Preparations for TBTV test campaign at CSL

Date: 28 April 2008
Satellite: Planck
Depicts: FOCAL-5 vacuum chamber with thermal tent
Location: Centre Spatial de Liège (CSL)
Copyright: ESA/Thales
During the thermal balance / thermal vacuum (TBTV) tests at CSL, Planck will be inside the FOCAL-5 vacuum chamber, surrounded by a thermal tent. The cover of the eight-sided tubular thermal tent is seen face-on in this image. The gold coloured areas are thermal insulation protecting the thermal shrouds of the thermal tent - shrouds where nitrogen and helium are circulated to achieve the required low environment temperatures.
The Planck spacecraft is just visible on the left, where it stands on the multi purpose trolley. For the TBTV test, the spacecraft will be positioned horizontally in which position it fits inside the thermal tent of the test chamber. The closing lid of the vacuum chamber stands against the wall in the background on the left.