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Non-Refereed Publications of the Cluster and Double Star Missions

Non-Refereed Publications of the Cluster and Double Star Missions


List of non-refereed publications as of 30 September 2021

Total: 342

Please inform Arnaud Masson (
of additions/omissions


Darrouzet F., De Keyser J. and Décréau P., Cluster and Demeter satellite data in ESPAS, pp.47-55, in "The ESPAS e-infrastructure: Access to data from near-Earth space", edited by Anna Balehaki, Mike Hapgood and Juergen Watermann,, doi: 10.1051/978-2-7598-1949-2, EDP Science, 2017


Amin, C., B. Sousa, M. Arza, M. Bartesaghi, T. Costa, Cluster Multiple Spacecraft Per Aperture Operations, 14th international conference on space operations, Daejon Korea, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2016

Costa, T., F. Rother, R. Steel, B. Fairclough, B. Sousa, A. Olchawa, C. Vicente, Cluster ground segment upgrade: dealing with obsolescence to extend the mission even further, 14th international conference on space operations, Daejon Korea, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2016

Faerber, N., S. Fratini, N. Policella, M. Bartesaghi, T. Costa, Cluster-II: Using Artificial Intelligence for Automated Ground Station Scheduling, 14th international conference on space operations, Daejon Korea, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2016

Pinzan, G., M. Bartesaghi, B. Sousa, 14th international conference on space operations, Daejon Korea, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2016

Sousa, B., A. Donati, E. Özcan, R. Van Egmond, R. Jansen, J. Edworthy, R. Peldzus, Y. Voumard, 14th international conference on space operations, Daejon Korea, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2016


Funke, Q., K. Merz, S. Lemmens, R. Kanzler, T. Lips, D. Sieg, G. Ziegler, R. Letor, B. Sousa, D. Salt, R. Southworth, H.-J. Volpp, End-of-life disposal from highly eccentric orbits, IAC, 2015

Merz, K., H. Krag, S. Lemmens, Q. Funke, S. Böttger, D. Sieg, G. Ziegler, A. Vasconcelos, B. Sousa, H.-J. Volpp, R. Southworth, Orbit Aspects of End-Of-Life Disposal from Highly Eccentric Orbits, ISSFD conference, 2015

Volpp, J., D. Sieg, Cluster-II mission after 14 years – Operations beyond its design limits, in Space Operations: Innovations, Inventions, and Discoveries, Craig Cruzen, et al. (eds.), Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, 249, Reston, AIAA, 2015


Dunlop, M.W., Q.-H. Zhang, Y.V. Bogdanova, Y.Y. Yang, H. Luhr, C. Shen, J.-B. Cao, M.G.G.T. Taylor, Science opportunities for swarm-cluster coordination: surveying the ring current and FACs, General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, XXXIth, URSIGASS, ISBN 978-1-4673-5225-3, 2014

Masson, A., C.P. Escoubet, H. Laakso, C. Perry, S. McAffrey, D. Herment, B. Martinez, T. Klos, Cluster Science Archive: the ESA long term archive of the Cluster mission, NETworking technologies for efficient SPACE data dissemination and exploitation workshop proceeding, Springer, Ahtens, Greece February 18-19, 2014

Volpp, J., Sieg, D., The Cluster mission after 13 years, Operations beyond its design limits, SciOps conference, 2014

Voss, D., Synopsis: Asymmetric reconnections, Physical Review Letters, 112,, 2014


Bartesaghi, M., S. Sangiorgi, J. Volpp, The Cluster Experience - Successful Planning of a Space Mission against the Challenges of an ageing Spacecraft Fleet, 8th International Workshop on Planning & Scheduling for Space (IWPSS), 25-27 March 2013

Forsyth, C., Fazakerley A.N., Walsh A.P., Owen C.J., Electron matching above the aurora. Astronomy & Geophysics 54:6.45-6.47, 2013

Volwerk, M., The Earth's magnetotail as a plasma physics laboratory: A Cluster perspective, APS Conference Series, Vol. 470 Giovanna Pugliese, Alex de Koter and Marion Wijburg, eds., 370 Years of Astronomy in Utrecht, 470, 227, 2013


Blecki, J., M. Parrot, S. Savin, and R. Wronowski, Can the relativistic maser mechanism cause the strong emissions registered by Cluster and Demeter satellites in the polar cusp?, Proceedings of the seventh International Workshop on Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions, edited by H.O. Rucker et al., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 269, 2011

Forsyth, C. and A.N. Fazakerley, Cluster at the Royal Society, Astronomy & Geophysics, 52, 5, 25-27, 2011

Lakhina, G.S., S.V. Singh, A.P. Kakad, and J.S. Pickett, Soliton Model for Broadband Electrostatic Noise, General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2011 XXXth URSI, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-20 Aug. 2011, IEEE Xplore, doi 10.1109/URSIGASS.2011.6051054, 2011

Moiseenko, I., M. Mogilevsky, D. Chugunin, T. Romantsova, and J. Hanasz, Waveguide modes in the AKR source, Proceedings of the seventh International Workshop on Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions, edited by H.O. Rucker et al., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 253-259, 2011

Mutel, R.L., I.W. Christopher, J.D. Menietti, D.A. Gurnett, J.S. Pickett, A. Masson, A. Fazakerley, and E. Lucek, RX and Z Mode Growth Rates and Propagation at Cavity Boundaries, Proceedings of the seventh International Workshop on Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions, edited by H.O. Rucker et al., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 241-252, 2011

Schreiber R., J. Hanasz, and M. Panchenko, AKR sources positions- Interball 2 vs Cluster observations, Proceedings of the seventh International Workshop on Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions, edited by H.O. Rucker et al., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 261-268, 2011

Shao, X., S.F. Fung, L.C. Tan, and A.S. Sharma, Acceleration of Magnetospheric Relativistic Electrons by Ultra‐Low Frequency Waves: A Comparison between Two Cases Observed by Cluster and LANL Satellites, AIP Conf. Proc., 1320, 35, 2011

Taylor, M., A. Masson, P. Escoubet, H. Laakso, J. Volpp, M. Hapgood, The legendary Cluster quartet: Celebrating ten years fling in formation, ESA Science bulletin, 145, February 2011

Titova, E., B. Kozelov, A. Demekhov, O. Santolik, E. Macusova, J.-L. Rauch, J.G. Trotignon, D. Gurnett, and J. Pickett, Testing of the Backward Wave Oscillator Model by Using the Spectral Characteristics of VLF Chorus Elements, General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2011 XXXth URSI, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-20 Aug. 2011, IEEE Xplore, doi 10.1109/URSIGASS.2011.6051150, 2011

Turler, M., Cluster satellites observe plasma jets in situ, CERN Courier, 51, 6, 2011



Green, L., Forsyth, C., Wild, J., Meeting Report: Looking ahead for space science, Astronomy & Geophysics, 51, Issue 3, 23-24, 2010

Heikkila, W.J., Earth's Magnetosphere: formed by the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer, Elsevier Science, pp. 536, First edition (1 Oct 2010)

Walsh, A.P., C. Forsyth, A.N. Fazakerley, C.H.K. Chen, E.A. Lucek, J.A. Davies, C.H. Perry, S.N. Walker, M.A. Balikhin, 10 years of the Cluster mission, Astronomy&Geophysics, 51, 5.33-5.36, 2010


Appel, P., D. Fornarelli, S. Foley, W. Heinen, A. Accomazzo, Cluster automation initiative lessons learned, AIAA 2008-3256-112; Heidelberg, SpaceOps 2008

Sangiorgi, S., P. Servan, M. Schautz, J. Volpp, Cluster spacecraft batteries through the 2nd mission extension, Konstanz/Germany, Proc. eigth European Space power Conference, ESA SP-661, 2008

Volpp, J., J. Godfrey, S. Foley, D. Fornarelli, C. Pullig, P. Servant, P. Appel, S. Sangiorgi, Nursing 4 Cluster spacecraft with aging batteries through eclipses, AIAA 2008-3278-742; Heidelberg, SpaceOps 2008


W. Baumjohann, B.P. Besser, Willi Riedler - ein Feuerwerk. In Willi Riedler 75, ed. by K. Friedrich, W. Wallner, Graz, pp. 107-120, 2007

Pallaschke, S. I. Munoz, J. Rodriguez-Canabal, D. Sieg, J.J. Yde, Cluster: Mission Overview and End-of-life Analysis, Proc. twentieth Intern. Symposium of Space Flight Dynamics, Annapolis, MD, USA, 2007

Volpp, J., J. Godfrey, S. Foley, S. Sangiori, P. Appel, M. Pietras, P. Escoubet, H. Fiebrich, M. Schautz and Bernd Lehmann, Sleeping satellites, Nursing Cluster through critical eclipses, ESA bulletin, 129, pp. 26-32, February 2007


