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Outreach resources

Outreach resources

This page collates a number of outreach resources for the BepiColombo mission that can be found on the ESA websites.


Media kits

BepiColombo launch, 20 October 2018 - Media Kit
Interactive media kit to learn more about the launch of BepiColombo on 20 October 2018, the journey to Mercury, and the mission's science goals.

Fact sheet and infographics

BepiColombo mission facts
Summary of the BepiColombo mission facts with a set of two infographics.
BepiColombo key messages BepiColombo monitoring cameras
BepiColombo science themes BepiColombo journey to Mercury
From Messenger to BepiColombo BepiColombo Venus flyby science
MPO's science instruments BepiColombo arrival at Mercury timeline
MMO's science instruments BepiColombo: operating in extreme environments
BepiColombo launch and separation timeline Quick look Mercury facts

Mission brochure

BepiColombo - Investigating Mercury's mysteries
BepiColombo is Europe's first mission to Mercury, and consists of two scientific orbiters: ESA's Mercury Planetary Orbiter and JAXA's Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter. This ESA Brochure (BR-335) describes the unique mission to our Solar System's innermost planet.

Cartoon series

To Europe's spaceport!
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
Watch the video in ESA's gallery.
The epic adventures of BepiColombo - Part 1: to the launch pad!
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
Watch it in ESA's gallery in one of six languages:
  en   fr   de   it   es   ja

Memory game

BepiColombo Memory game
Test your memory and get to know the BepiColombo mission and its journey to Mercury. The memory game can be downloaded (PDF, 4 MB) and printed from your home computer.

Mission poster

BepiColombo mission poster
The mission poster can be downloaded in jpg format.

Images and videos

BepiColombo > illustrations > artist's impressions
BepiColombo > photos > launch campaign
BepiColombo > photos > test campaign
BepiColombo > videos > test campaign
BepiColombo > all images
BepiColombo > all videos
BepiColombo > gallery on ESA Portal > all images
BepiColombo > gallery on ESA Portal > all videos
Last Update: 18 February 2020
26-Mar-2025 00:26 UT

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