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Gaia proceeds to Phase B1

Gaia proceeds to Phase B1

5 March 2004

On 2-3 March, separate presentations were made by Alcatel/Alenia and EADS-Astrium to ESA representatives (from the Gaia project and outside) and the Gaia Science Team. Extensive presentations summarised the activities which have been carried out under the parallel System Level Technical Assistance Contracts which have been running with these industrial teams for the past two years. As a result, authorisation has been given for Gaia to enter Phase B1, the detailed definition phase, which is expected to start in April 2004, and which will extend for 1 year. Gaia therefore continues to remain on schedule for a launch in 2010.
Last Update: 1 September 2019
25-Mar-2025 18:02 UT

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