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Mercury Planetary Orbiter Instruments

Mercury Planetary Orbiter Instruments

On 26 February 2004, ESA issued the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) payload request for proposals. On 15 May 2004 the proposals were received and evaluated by the international Payload Review Committee (PRC), assisted by the ESTEC teams and the industrial definition study contractors.

The Science Programme Committee (SPC) in November 2004 unanimously approved the PRC recommended payload for a feasibility and definition phase of one year. In November 2005 the SPC confirmed the selected BepiColombo payload. The payload for the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (Mio) was selected by the Japanese space exploration agency JAXA.


BELA – BepiColombo Laser Altimeter
Co-Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator
Nicolas Thomas
University of Bern, Department of Space Research, Bern
Hauke Hussmann
DLR Institut für Planetenforschung, Berlin
ISA – Italian Spring Accelerometer
Principal Investigator
Valerio Iafolla
INAF-IAPS (Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali), Rome
MPO-MAG – Magnetic Field Investigation
Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator
Daniel Heyner
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Geophysik und extraterrestrische Physik (IGeP), Braunschweig
Chris Carr
The Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London
United Kingdom
MERTIS – Mercury Radiometer and Thermal Imaging Spectrometer
Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator
Harald Hiesinger
University of Münster, Institut für Planetology, Münster
Jörn Helbert
DLR Institut für Planetenforschung, Berlin
MGNS – Mercury Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer
Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator
Igor Mitrofanov
Russian Academy of Sciences, Space Research Institute - IKI,
Russian Federation
Leonid Gurtvits
Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe - JIVE, Dwingeloo
The Netherlands
MIXS – Mercury Imaging X-ray Spectrometer
Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator
Emma Bunce
Space Research Centre,
University of Leicester, Leicester
United Kingdom
Karri Muinonen
University of Helsinki, Department of Physics, Helsinki
MORE – Mercury Orbiter Radio science Experiment
Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator
Luciano Iess
University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome
Sami Asmar
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena
PHEBUS – Probing of Hermean Exosphere by Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator
Eric Quémerais
LATMOS-IPSL, Guyancourt
I. Yoshikawa
The University of Tokyo
Oleg Korablev
Space Research Institute-IKI, Moscow
Russian Federation


SERENA – Search for Exosphere Refilling and Emitted Neutral Abundances (neutral and ionised particle analyser)
Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigators Co-Principal Investigators
Stefano Orsini
INAF-IAPS (Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali), Rome
Stefano Livi
Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas
Stas Barabash
Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF), Kiruna
Herbert Lichtenegger
Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz
SIMBIO-SYS – Spectrometers and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory - HRIC, STC, VIHI
Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigators Co-Principal Investigators
Gabriele Cremonese
INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
Fabrizio Capaccioni
INAF-IAPS (Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali), Rome
Pasquale Palumbo
DiST - Università Parthenope, Napoli, Italy
Principal Investigator Emeritus
Enrico Flamini
ASI Acting Director of Observation of the Universe, Rome
Yves Langevin
Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS), Orsay
Alain Doressoundiram
LESIA-Observatoire de Paris, Meudon
SIXS – Solar Intensity X-ray and particle Spectrometer
Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator
Juhani Huovelin
University of Helsinki, Department of Physics, Helsinki
Manuel Grande
Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth
United Kingdom


Last Update: 17 April 2020
6-Oct-2024 11:53 UT

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