Aasnes, A., R.W.H. Friedel, B. Lavraud, G. Reeves, P. Daly, H. Rème, and A. Balogh, A statistical survey of tail plasma sheet energetic electrons, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Alexandrova, O., A. Mangeney, M. Maksimovic, Incompressible Magnetic Vortices: Magnetosheath CLUSTER Observations, Proc. Int. Conf. Problems of Geocosmos, St. Petersburg State University, pp. 3-7, 2006

Amm, O., R. Nakamura, H.U. Frey, Y. Ogawa, M. Kubyshkina, A. Balogh, and H. Rème, Substorm topology in the ionosphere and magnetosphere during a flux rope event in the magnetotail, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Angelopoulos, V., THEMIS in relation to Cluster and Double Star, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Arvelius, S., M. Yamauchi, H. Nilsson, R. Lundin, H. Rème, M.B. Bavassano-Cattaneo, G. Paschmann, A. Korth, L.M. Kistler, and G.K. Parks, Statistical study of reltationships between dayside high-altitude/-latitude O+ outflows, solar winds, and geomagnetic activity, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Asano, Y., R. Nakamura, A. Runov, W. Baumjohann, T. Takada, I. Shinohara, A. Balogh, B. Klecker, H. Rème: Formation of the thin current sheets in substorms and its relation to magnetic reconnection. Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Substorms, ed. by M. Syrjäsuo and E. Donovan, Calgary, pp. 7-11, 2006

Bates, I., H. Alleyne, K. Yearby, S.Walker, A. Buckley, and T. Carozzi, Digital wave processor data in the Cluster Active Archive, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Bavassano Cattaneo, M.B., M.F. Marcucci, A. Retinò, G. Pallocchia, H. Rème, I. Dandouras, E. Moebius, B. Klecker, C.W. Carlson, A. Korth, R. Lundin, and A. Balogh, Ion kinetic features around a lobe reconnection site, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Behlke R., H. Kucharek, S.D. Bale, M. André, and E. Lucek, The electrostatic potential at the Earths quasi-parallel bow shock, Proceedings of the sixth International Workshop on Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions, edited by H.O. Rucker et al., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 307, 2006

Blecki, J., N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, M. Parrot, S. Savin, E. Amata, R. Bucik, R. Wronowski, Instability of the nergetic electron beams in the polar cusp-observations by Cluster and Interball, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Bogdanova, Y.V., A. Marchaudon, C.J. Owen, M.W. Dunlop, H.U. Frey, J.A. Wild, A.N. Fazakerley, B. klecker, J.A. Davies, and S.E. Milan, Mechnism for the formation of the high-altitude stagnant cusp: Cluster and SuperDARN observations, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Bogdanova, Y.V., C.J. Owen, A.N. Fazakerley, B. Klecker, H. Rème, Cluster observations of the electron edge of the low-latitude boundary layer at mid-altitudes, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Bonnet, R.M., Soho, Cluster, Double Star- the Sun and the Earth, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Canu, P, P. Décréau, S. Escoffier, N. Conilleau-Wehrlin, D. Fontaine, M. Dunlop, J.G. Trotignon, J.L. Rauch, and T. Carozzi, A search for electron scale structures close to the magnetopause, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Canu, P., P. Décréau, S. Escoffier, and S. Grimald, Observation of continuum radiation close to the plasmapause: evidence for small scale sources, Proceedings of the sixth International Workshop on Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions, edited by H.O. Rucker et al., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 289-298, 2006

Chaizy, P.A., M.A. Hapgood, T.G. Dimbylow, M.G. Hutchinson, P.M. Allan, Improving science operations for future missions, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Constantinescu, O.D., K.-H. Glassmeier, R. Truemann, U. Motschmann, and K.-H. Fornaçon, Wave source locations in the bowshock and adjacent regions, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., D. Attié, G. Belmont, L. Rezeau, P. Robert, H.St.C. Alleyne, K. Yearby, A. Balogh, C. Carr, Comparison of ULF waves at magnetopause crossings at different latitudes, as seen by the Cluster and Double Star STAFF experiments, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Cully, C.M., R.E. Ergun, E. Lucek, A. Eriksson, D.N. Baker, and C. Mouikis, Forced current sheet in a flapping magnetotail, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Substorms, ed. by M. Syrjäsuo and E. Donovan, pp. 43-48, Calgary, 2006

Daly, P.W., and S. Mühlbachler, Cluster Active Archive - the RAPID contribution, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Dandouras, I., A. Barthe, E. Penou, H. Rème, S. McCaffrey, C. Vallat, L.M. Kistler, and the CIS Team, Archival of the Cluster ion spectrometry (CIS) data in the Cluster active archive (CAA), Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Dandouras, I., V. Pierrard, J. Goldstein, C. Vallat, G.K. Parks, H. Rème, M. McCarthy, L. M. Kistler, B. Klecker, A. Korth, M.-B. Bavassano-Cattaneo, P. Escoubet, and A. Masson Cluster multipoint observations of ionic structures in the plasmasphere by CIS and comparison with IMAGE-EUV observations and with model simulations, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Darrouzet, F., J. De Keyser, P.M.E. Décréau, D.L. Gallagher, V. Pierrard, J.F. Lemaire, B.R. Sandel, I. Dandouras, H. Matsui, M. Dunlop, J. Cabrera, A. Masson, P. Canu, J.G. Trotignon, J.L. Rauch, and M. André, Plasmaspheric plumes: Cluster, IMAGE and simulations, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

De Keyer, J, M. Roth, M.W. Dunlop, H. Rème, C.J. Owen, and G. Paschmann, Solar Wind pressure and the position of the mangnetopause, a Cluster perspective, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Dunlop, M.W., Balogh, A., Q-Q. Shi, Z. Pu, C. Vallat, P. Robert, S. Haaland, C. Shen, J.A. Davies, K.-H. Glassmeier, P. Cargill, F. Dazzouzet and A. Roux, The Curlometer and other gradient measurements with Cluster, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Dunlop, M.W., M.G.G.T. Taylor, J.A. Davies, Z. Pu, A.N. Fazakerley, C.J. Owen, Y.V. Bogdanova, F. Pitout, H. Laakso, Q.-G. Zong, C. Chen, K. Nykyri, B. Lavraud, S.E. Milan, Z.-X. Liu, C.P. Escoubet, H. Rème, C.M. Carr, T.D. Phan, M. Lockwood, and B. Sonnerup, Comparative Cluster/ Double Star observations of the high and low latitude dayside magnetopause, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Eastwood, J.P., D.G. Sibeck, J. A. Slavin, B. Lavraud, E.A. Lucek, A. Balogh, I. Dandouras, Observations of flux ropes and X-lines in the near Earth magnetotail, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

El-Lemdani Mazouz, F., S. Grimald, J.L. Rauch, P.M.E. Décréau, G. Bozan, G. Le Rouzic, X. Suraud, X. Vallières, J.G. Trotignon, P. Canu, F. Darrouzet, S. Boardsen, Electrostatic and electromagnetic emissions near the plasmasphere. A case event: 27 May 2003, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Escoubet, C.P., J.M. Bosqued, J. Berchem, M.G.G.T. Taylor, F. Pitout, H. Laakso, A. Masson, M. Dunlop, H. Rème, I. Dandouras, A. Fazakerley, Staircase ion signature observed by Cluster in the mid-altitude polar cusp, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Fontaine, D., A. Teste, R. Maggiolo, J.A. Sauvaud, A. Fazakerley, Polar cap particle acceleration: electron dynamics associated with ion outflows, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Förster, M., S. Haaland, G. Paschmann, J.B. Baker, H. Vaith, J.M. Quinn, and R.B. Torbert, Cross-polar magnetospheric plasma drift as observed by Cluster EDI: statistical results, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Forsyth, C., M. Lester, S.E. Milan, A. Grocott, H.U. Frey, E. Lucek, H. Reme, and J. Waterman, Observations of tail dynamics using ground and space based instruments during a period of multiple substorm events, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Substorms, ed. by M. Syrjäsuo and E. Donovan, pp. 65-70, Calgary, 2006

