GOODS-North as viewed by SPIRE

Date: 04 May 2010
Satellite: Herschel
Depicts: SPIRE composite image of the GOODS-North field
Copyright: ESA/SPIRE Consortium/HerMES Key Programme Consortium
This image of the GOODS-North field is made from the three SPIRE bands, with red, green and blue corresponding to 500 microns, 350 microns and 250 microns, respectively. Every fuzzy blob in this image is a very distant galaxy, seen as they were 3-10 thousand million years ago when star formation was very widely spread throughout the Universe.
This is a subset of the entire SPIRE GOODS-N field, which covers an area of 30 x 30 arc minutes. The data for this image were obtained in October 2009.
Last Update: 1 September 2019