Distribution of sources in the XMM-Newton Slew Survey Catalogue

Date: 25 July 2011
Satellite: XMM-Newton
Depicts: All-sky map of sources in the XMM-Newton Slew Survey Catalogue
Copyright: ESA/XMM-Newton/EPIC/R.D. Saxton et al.
This all-sky image shows the distribution of the X-ray sources in the XMM-Newton Slew Survey Catalogue. Plotted are all the 'clean' sources (well over 13 000) from up to and including the Delta-5 release of the catalogue in June 2011.
The plot is colour-coded such that sources of a lower (softer) energy are red and those with a higher (harder) energy are blue. Also, the brighter the source, the larger it appears on the map. The plot is in galactic coordinates (the centre of the plot corresponds to the centre of the Milky Way).
This image is an update of Figure 16 from the Saxton et al (2008) paper. A plot of the sources in the catalogue up to and including the release in April 2008 is linked from the related images in the right-hand menu.