Georgescu, E., G. Paschmann, H. Vaith, J. Quinn, P. Puhl-Quinn, M. Chutter and R. Torbert, Archiving of the Cluster EDI Data, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Georgescu, E., H. Vaith, K-H. Fornacon, U. Auster, A. Balogh, C. Carr, M. Chutter, M. Dunlop, M. Foerster, K.-H. Glassmeier, J. Gloag, G. Paschmann, J. Quinn and R. Torbert, Use of EDI time-of-flight data for FGM calibration check on CLUSTER, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Gloag, J.M., C. Carr, B. Forte, E.A. Lucek, The status of Cluster FGM data submissions to the CAA, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Haaland, S., B.U.Ö. Sonnerup, G. Paschmann, E. Georgescu, M.W. Dunlop, A. Balogh, B. Klecker, H. Rème, and A. Vaivads, Discontiuity Analysis with Cluster, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Hapgood, M., Cluster science planning - lessons-learned for future plasma missions, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Hapgood, M., R. Lundin, Use of on-board autonomy for future space plasma studies, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Hasegawa, H., Structure of the magnetopause boundary layers discovered by Cluster multipoint observations, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Heikkila, W., P. Canu, I. Dandouras, W. Keith, and Y. Khotyaintsev, Plasma transfer event seen by Cluster, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Henderson, P.D., C.J. Owen, I.V. Alexeev, J. Slavin, A.N. Fazakerlay, E. Lucek, H. Rème, Cluster observations of flux rope structures in the near-tail, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Horbury, T., P. Louarn, M. Fujimoto, W. Baumjohann, L.G. Blomberg, S. Barabash, P. Canu, K.H. Glassmeier, H. Koskinen, R. Nakamura, C. Owen, T. Pulkkinen, A. Roux, J.-A. Sauvaud, S.J. Schwartz, K. Svenes, A. Vaivads, Cross-Scale: a multi-spacecraft mission to study cross-scale coupling in space plasmas, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Jeszenszky, H., K. Torkar, G. Laky, The Instrument ASPOC and the Cluster Active Archive, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Jolene S. Pickett, Joanne M. Seeberger, Jessica M. Swanner, and Donald A. Gurnett, Cluster WBD Data and the Cluster Active Archive, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Jordanova, V.K., C.G. Mouikis, L.M. Kistler, H. Matsui, P. Puhl-Quinn and Y. Khotyaintsev, Storm time ring current - atmosphere interactions: observations and modelling, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Kartalev, M., S. Savin, E. Amata, P. Dobreva, G. Zastenker, and N. Shevyrev, Magnetopause cusp indentation: an attempt for a new modeil consideration, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Khan, H, H. Laakso, M. Dunlop, M.G.G.T. Taylor, C.P. Escoubet, H. Opgenoorth, A. Masson, Inner mechanisms of flux transfer events observed by Cluster, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Khan, H., A.N. Fazakerley, R.J. Wilson, A.D. Lahiff, M.G.G.T. Taylor, Plasma electron and current experiment (PEACE) data contributions to the Cluster Active Archive (CAA), Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Kiehas, S.A., I.V. Kubyshkin, V.S. Semenov, T. Penz, H.K. Biernat, R. Nakamura, Determination of Reconnection Parameters Based on the Time–History of Nightside Flux Transfer Events, Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Problems of Geocosmos, St. Petersburg State University, pp. 75-79, 2006

Kis, A., Energetic ions at the Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock, MPE Report 290, July 2006.

Korth, A., E. Echer, F.L. Guarnieri, M. Fränz, R. Friedel, W.D. Gonzalez, C.G. Mouikis and H. Rème, Cluster observations of plasma sheet activityu during the September 14-28, 2003 corotating high speed stream event, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Substorms, ed. by M. Syrjäsuo and E. Donovan, pp. 133-138, Calgary, 2006

Kozelov, B.V., A.G. Demekhov, E.E. Titova, V.Y. Trakhtengerts, O. Santolik, E. Macusova, D.A. Gurnett, and J.S. Pickett, Variations of Chorus Source Location Deduced from Fluctuations of Ambient Magnetic Field: Comparison of Cluster Data and the Backward-Wave Oscillator Model Proceedings of the 29th Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena", 27 February - 3 March, 2006, Apatity, Russia, ISBN 5-91137-009-3, pp 141-144, 2006

Kucharek, E. Mobius, M. Scholer, R. Behlke, C. Mouikis, P. Puhl-Quinn, L.M. Kistler, T. Horbury, J. Eastwood, S.D. Bale, and C. Mazelle, On the ion refection properties of the quasi-perpendicular Earths' Bow Shock, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Lavraud, N., M.F. Thomsen, B. Lefebvre, E. Budnik, P.J. Cargill, A. Federov, M.G.G.T. Taylor, S.J. Schwartz, H. Rème, A.N. Fazakerley, A. Balogh, Formation of the cusp and dayside boundary layers as a function of IMF orientation: Cluster results, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Le Contel, O., F. Sahraoui, A. Roux, D. Fontaine, P. Robert, J.-A. Savaud, C. Owem and A. Fazakerley, Small scale Cluster observations of current sheet distruptions during substorm, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Substorms, ed. by M. Syrjäsuo and E. Donovan, pp. 143-148, Calgary, 2006

Lindqvist, P.-A., Y. Khotyaintsev, M. André, and A.I. Eriksson, EFW data in the Cluster Active Archive, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Louarn, P., C. Jacquey, E. Budnik and V. Génot, the CDPP, FGM , CIS and STAFF teams, The active plasma sheetL definition of 'events' and statistical analysis, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Substorms, ed. by M. Syrjäsuo and E. Donovan, pp. 159164, Calgary, 2006

Lucek, E.A., SLAMS at parallel shcks and hot flow anomalies, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Lui, A.T.Y., Y. Zheng, A. Balogh, P.W. Daly, M.W. Dunlop, T.A. Fritz, G. Gustafsson, S. Livi, S.B. Mende, C.J. Owen, R.F. Pfaff, H. Rème, Y. Zhang, and Q. Zong, Magnetotail substorm features from multi-point observations, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Marchaudon, A., C.J. Owen, J.-M. Bosqued, R.C. Fear, A.N. Fazakerley, M.W. Dunlop, A.D. Lahiff, C.Carr, A.Balogh, P.-A. Lindqvist, and H. Rème, Simultaneous Double Star and Cluster FTEs obverations on the dawnside flank of the magnetosphere, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Masson, A., H. Laakso, P. Décréau, M. André, P. Escoubet, X. Suraud, R. saxema, S. Bale, M.G.G.T. Taylor and H. Opgenoorth, High time resolution ambient electron density measurements by Cluster at the Earth's bow shock: February-May 2001, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Mazelle, C., K. Meziane, and M. Wilber, Upstream field -aligned beams: results from Cluster, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Menietti, J.D., and W.S. Kurth, Ordered fine structure in the radio emission observed by Cassini, Cluster and Polar, Proceedings of the sixth International Workshop on Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions, edited by H.O. Rucker et al., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 265-272, 2006

Milan, S.E, J. A. wild, B. Hubert, C.M. Carr, E.A. Lucek, J.M. Bosqued, J.F. Watermann, and J.A. Slavin, Flux Transport and tail dynamics during a prolonged substorm interval, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Mirioni, L., N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, P. Robert, M. Maksimovic, Y. de Conchy, and C. C. Harvey, STAFF products for the Cluster Active Archive, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Mutel, R., D. Menietti, I. Christopher, D. Gurnett, J. Cook, and H. Frey, Recent Cluster wideband studies of auroral kilometric radiation, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Nakamura, R., W. Baumjohann, A. Runov, and Y. Asano, Tail reconnection and plasma sheet fast flows, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Nakamura, R., T. Takada, W. Baumjohann, M. Volwerk, T.L. Zhang, Y. Asano, A. Runov, Z. Vörös, E. Lucek, C. Carr, B. Klecker, H. Rème, O. Amm: Fast flow, dipolarization, and substorm evolution: Cluster/Double Star multipoint observations. Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Sub-storms, ed. by M. Syrjäsuo and E. Donovan, Calgary, pp. 197-202, 2006

Narita, Y., K-H. Glassmeier, Low Frequency waves in the bow shock enviroment, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Osmundsen, E., A. Pedersen, E. Lucek, H. Rème, Large scale plasma sheet structure - a statistical approach, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Perry, C., T. Eriksson, P. Escoubet, S. Esson, H. Laakso, S. McCaffrey, T. Sanderson, H. Bowen, A.Allen and C. Harvey, The ESA Cluster Active Archive, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Petrukovich, A.A., W. Baumjohann, R. Nakamura, A. Runov, and A. Balogh, Oscillations of flux tube slippage in the quiet plasma sheet, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Petrukovich, A.A., T.L. Zhang, W. Baumjohann, R. Nakamura, A. Runov, A. Balogh, Slipping Deformation of the Plasma Sheet Magnetic Structure, "Physics of Auroral Phenomena", Proc. XXIX Annual Seminar, Apatity, pp. 108 - 111, 2006

Penz, T., V.S. Semenov, M.F. Heyn, V.V. Ivanova, I.B. Ivanov, H.K. Biernat, C.J. Farrugia and F.T. Gratton, Wave Structures Exctied in Compressible Petschek-Type Magnetic Reconnection, "Physics of Auroral Phenomena", Proc. XXIX Annual Seminar, Apatity, pp. 108 - 111, 2006

