppsala University, October 2005 | Thesis |
Rosenqvist, L., 'The impact of strongly magnetized high speed solar wind on the Earth«s magnetosphere-ionosphere system', Award: Fil lic (licentiate degree), Supervisor: Stephan Buchert, Institute: Department of Astronomy and Space Physics, Uppsala University December 2005 | |
Soucek, J., 'Non-linear Processes Associated with Langmuir Waves in the Terrestrial Foreshock', Award: PhD Thesis, joint program of University of Orelans, Orleans, France, and Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005 | |
Sundkvist, D., 'Space Plasma Dynamics: Instabilities, Coherent Vortices and Covariant Parametrization', Award: Fil dr (PhD), Supervisor: Jan-Erik Wahlund, Institute: Department of Astronomy and Space Physics, Uppsala University, November 2005 | Thesis |
Huang, Z.Y., 'Temporal/Spatial Structure at the High-Latitude Magnetopause: Cluster Observations of Magnetopause Boundary Layers at High-Latitudes', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Z.Y. Pu, Institute: School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, July 2004 | |
Lavraud, B., 'Les Cornets Polaires Extérieurs de la Magnétosphère Terrestre: Analyse des Données de la Mission Cluster', Award: PhD with Honours, Supervisor: Prof. Henri Rème, Institute: CESR (Toulouse), January 2004 | |
Thompson, S., 'Magnetotail current sheet structure and dynamics from multi-point spacecraft measurements', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Margaret Kivelson, Institute: UCLA, Los Angeles, USA, 2004 | |
Vallat, C., 'Etude du Courant Annulaire de la Magnétosphère Terrestre à l'Aide des Données Obtenues à Bord des Quatre Satellites du Projet Cluster', Award: PhD with Honours, Supervisor: Iannis Dandouras, Institute: CESR (Toulouse), December 2004 |
Behlke, R., 'Observations by the Cluster satellites at the Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock', Award: Fil lic (licentiate degree), Supervisor: Mats André, Institute: Department of Astronomy and Space Physics, Uppsala University, May 2003 | Thesis |
Borälv, E., 'Substorm Features in the High-Latitude Ionosphere and Magnetosphere: Multi-Instrument Observations', Award: Fil dr (PhD), Supervisor: Prof. Hermann Opgenoorth, Institute: Department of Astronomy and Space Physics, Uppsala University, June 2003 | Thesis |
Eastwood, J. , 'The terrestrial foreshock as observed by the multi-spacecraft Cluster mission, Award: PhD, Supervisor: Prof. André, Institute: Imperial College London, University of London, November 2003 | |
Khotyaintsev, Y., 'Alfvén Waves and Energy Transformation in Space Plasmas', Award: Fil dr (PhD), Supervisor: Kristof Stasiewicz, Institute: Department of Astronomy and Space Physics, Uppsala University, January 2003 | Thesis |
Marchaudon, A., 'Etude multi-instrumentale de la dynamique des structures aurorales côté jour et côté nuit : couplage avec la magnétosphère et le milieu interplanétaire', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Jean-Claude Cerisier, Institute: Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin, October 2003 | |
Oksavik, K., 'A study of temporal and spatial variations in the polar cusp/cleft region using multi-instrument techniques', Award: PhD Doctorate, Supervisors: Finn Soraas and Joran Moen, Institute: Department of Physics, University of Bergen, January 2003 | Thesis |
Sahraoui, F., 'Etude des fluctuations magnètiques dans la magnètogaine terrestre: vers une interprètation dans le cadre d’une thèorie de turbulence faible de la MHD-Hall, Award: PhD, Supervisors: Gérard Belmont and Laurence Rezeau, Institute: Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin, May 2003 | |
Tjulin, A. 'Waves in space plasmas: Lower hybrid cavities and simple-pole distribution functions', Award: Fil dr (PhD), Supervisor: Mats André, Institute: Department of Astronomy and Space Physics, Uppsala University, September 2003 | Thesis |
Vontrat-Reberac, A., 'Etude des cornets polaires : observations in-situ et signatures ionosphériques', Award: PhD, Supervisor: Dominique Fontaine, Institute: Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin, June 2003 |
Pitout, F., 'The Polar Cusp and its Ionospheric footprint: Dynamics and Transients', Award: Fil dr (PhD), Supervisor: Prof. Hermann Opgenoorth, Institute: Department of Astronomy and Space Physics, Uppsala University, December 2002 | Thesis |
Last Update: 21 October 2021