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Outreach Resources

Outreach Resources

This page collates a number of different outreach resources that can be found on the ESA websites.


Media Kits

Gaia Data Release 2, 25 April 2018 - Media Kit
Background information (pdf file) about the mission and the second data release. Includes chapters about how Gaia maps the sky, the role of DPAC, the demands of operating the spacecraft, and the history of astrometry.

Gaia Data Release 1, 14 September 2016 - Media Kit
Background information (pdf file) about the mission. Includes chapters about how Gaia maps the sky, the role of DPAC, the demands of operating the spacecraft, and the history of astrometry.


Gaia: ESA's galactic census
A glossy brochure summarising the mission, the spacecraft and the key science goals. Download in pdf format. 

Virtual Reality

Gaia Data Release 2 - Virtual Reality resources
Several resources have been developed to visualise the extraordinary data set of the Gaia Data Release 2, both for public outreach and scientific exploitation purposes. The different resources are available from

Data visualisation

Gaia's stellar family portrait
Explore Gaia's second data release with this interactive visualisation of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, the family portrait of stars in our Milky Way.

Posters and flyers

Gaia mission poster
The mission poster can be downloaded in JPG format. 
Gaia flyer
A double-sided A4 summary sheet, or flyer, of the Gaia mission can be downloaded in pdf format. It is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
Gaia mission posters
The Gaia Project Scientist's Support Team have produced posters covering different aspects of the mission: Gaia Mission Overview, The Gaia Spacecraft and Instruments, From Observation to Catalogue, Data Processing and Analysis Consortium, and Gaia's Scientific Rewards. These are available in pdf format.


Episode 6: Charting the Galaxy - from Hipparcos to Gaia can be viewed online or downloaded in different formats. The vodcast is available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.


Image & Video archive

The Science and Technology web site hosts a large archive of images which have been provided by, or on behalf of, the Gaia project and collaborators. Our search interface allows you to search this extensive archive by keyword, media type, date and mission. Below are listed a number of quick links which will retrieve from the archive the media that matches the preset queries. Personalised queries can be performed using the Image and Video Archive search interface at

Preset queries:

All media types: Query by type of media

All Gaia images retrieve
All Gaia videos retrieve


Images: Specific topic queries for Gaia

Spacecraft > photographs > launch site retrieve
Spacecraft > photographs > construction and testing retrieve
Spacecraft > artist's impressions retrieve
Spacecraft > focal plane array & CCDs retrieve
Spacecraft > mirrors retrieve
Spacecraft > payload module retrieve
Spacecraft > service module retrieve


ESA videos

Keeping Gaia's memory

Time lapse of Soyuz flight VS06, with Gaia

Gaia launch event at ESOC

Gaia science -
unlocking the Milky Way

Gaia mission

Gaia technology

Gaia - Building on the legacy of Hipparcos


Other websites
ESA's website for the Gaia scientific community
Gaiaverse: A dissemination portal on ESA's Gaia mission developed within the GENIUS project
Data archives

ESA Gaia Archive:
Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS):
ASI Science Data Center (ASDC):
Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ARI):
Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP):


Last Update: 1 September 2019
23-Mar-2025 12:22 UT

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Images And Videos

Related Publications

Related Links

See Also


Gaia EDR3 stories