Pickett, J.S., L.-J. Chen, D.A. Gurnett, J.M. Swanner, O. Santolìk, P. Décréau, C. Béghin, D. Sundkvist, B. Lefebvre, M. L. Goldstein, B. Lavraud, E. Lucek, R. Kessel, G.S. Lakhina, S.V. Singh, R.V. Reddy, B.T. Tsurutani, H. Rème and A.N. Fazakerley, Shedding new light on solitary waves observed in space, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Pu, Z.Y., J. Wang, M.W. Dunlop, X.G. Zhang, Y. Wei, X. Z. Zhou, S.Y. Fu, C. J. Xiao, Q. G. Zong, Z.X. Liu, C. Carr, C. Perry, H. Rème, I. Dandouras, A. Fazakerley, P. Daly, F. Pitout, J. Davies, C. Shen, H. Laakso, P. Escoubet, C.J. Owen, Y. Bogdanova, and M.G.G.T. Taylor, Cluster and TC1 five point observations of an FTE on Jan 4, 2005: a preliminary study, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Raeder, J., W. Li, J. Dorelli, M. Øieroset, and T. Phan, Cluster observations and global simulation of the cold dense plasma sheet during northward IMF, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Rauch J.L., X. Suraud, P.M.E. Décréau, J. G Trotignon, R. Ledée, G. Lemercier, F. El-Lemdani, Mazouz, S. Grimald, G. Bozan, X Vallières, P. Canu, F. Darrouzet, Automatic determination of the plasma frequency using image processing on WHISPER data, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Reiff, P.H., C. C. Law, R. L. Kessel, M. L. Goldstein, S. Fishman and C. Sumners, Cluster outreach in a portable immersive theater, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Robert, P, O. Lecontel, A. Roux, P. Canu, D. Fontaine, G. Chanteur, J. M. Bosqued, C. Owen, A.N. Fazakerley, and M.W. Dunlop, Study of a flux transfer event with Cluster spacecraft, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Roux, A, O. Le Contel, D. Fontaine, P. Robert, P. Louarn, A.N. Fazakerley, Substorm theories and Cluster multipoint measurements, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Roux, A., O. Le Contel, D. Fontaine, P. Robert, P. Louarn, J.A. Sauvaud, and A.N. Fazakerley, Substorm theories and Cluster multi-point measurements, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Substorms, ed. by M. Syrjäsuo and E. Donovan, pp. 263-268, Calgary, 2006

Runov, A., I.O. Voronkov, Y. Asano, R. Nakamura, W. Baumjohann, M. Volwerk, T. Ta-kada, Z. Vörös, T.L. Zhang, A. Vaivads, S. Haaland, H. Rème, A. Balogh: Cluster observations during pseudo-breakups and substorms. Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Substorms, ed. by M. Syrjäsuo and E. Donovan, Calgary, pp. 269-274, 2006

Santolík, O., D. A. Gurnett, J. S. Pickett, M. Parrot, and N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, Five years of investigation of whistler-mode chorus using the measurements of the Cluster spacefleet, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Sergeev, V.A., M. Kubyshkina, W. Baumjohann, R. Nakamura, A. Runov, Z. Vörös, T.L. Zhang, K.-H. Glassmeier, J.-A. Sauvaud, P. Daly, V. Angelopoulos, H. Frey, H. Singer: Magnetic reconnection and current disruption in the inner magnetosphere: A case study. Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Substorms, ed. by M. Syrjäsuo and E. Donovan, Calgary, pp. 275-278, 2006

Sergeev, V., A. Runov, W. Baumjohann, R. Nakamura, T.L. Zhang, S. Apatenkov, A. Balogh, H. Rème, J.-A. Sauvaud, Cluster results on the magnetotail current sheet structure and dynamics, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Shi, J.K., T. L. Zhang, Z.W. Cheng, Z.X. Liu, R. Nakamura, C. Carr, A. Balogh, Field aligned current observed by Cluster, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Takada, T., R. Nakamura, W. Baumjohann, Y. Asano, M. Volwerk, T.L. Zhang, B. Klecker, H. Rème, E.A. Lucek, and C. Carr, BBFs deceleration and its relationship to magnetospheric configuration: Cluster and Double Star TC1 observation, Proc. Int. Conf. Problems of Geocosmos, St. Petersburg State University, pp. 190-193, 2006

Taylor, M.G.G.T., B. Lavraud, M.F. Thomsen, A.N. Fazakerley, M.W. Dunlop, J.A. Davies, C.P. Escoubet, H. Laakso, H. Khan, A. Masson, H.J. Opgenoorth, R.H. Friedel, H. Rème, C.M. Carr, T.L. Zhang and E.A. Lucek, Multi-satellite observations of the near Earth plasma sheet and flank magnetopause: Response to the 5th December 2004 CME, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Tjulin, A, E. Lucek and M. André, Wave Mode identification by the Cluster satellites in the foreshock region, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Trattner, K.J, J. Mulcock, S.M. Petrinec, and S.A. Fuselier, Distinguishing between anti-parallel and component reconnection at the dayside magnetopause, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Trotignon, J.G., Décréau P.M.E., Rauch J. L., Suraud X., Grimald S., El-Lemdani Mazouz F., Vallières X., Canu P., Darrouzet F., Masson A., The electron density around the Earth, a high level product of the Cluster/WHISPER relaxation sounder, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Vallat, C., Iannis Dandouras, Pontus C:Son Brandt, Ed Roelof, Don Mitchell, Malcolm Dunlop, Elizabeth Lucek, André Balogh, Henri Rème, 3D Analysis of the ring current, for the 20 April 2002 event, using ENAs image inversions (IMAGE/HENA) and the curlometer technique (Cluster/FGM data), Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Volwerk, M., Z. Vörös, T. Takada, W. Baumjohann, R. Nakamura and A. Runov, Cluster measurements of ULF waves in the Earth's magnetotail, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Voronkov, I., Runov, A., Koustov, A., Kabin, K., Meurant, M., Donovan, E., Bryant, C., and Spanswick, E.: Features of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling during breakups and substorm onsets inferred from multi-instrument alignment, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Substorms, ed. by M. Syrjäsuo and E. Donovan, pp. 319-324, Calgary, 2006

Wendel, D.E., P.H. Reiff, T.H. Han, M.L. Goldstein, E. Lucek, A. Fazakerley, Cluster observation of magnetic structure and electron flows at the northward interplanetary magnetic field x-line, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Wild, J.A., M.A. Hapgood, Five plus four equals nine: combining the THEMIS and Cluster missions, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Substorms, ed. by M. Syrjäsuo and E. Donovan, pp. 337-342, Calgary, 2006

Wild, J. A., S.E. Milan, J.A Davies, S.W. H Cowley, M.W. Dunlop, C.J. Owen, J.M. Bosqeud, M. Lester, A. Balogh, C.M. Carr, A.N. Fazakerley, and H. Rème, Space and ground-based investigations of dayside reconnection: Cluster, Double Star and SuperDARN observations, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Yonghua, L., Ruiyan, L., B.J. Fraser, S.T. Ables, X. Zhonghua, Z. Beichen, S. Jiankui, L. Zhenxing, H. Dehong, H. Zejun, C. Zhuotian, W. Xiao, M. Dunlop, A. Balogh, Observation of Pc3/5 magnetic pulsations around the cusp at mid altitude, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Zelenyi, L.M., A.A. Petrukovich, G.N. Zastenker, M.M. Mogilevsky, A.A. Skalsky, and V.D. Kuznetsov, Future Russian magnetospheric & heliospheric missions, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006

Zong, Q.-G., H. Zhang, T.A. Fritz, S.Y. Fu, Z.Y. Pu, M.L. Goldstein, W. Keith, M.W. Dunlop, A. Korth, P.W. Daly, H. Rème, A. Balogh, and A.N. Fazakerley, The magnetospheric cusp: Structure and dynamics, Proc. Cluster and Double Star Symposium, 5th Anniversary of Cluster in Space, ESA SP-598, 2006


Lavraud, B. and P.J. Cargill, Cluster reveals the magnetospheric cusps, Astronomy and Geophysics, 46, 1, 32-35, 2005


Alexandrova, O. and A. Mangeney, Stationary field-aligned filament: model based on Cluster observations, proceedings of the International Conference on Problems of Geocosmos V, p.132, 2004

Billig, G., J. Dow, J. Feltens, D. Fornarelli, S. Pallaschke, B. Smeds, H.-J. Volpp, P. Escoubet, H. Laakso (2004): "RF link degradation by Spread-F, observed on Cluster and other ESA Spacecraft", Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Space Applications, TTC 2004, September 7-9, 2004, ESA/ESOC

Draper, N.C., M. Lester, J. A. Wild, S. E. Milan, G. Provan, A. Grocott, S. W. H. Cowley, A. N. Fazakerley, A. Lahiff, J. A. Davies, J.-M. Bosqued, J. P. Dewhurst, R. Nakamura, C. J. Owen, Simultaneous SUPERDARN and CLUSTER observations of the growth and expansion phases of a substorm, page 101, in SUBSTORMS-7 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUBSTORMS, Edited by Natalia Ganushkina and Tuija Pulkkinen, REPORTS No. 2004:5, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki 2004

