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Ground Based View of Venus

Ground Based View of Venus

Date: 10 September 2006
Depicts: Venus in R,G,B and V bands and two Schott longpass filters
Location: Vlaardingen, The Netherlands
Copyright: Arnaud van Kranenburg

These views of Venus were obtained by Arnaud van Kranenburg on 10 September 2006, using a Celstron C9.25 telescope with a set of RGB filters (Astronomik) and a Violet bandpass filter at 390 nm, as well as two Schott longpass filters.  

Observing Log Details

Subject: Venus
Date and time: 2006/09/10 5:48-6:55 (UT)
235mm SCT at f/36
SKYnyx 2-0
CM: 167.9
Seeing 4/10, Trans 6/10

Seeing was worse than yesterday, although visually it was hard to distinguish. The Violet image is of poorer quality though. I was able to obtain an entire set of images at different wavelenths.

The 1000 nm longpass shows detail again, but only at strong contrast and wavelet enhancement. I also added contrast and wavelet enhancements to the blue channel, which then shows the same markings as the Violet image.

Venus is getting closer and closer to the Sun and I suspect these will be the last violet images I will be able to obtain before the conjuction.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
26-Sep-2024 23:02 UT

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