Engwall, E., A. I. Eriksson, A. Pedersen, J. Forest, G. Paschmann, J. Quinn, R. Torbert, and K. Torkar. Wake effects on positively charged spacecraft in tenuous plasmas: Cluster observations and modelling, In 8th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, NASA, 2004

Feltens, J., J.M. Dow, G. Billig, D. Fornarelli, S. Pallaschke, B. Smeds, H.-J. Volpp, P. Escoubet, H. Laakso (2004): " Usage of IGS TEC Maps to explain RF Link Degradations by Spread-F, observed on Cluster and other ESA Spacecraft", IGS Presentation, in Proceedings of the 2004 IGS Workshop & Symposium, Berne , Switzerland, March 1-5, 2004

Feltens, J., J. Dow, G. Billig, D. Fornarelli, S. Pallaschke, B. Smeds, H.-J. Volpp, P. Escoubet, H. Laakso (2004): "Relation of RF Link Degradations Observed on Cluster and Other Spacecraft to Spread-F with the Aid of IGS TEC Maps", Invited Presentation, in Proceedings of the 2nd ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies NAVITEC '2004, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, December 8-10, 2004Grocott, A., T. K. Yeoman, S. W. H. Cowley, H. Rème, Multi-instrument observations of bursty bulk flows and their ionospheric counterparts, page 107, in SUBSTORMS-7 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUBSTORMS, Edited by Natalia Ganushkina and Tuija Pulkkinen, REPORTS No. 2004:5, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki 2004

Joko, S., M. Yamauchi, H. Nilsson, R. Lundin, H, Reme, The CIS team, The relationships between geomagnetic activities and O+ ion outflowin onserved by CLUSTER/CIS, page 59, in SUBSTORMS-7 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUBSTORMS, Edited by Natalia Ganushkina and Tuija Pulkkinen REPORTS No. 2004:5, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki 2004

Kornilov, J., S. Pickett, D. A. Gurnett, O. Santolik, O. I. Kornilov, Fine spectral and temporal structure of VLF-chorus observered by Cluster, page 39, in SUBSTORMS-7 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUBSTORMS, Edited by Natalia Ganushkina and Tuija Pulkkinen REPORTS No. 2004:5, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki 2004

Nakamura, R., C. Mouikis, L. Kistler, W. Baumjohann, A. Runov, Y. Asano, M. Volwerk, B. Klecker, A. Balogh, H. Rème, Plasma sheet fast flows and their relationships to tail current sheet dynamics: CLUSTER observation, page 133, in SUBSTORMS-7 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUBSTORMS, Edited by Natalia Ganushkina and Tuija Pulkkinen REPORTS No. 2004:5, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki 2004

Runov, A., Y. Asano, Z. Vörös, R. Nakamura, W. Baumjohann, G. Paschmann, J. Quinn, C. McIlwain, A. Balogh, H. Rème, Cluster magnetotail probe during the 13 September 2002 substorm, page 192 , in SUBSTORMS-7 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUBSTORMS, Edited by Natalia Ganushkina and Tuija Pulkkinen REPORTS No. 2004:5, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki 2004

Sieg, D., Optimization of new 4 S/C formations considering operational constraints of the extended Cluster mission, Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, ESA SP-548, jointly organised by the German Space Operations Center of DLR and the European Space Operations Centre of ESA. 11-15 October 2004, Munich, Germany., p. 2004

Vaivads, A., Magnetic Reconnection in Space, The Starry Sky magazine, Spring issue 3-8, 2004

Volpp, J., P. Escoubet, S. Foley, J. Godfrey, M. Hapgood, S. Pallaschke, CLUSTER Constellation Change Manoeuvres - Management and Operations, Space2004-238, Montreal, SpaceOps May 2004


Blecki, J., R. Wronowski, S. Savin, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, M. Parrot, J. Safrankova, Z. Nemecek, O. Santolik and J-A. Sauvaud, Filamentation of the space plasmas, Proceedings of WDS Conference, pp 371- 380, Prague, 2003

Schautz, M., H.-J. Volpp, F. Dentone, Cluster II batteries in-orbit performance, Tarragona, Proc. of European Space Power Conference 2002, ESA-SP-502, 2003

Wronowski, R., J. Blecki, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, M. Parrot, O. Santolik, S. Savin, Applications of wavelet and bispectral analysis for studies of wave processes in the polar cusp, Proceedings of WDS Conference, pp 381-385, Prague 2003


Borälv, E., H.J. Opgenoorth, J.-M. Bosqued, J.P. Dewhurst, A. Fazakerley, C.J. Owen, M. Dunlop and M. Carter, Substorm Observations Combining Ground-Based Instruments and Cluster, Sixth International Conference on Substorms, ed. R.M. Winglee, pp. 399-403, University of Washington, Seattle, 2002

Cattell, C., J. Dombeck, J. Wygant, F.S. Mozer, and M. André, The role of waves in magnetotail dynamics, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Substorms, Seattle Washington, March 25-29, 2002, ed. R.M. Winglee, 443-449, 2002

Darrouzet, F., P. Décréau, J. Lemaire, Preliminary results obtained with the WHISPER experiment, Physicalia Mag. 24, 3-16, 2002

Lemaire, J., La Plasmasphere, Physicalia Magazine, 24, 2311-252, 2002

McPherron, R.L., M.G. Kivelson, K.K. Khurana, O. Amm, J.B. Baker, A. Balogh, H. Rème, M. Connors, F. Creutzberg, I. Dandouras, I. Mann, D. Milling, M.B. Moldwin, G. Rostoker, C.T. Russell, and H. Singer, Cluster Observations of the Postmidnight Plasma Sheet at 18 Re during Substorms, Sixth International Conference on Substorms, edited by R. M. Winglee, pp. 283-290, University of Washington, Seattle, 2002

Nakamura, R., W. Baumjohann, H. Noda, G. Paschmann, B. Klecker, P. Puhl-Quinn, J. Quinn, R. Torbert, A. Balogh, H. Rème, H.U. Frey, C.J. Owen, A.N. Fazakerley, J.P. Dewhurst, Substorm expansion onsets observed by Cluster, Sixth International Conference on Substorms, edited by R. M. Winglee, pp. 55-62, U. Washington, Seattle, 2002

Pallocchia, G., R. Bruno, M.B. Bavassano Cattaneo, M.F. Marcucci, A.M. Di Lellis, E. Amata, V. Formisano, H. Rème, J.M. Bosqued, I. Dandouras, J.-A. Sauvaud, L.M. Kistler, E. Moebius, B. Klecker, C.W. Carlson , J.P. McFadden, G.K. Parks, M. McCarthy, A. Korth, R. Lundin, Turbulence in the solar wind as seen by Cluster CIS experiment: preliminary results on intermittency and scaling laws, in Second Solar Cycle and Space Weather Conference - SOLSPA 2001, Vico Equense, Italy, ESA SP-477, p.361, 2002


Laakso, H., R. Grard, A, Masson, O. Moullard, S. Bale, F. Mozer, A. Pedersen, M. Andre, A. Eriksson, G. Gustaffson, and P.-A. Lindqvist, Multi-point electric field observations in the high-latitude magnetosphere, Les Woolliscroft Memorial Conference Sheffield Space Plasma Meeting: Multipoint Measurements versus Theory Proceedings (ESA SP-492), 27-34, 2001

Torkar, K., W. Riedler, M. Fehringer, C.P. Escoubet, K. Svenes, B.T., Narheim, A. Fazakerley, S. Szita, M. André, Effects of active spacecraft potential control on Cluster plasma observations - first results, ESA SP-476, 255-260, 2001

2000 and before


Allen, A.J., J. Barnes, D. Burgess, M. Fraenz and S.J. Schwartz, QSAS: a Flexible Application for Modern Multi-Point Analysis, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.367, 2000

Alleyne, H. et al., The Digital Wave Processor - WEC Modes and Timing on Cluster, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint 7Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.171, 2000

Alleyne, H. and V. Korepanov, Project Variant: Current and Field Measurements on Board SICH-IM Satellite, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.323, 2000

Amm, 0., K. Kauristie, T.I. Pulkkinen, M.J. Engebretson, R.A. Greenwald, H. Lühr and T. Moretto, Combining Multi-Point Spacecraft and Two-Dimensional Ground-Based Observations: Theory and Example of an IMF By-related Cusp Current System, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.327, 2000

Balogh, A. and M.W. Dunlop, The Cluster Magnetic Field Investigation: FGM-Specific Multipoint Analysis, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.147, 2000

Balikhin, M, I. Bates and M. Dunlop, Minimum Variance Free Identification of the Composition of Space Plasma Turbulence and Nonlinear Processes in it, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.287, 2000

Bates, I., M. Balikhin, H.St.C.K Alleyne, M. Dunlop, H. Lühr, Coherence Lengths of the Low Frequency Turbulence at the Bow Shock and in the Magnetosheath Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.283, 2000

Berchem, J., Global MHD Simulations for Cluster-II, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.211, 2000

Buckley, A.M., M.P. Gough, H.A. Alleyne, K. Yearby and L. Willis, MeasuRèment of Wave-Particle Interactions in the Magnetosphere using the DWP Particle Correlator, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.303, 2000

Buechner, J. et al., Numerical Simulations for CLUSTER tested with Equator-S and Geotail, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.219, 2000

Chanteur, G., Accuracy of Fields Gradient Estimations by Cluster: Explanation of its Dependency upon Elongation and Planarity of the Tetrahedron, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.265, 2000

Chanteur, G., PV-WaveTM Routines for Estimating Gradients of Fields and their Covariances, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.277, 2000

Chapman, S.C., R.O. Dendy, G. Rowlands, Multipoint Measurements as a Test of the Conjecture of Avalanching and SOC in the Dynamic Magnetosphere, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.269, 2000

Coca, D. et al., Time-Domain Identification of Nonlinear Processes in Space Plasma Turbulence using Multi-Point Measurements, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.111, 2000

Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N. et al., The Cluster STAFF Experiment Specific Multi-Point Analysis, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.183, 2000

Daly, P.W. and U. Mall, Remote Sensing of Plasma Boundaries by Finite Ion Gyroradius Effects: Applications for the RAPID Instrument on Cluster, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.315, 2000

Darrouzet, F. and J. Lemaire, Survey of ELF and VLF Experiments in the Magnetosphere, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.307, 2000

Décréau, P.M.E. et al., Multi-Spacecraft Studies on Cluster: Perspectives from the Whisper Experiment, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.191, 2000

Dunlop, M.W., P.J. Cargill and T. Stubbs, The HEOS Magnetic Field Observations of the Earth's Cusp in the Context of Modern Field Models, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.359, 2000

Dunlop, M.W. and T.I. Woodward, Cluster Magnetic Field Analysis Techniques, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.351, 2000

Dunlop, M.W. and T.I. Woodward, The Use of Dual-Spacecraft Data for the Identification of Non-Planar Magnetic Structures, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.355, 2000

Dunlop, M.W. et al., Dual-Spacecraft Verification of Magnetopause Orientation and Motion: Preliminary Results, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.103, 2000

Fazakerley, A. and S. Szita, Multi-point Science with the Cluster Plasma Electron Data, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.155, 2000

Fennell, J F. et al., Magnetospheric Constellation Missions Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.235, 2000

Fritz, T.A., The Role of the Cusp as a Source for Magnetospheric Particles: a New Paradigm, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.203, 2000

Harvey, C.C. et al., Exchange and Preservation of Cluster Science Data, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.227, 2000

Horbury, T.S., Cluster-II Analysis of Turbulence using Correlation Functions, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.98, 2000

Kauristie, K, A. Viljanen, A. Pulkkinen, 0. Amm, P. Janhunen, T.I. Pulkkinen, R. Pirjola, R.J. Pellinen and M Brittnacher, On the Coordinated use of MIRACLE and Satellite Observations - a Case Study of a Space Weather Event, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.295, 2000

Kessel, R.L., ISTP Multi-Point Observations of Earth's Bow Shock, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.393, 2000

Koskinen, H.E.J., Future of Multipoint Observations and Space Weather, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.243, 2000

Kovrazhkin, R.A. and J.-A. Sauvaud, Dispersed Ion Structures in the Auroral Nightside Magnetosphere, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.387, 2000

Maynar N.C., W.J. Burke, IMF Driving of Dayside Convection and the Cusp, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.57, 2000

Moretto, T., E. Friis-Christensen, J.W. Gjerlov, N. Olsen and F. Primdahl, The Near-Earth Magnetic Satellite Missions, Ørsted and SAC-C/Ørsted-2 in Relation to the Cluster-II Mission, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.363, 2000

Mutel, R.L., D.A. Gurnett and R.L. Huff, VLBI Studies of Auroral Kilometric Radiation and Solar Type III Bursts using the Wideband Data Plasma Wave Instrument, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.197, 2000

Nakamura, R., W. Baumjohann, M. Brittnacher, G. Parks, V.A. Sergeev, M. Kubyshkina and T. Mukai, Fast Flows in the Midtail During Auroral Substorms, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.375, 2000

Opgenoorth H., P. Eglitis, M. Lockwood, Upgraded Ground-Based Facilities for Coordinated Observations with Cluster: Opportunities for Magnetospheric Research, Revisited, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.79, 2000

Paschmann, G., EDI Multipoint Analysis, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.145, 2000

Paschmann, G. and S.J. Schwartz, ISSI Book on Analysis Methods for Multi-Spacecraft Data, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.99, 2000

Pedersen, A., C.-G. Faelthammer, N. Maynard, F Mozer, R. Pfaff, B. Popielawska, C. T Russell, Turbulent Structures in the Outer Cusp, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.291, 2000

Pulkkinen T.I. and H.E.J Koskinen, Multipoint Measurements in the Magnetosphere: ISTP Results and Challenges for Cluster-II, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.63, 2000

Robert, P., Tetrahedron Geometric Factors and Accuracy of Current Density Determination, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.259, 2000

Rothkaehl, H., J. Blecki, K. Stasiewicz and A. Eriksson, HF-VLF Plasma Waves Excitation During Geomagnetic Storm in the Polar Cusp Region, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.331, 2000

Russell, C.T., ISEE Lessons for Cluster, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.11, 2000

Russell, C.T., Polar Eyes the Cusp, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.47, 2000

Sandahl, L., et al., The Cusp as seen from Interball, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.39, 2000

Sauvaud, J.A. et al., Time of Flight Dispersed Ion Structures into the Auroral Bulge, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.137, 2000

Savin, S., N. Maynard, I. Sandahl, H. Kawano, C.T. Russell, L. Zelenyi and V. Romanov, IACG Boundary Layer Campaign: Current Status and Cluster-11 Perspectives, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.335, 2000

Schwartz, S.J. et al, SWARM: a Fleet of Microsatellites to Explore the Magnetosphere, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.233, 2000

Schwartz, S.J. and G. Paschmann, ISSI Small Scale Plasma Structures Team: Results and Lessons, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.25, 2000

Sckopke, N. et al., Minimum Variance and DeHoffmann-Teller Techniques Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.101, 2000

Song, P. and C.T. Russell, Theory of Multi-Point Data Analysis Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.119, 2000

Stasiewicz, K. and G. Gustafsson, Alfven Waves and Structures: What can we Learn with Multipoint Measurements on Cluster-II, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.177, 2000

Stubbs, T.J., P.J. Cargill, M. Grande, B. Kellett, M. Lockwood and C Perry, Observations of the Northern Polar Cusp with the Polar Spacecraft, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.319, 2000

Tatrallyay, M. and G. Erdos, Investigation of Mirror Mode Structures using Multiple Spacecraft Measurements, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.311, 2000

Torkar, K. et al., Optimisation of Spacecraft Potential Control for Multi-Point Plasma Measurements, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.129, 2000

Trávnícek, P. and P. Mitková, Two Ways IDFS/ISDAT Data Interface, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.397, 2000

Walker, S.N., R. Huff, M.A. Balikhin, An Investigation into Instrumental Nonlinear Effects, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.279, 2000

Watermann, J. and P. Stauning, Space-Time Ambiguities in Observations of the Magnetospheric Cusp: the Need for Small-Scale Multi-Point Magnetospheric Measurements, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.299, 2000

Whipple E.C., On the Possibility of Identifying and Using Magnetospheric Particles that travel between the Cluster Spacecraft, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.71, 2000

Wilken, B. et al., Cluster and Energetic Particles in Geospace - What can be Learned from Geotail?, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.163, 2000

Woodward, T.I., M.W. Dunlop and D.J. Southwood, Separation Strategy for Co-ordinated Measurements, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.343, 2000

Woodward, T.I., M.W. Dunlop, A.N. Fazakerley and N. Sckopke, Observations of Magnetosheath Structure Upstream of the Magnetopause, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.347, 2000

Zhao, H., C.P. Escoubet, R. Schmidt, Z.X. Liu, R. Grard, H. Laakso, K. Torkar and F.S. Mozer, Asymmetry of the Cusp Position observed by the Polar Spacecraft, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.371, 2000

Zelenyi, L., et al., Variability and Structures in the Solar Wind - Magnetosheath - Magnetopause by Multiscale Multipoint Observations, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.29, 2000

Zelenyi, L.M. et al., Methods of Small-Scale Multi-Satellite Measurements for Project Roy, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.249, 2000

Zhang, T.L., K. Schwingenschuh, W. Magnes, W. Koren, W. Riedler, H. Zhao, G.C. Zhou, D.J. Wang, G. Le and C.T. Russell, Initial Results from the Low Latitude Magnetometer Array in China (CHIMAG), Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.339, 2000

Zong, Q.-G., B. Wilken, S.Y. Fu and Z.-Y. Pu, Energetic Oxygen Ions Sounding the Magnetopause, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, 22-24 Sept. 1999, Imperial College, London, UK, ESA SP-449, p.379, 2000











Daglis, I.A., Livi, S., Wilken, B., Benefits for the Substorm Research from the Cluster Mission, Proceedings of the Cluster Workshops, Data Analysis Tools (Braunschweig, Germany, 28-30 September 1994) and Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory (Toulouse, France, 16-17 November 1994). European Space Agency. Edited by K.-H. Glassmeier, U. Motschmann, and R. Schmidt, p.259, 1995


Berchem, J., J. Raeder and M. Ashour-Abdalla, Visualization of Numerical Simulation Results: An Interactive Tool for Mission Oriented Theory, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.167, 1994

Blecki, J., ULF/ELF Plasma Waves in the Magnetospheric Tail as Observed by Prognoz-8, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.247, 1994

Büchner, J., Remote Sensing of Reconnection by Multipoint Particle Observations in the Earth's Magnetotail, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.211, 1994

Burgess, D., Virtual Instruments for Space Plasmas, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.179, 1994

Chanteur, G. and A. Roux, European Network for the Numerical Simulation of Space Plasmas, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.159, 1994

Coeur-Joly, 0., P. Robert, G. Chanteur and A. Roux, Simulated Daily Summaries of Cluster Four-Point Magnetic Field Measurements, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.223, 1994

Cowley, S.W.H., Prospects for Progress in Geotail and Substorm Studies with Cluster, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.253, 1994

Delcourt, D.C., Charged Particle Dynamics in the Strong Stochasticity Condition, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.217, 1994

Dunlop M.W., K.-H. Glassmeier, U. Motschmann and T.I. Woodward, Seeking Knowledge from Cluster Data - A Summary of the Workshop, Cluster Workshop on Data Analysis Tool, Braunschweig, Germany, ESA SP-371, p.119, 1994

Dunlop, M.W., T.I. Woodward and C.J. Farrugia, Minimum Variance Analysis: Cluster Themes, Cluster Workshop on Data Analysis Tools, Braunschweig, Germany, ESA SP-371, p.33, 1994

Galperin, Y.I., and L.M. Zelenyi, Interball Mission Strategy and Recent Results in IKI on Some of the Mission Oriented Theory Directions, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.187, 1994

Glassmeier, K.-H. and U. Motschmann, Comments on Time-Series Analysis, Cluster Workshop on Data Analysis Tools, Braunschweig, Germany, ESA SP-371, p.7, 1994

Goldstein, M.L., Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in the Solar Wind, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.137, 1994

Holter, O., Wavelet Analysis of Time Series, Cluster Workshop on Data Analysis Tools, Braunschweig, Germany, ESA SP-371, p.43, 1994

Kravtchenko-Berejnoi V., V. Krasnoselskikh, D. Mourenas and F Lefeuvre, Higher-order Spectra and Analysis of a Non-linear Dynamic Model, Cluster Workshop on Data Analysis Tools, Braunschweig, Germany, ESA SP-371, p.61, 1994

Kurths, J. and U. Schwarz, On Nonlinear Signal Processing, Cluster Workshop on Data Analysis Tools, Braunschweig, Germany, ESA SP-371, p.15, 1994

Lefeuvre, F., V. Kravtchenko-Berejnoi and D. Lagoutte, Introduction to the Analysis of Bi-linear and Tri-linear Processes in Space Plasmas, Cluster Workshop on Data Analysis Tools, Braunschweig, Germany, ESA SP-371, p.51, 1994

Marsch, E., Analysis of MHD Turbulence: Spectra of Ideal Invariants, Structure Functions and lntermittency Scalings, Cluster Workshop on Data Analysis Tools, Braunschweig, Germany, ESA SP-371, p.107, 1994

Möbius, E., Studies with Cluster Upstream and Downstream of the Bow Shock: An Experimenter's Perspective, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.127, 1994

Motschmann, U. and K.-H. Glassmeier, Mode Recognition of MHD Wave Fields, Cluster Workshop on Data Analysis Tools, Braunschweig, Germany, ESA SP-371, p.103, 1994

Motschmann U., T.I. Woodward, K.-H. Glassmeier and M, W. Dunlop, Array Signal Processing Techniques, Cluster Workshop on Data Analysis Tools, Braunschweig, Germany, ESA SP-371, p.79, 1994

Myers, A.P. and D. Orr, ULF Wave Analysis and Complex Demodulation, Cluster Workshop on Data Analysis Tools, Braunschweig, Germany, ESA SP-371, p.23, 1994

Paschmann, G., Magnetopause, Cusp and Dayside Boundary Layer: Experimental Point of View, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.149, 1994

Perraut, A., et al., Current Sheet Structure and Relation to Breakup, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.239, 1994

Pinçon, J.L., Cluster and the K-Filtering, Cluster Workshop on Data Analysis Tools, Braunschweig, Germany, ESA SP-371, p.87, 1994

Robert, P., A. Roux and 0. Coeur-Joly, Validity of the Estimate of the Current Density Along Cluster Orbit with Simulated Magnetic Data, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.229, 1994

Samson, J.C., Pure States in Multichannel Data, Cluster Workshop on Data Analysis Tools, Braunschweig, Germany, ESA SP-371, p.95, 1994

Scholer, M., Magnetopause, Cusp and Dayside Boundary Layer: Theoretical Point of View, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.153, 1994

Watkins, N.W., S.C. Chapman and M.W. Dunlop, Fourier Techniques in Space Plasma Measurements, Cluster Workshop on Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory, Toulouse, France, ESA SP-371, p.235, 1994

Weidelt, P., Inversion Techniques, Cluster Workshop on Data Analysis Tools, Braunschweig, Germany, ESA SP-371, p.69, 1994



Balogh, A. et al., The Cluster Magnetic Field Investigation: scientific objectives and instrumentation, ESA SP-1159, p.95, 1993

Belkacemi, M., J.L. Bougeret, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, L. Friel, C.C. Harvey, R. Manning and M. Parrot, Determination of the characteristics of the STAFF spectrum analyser using simulated data, ESA WPP-047, p.353, 1993

Berchem, J., J. Raeder, and M. Ashour-Abdalla, Mission-oriented simulations of small and large scale structures in the dayside magnetosphere, ESA WPP-047, p.393, 1993

Burgess, D., J. Giacalone, H. Kucharek and M. Scholer, Using software particle detectors in self-consistent simulations of quasi-parallel shocks, ESA WPP-047, p.311, 1993

Chanteur, G. and F. Mottez, Geometrical tools for Cluster data analysis, ESA WPP-047, p.341, 1993

Chanteur, G. and A. Roux, A European network for the numerical simulation of space plasmas, ESA SP-1159, p.307, 1993

Chapman, S.C., Consequences of general time dependence for single particle dynamics in a parabolic reversal: constraints for chaos, ESA WPP-047, p.113, 1993

Chapman, S. and M.W. Dunlop, General requiRèments for interface between instruments and theory, ESA WPP-047, p.361, 1993

Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N. et al. The STAFF (Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations) Experiment, ESA SP-1159, p.33, 1993

Credland, J. et al., The Cluster spacecraft, ESA SP-1159, p.235, 1993

Décréau, P.M.E. et al., WHISPER: a Sounder and High-frequency Wave Analyser Experiment, et al. ESA SP-1159, p.49, 1993

Dodsworth, S.J. et al., The Cluster ground segment and mission operations, ESA SP-1159, p.251, 1993

Dunford, E. et al., The Cluster Joint Science Operations Centre, ESA SP-1159, p.291, 1993

Dunford, C., L.J.C. Woolliscroft, H.C. Alleyne, A. Summer, J.A. Thomson and K.H. Yearby, Cluster wave experiment modes and timing - How they will be implemented by the digital wave processor, ESA WPP-047, p.251, 1993

Dunlop, M.W. and A. Balogh, On the analysis and interpretation of four-spacecraft magnetic field Measurements in terms of small scale plasma processes, ESA WPP-047, p.233, 1993

Dunlop, M.W., D.J. Southwood and A. Balogh, The Cluster configuration and the directional dependence of coherence lengths in the magnetosheath, ESA WPP-047, p.295, 1993

Gurnett, D.A. et al., The Wideband Plasma Wave Investigation, ESA SP-1159, p.69, 1993

Gustafsson, G. et al., The Spherical Probe Electric Field and Wave Experiment for Cluster, ESA SP-1159, p.17, 1993

Hanseen, A., E. Mjølhus, and D.F. Dubois, Driven and damped Langmuir turbulence, ESA WPP-047, p.39, 1993

Johnstone, A.D. et al., PEACE: a Plasma Electron and Current Experiment, ESA SP-1159, p.163, 1993

KrasnoselÕskikh, V.V. and F. Lefeuvre, Strong Langmuir turbulence in the space plasmas: the problem of recognition, ESA WPP-047, p.237, 1993

KrasnoselÕskikh, V.V. and L.J.C. Woolliscroft, Cluster and collisionless shocks, ESA WPP-047, p.369, 1993

Le, G., C.T. Russell and D. Orlowski, Coherence lengths of upstream ULF waves: Dual ISEE observations, ESA WPP-047, p.269, 1993

Lefeuvre, F. et al., The Wave Experiment Consortium, ESA SP-1159, p.5, 1993

Lynch, K.A. and R.B. Torbert, The auroral turbulence sounding rocket Mission as a precursor to Cluster, ESA WPP-047, p.273, 1993

Martz, C., J.A. Sauvaud and H. Rème, Accuracy on ion distribution Measurements and related parameters using the Cluster CIS experiment, ESA WPP-047, p.229, 1993

F. Mottez, L. Rezeau, and G. Chanteur, Surface crossing by a group of satellites, ESA WPP-047, p.373, 1993

Mouikis, C.G., P.J. Christiansen, S.C. Chapman and N.W. Watkins, The University of Sussex wave-particle correlator: computer simulation of instrument response, ESA WPP-047, p.409, 1993

Opgenoorth, H., Co-ordination of ground-based observations with Cluster, ESA SP-1159, p.299, 1993

Orlowski, D.S., G. Le, C.T. Russell, D. Krauss-Varban, N. Omidi and C. Lacombe, Direct Measurements of field-plasma correlations as a tool in the determination of limits of linear Vlasov theory in the application to upstream turbulence, ESA WPP-047, p.191, 1993

Oscarsson, T. and G. Holmgren A software instrument for the Cluster electric field and wave experiment, ESA WPP-047, p.377, 1993

Paschmann, G. et al., The Electron Drift Instrument for Cluster, ESA SP-1159, p.115, 1993

Pincon, J.L., Three-dimensional electromagnetic structure analysis of homogeneous turbulence in space plasma via multi-point Measurements by using k-filtering, ESA WPP-047, p.217, 1993

Pincon, J.L., F. Lefeuvre and G. Chanteur, Identification of wave-wave coupling from Cluster Measurements, ESA WPP-047, p.387, 1993

Réme, H. et al., The Cluster Ion Spectrometry Experiment, ESA SP-1159, p.133, 1993

Riedler, W. et al., Active Spacecraft Potential Control: an ion emitter experiment for Cluster, ESA SP-1159, p.219, 1993

Robert, P. and A. Roux, Influence of the shape of the tetrahedron on the accuracy of the estimate of the current density, ESA WPP-047, p.289, 1993

Roberts, D.A. and M. Goldstein, MeasuRèment of the MHD rugged invariants using multiple Spacecraft, ESA WPP-047, p.187, 1993

Rodriguez-Canabal, J. et al., The Cluster orbit and mission scenario, ESA SP-1159, p.259, 1993

Sauvaud, J.A., C. Martz and C. Aoustin, Error estimation for a typical electron spectrometer: application to the Interball electron detector and generalisation, ESA WPP-047, p.301, 1993

Sazhin, S.S. and L.J.C. Woolliscroft, Multi-point Measurements for whistler-mode studies, ESA WPP-047, p.255, 1993

Schmidt, R. et al., The Cluster Science Data System: a distributed system to serve a wide international community, ESA SP-1159, p.279, 1993

Stasiewicz, K., Magnetospheric modelling in support of space missions, ESA WPP-047, p.345, 1993

vom Stein, R., K.H. Glassmeier and U. Motschmann, CLUSTER as a wave telescope and mode filter, ESA WPP-047, p.211, 1993

Wilken, B. et al., RAPID: The Imaging Energetic Particle Spectrometer on Cluster, ESA SP-1159, p.185, 1993

Woolliscroft, L.J.C. et al., Implementation of the Digital Wave-Processing Experiment, ESA SP-1159, p.81, 1993







Alleyne, H.St.C., M.A. Balikhin, S.I. Klimov, V.V. Krasnosel'skikh, S.N. Walker and L.J.C. Woolliscroft, Plasma wave Measurements on the dayside - scale sizes and observational requiRèments, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.69, 1990

Avanesov, G., J. Ziman, A. Kogan, V. Kostenko, V. Fedotov and V. Heifets, Small Space Lab as a basic spacecraft of the Regatta project, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.37, 1990

Blecki, J., M. Denis, K. Kossacki Jr and L.J.C. Woolliscroft, Plasma waves as a signature of flux transfer events, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.75, 1990

Büchner, J., Energetic particles in the Earth's magnetotail (Cluster and Regatta as a dispersiometer), Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.117, 1990

Chanteur, G. and G. Belmont, Nonlinear evolution of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: Constraints on multipoint Measurements, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.91, 1990

Delcourt, D.C., Features of mid-tail ion trajectories during substorms, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.127, 1990

Dunlop, M.W., A. Balogh, D.J. Southwood, R.C. Elphic, K-H. Glassmeier and F.M. Neubauer, Configurational sensitivity of multipoint magnetic field Measurements, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.23, 1990

Dunlop, M.W., Review of the Cluster orbit and separation strategy: consequences for Measurements, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.17, 1990

Galperin, Yu.I. and B.A. Whalen, Problems of cold plasma Measurements on the Regatta-A spacecraft, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.95, 1990

Gurnett, D., Radio-wave remote sensing by Cluster and Regatta, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.153, 1990

Krasnosel'skikh, V.V., A.M. Natanzon, A.E. Reznikov, A.Y. Schyokotov, S.L Klimov, A.E. Kruglyi and L.J.C. Woolliscroft, On the possibility of supporting the multi-satellite Measurements of the Cluster mission with single-satellite Measurements in the Regatta-Cluster project, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.79, 1990

Managadze, G.G., W. Riedler, T.I. Gagua, M. Friedrich, K. Torkar and N.A. Leonov, Possibilities of charged particle injection from spacecraft for active diagnostics of surrounding plasma and active spacecraft potential control, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.141, 1990

Neubauer, F.M., K-H. Glassmeier, R. Walter and M. Dunlop, Cluster as a Wave Telescope, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.51, 1990

Pinçon, J.L., F. Lefeuvre and M. Parrot, Experimental constraints in the characterisation of a turbulent field from several satellites, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.57, 1990

Remizov, A.P., K.L Gringauz and V.S. Bassolo, Specific tasks of Regatta-E Measurements correlated with Cluster/Regatta-A in the ISTP and Regatta programmes, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.137, 1990

Rezeau, L., A. Roux and N. Cornitleau-Wehrlin, Multipoint study of small-scale structures at the magnetopause, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.103, 1990

Robert, P. and A. Roux, Accuracy of the determination of J via multipoint Measurements, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.29, 1990

Sauer, K., and U. Motschmann, Multiple-ion waves behind shocks, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.83, 1990

Savin, S.P., L.M. Zelenyi and V.L Prokhorenko, Specific tasks of multiple-scale plasma Measurements in the Regatta-Cluster system, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.7, 1990

Southwood, D.J., Multispacecraft Measurements at varying scalelengths - the Cluster/Regatta opportunity, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.1, 1990

Vaisberg, O.L., A.0. Fedorov, A. Johnstone, E.L. Kolesnikova, A.L. Kozhukhovsky and V.M. Balebanov, The possibility of making fast Measurements of ion distribution functions, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.143, 1990

Valnicek, B., The importance of simultaneous monitoring of solar activity for the interpretation of solar plasma phenomena, Proceedings of Workshop on Space plasma Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-306, p.109, 1990




The digital wave processing experiment, L. Woolliscroft, J. Thompson, P. Decreau, M. Parrot, A. Egeland, I. Iversen, H. Koons, P. Christiansen, M. Gough, G. Gustafsson, G. Holmgren, D. Gurnett, D. Jones, J. LaBelle, N. Cornilleau-Werhlin, A. Roux, V. Krasnoselskikh, A. Reznikov, C. Harvey, W. Kofman and F. Mozer, in The Cluster Mission--Scientific and Technical Aspects of the Instruments, ESA Publications Div., Noordwijk, The Netherlands, ESA SP-1103, 49, 1988

The spherical probe electric field and wave experiment, G. Gustafsson, T. Aggson, R. Bostrom, L. Block, C. Cattell, P. Decreau, A. Egeland, C.-G. Fälthammar, R. Grard, D. Gurnett, C. Harvey, B. Holback, G. Holmgren, P. Kellogg, P. Kintner, S. Klimov, J.-P. Lebreton, P.-A. Lindqvist, R. Manning, G. Marklund, N. Maynard, F. Mozer, K. Mursula, A. Pedersen, R. Pfaff, I. Roth, A. Roux, R. Schmidt, H. Singer, M. Smiddy, K. Stasiewicz, P. Tanskanen, M. Temerin, E. Thrane, J. Wygant and L. Woolliscroft, in The Cluster Mission-Scientific and Technical Aspects of the Instruments, ESA SP-1103, 31, 1988

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