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Call for White Papers in the Voyage 2050 long-term plan in the ESA Science Programme

Call for White Papers in the Voyage 2050 long-term plan in the ESA Science Programme

4 March 2019

The next planning cycle in ESA's Science Programme, Voyage 2050, is now underway. Ideas are solicited from the scientific community for the science themes that should be covered during the Voyage 2050 planning cycle, which covers the time period 2035-2050. Deadline for receipt of White Papers: 5 August 2019, 12:00 (noon) CEST.

The Science Programme of the European Space Agency (ESA) relies on long-term planning of its scientific priorities. The next planning cycle, Voyage 2050, is now underway. As was the case for the previous plans - Horizon 2000, Horizon 2000 Plus, and Cosmic Vision - the definition of the Voyage 2050 plan relies on open community input and on broad peer review. The community input will be gathered through the Call for White Papers - issued today - while the peer review of this input will take place through a two-tiered committee structure, with a Senior Committee of 13 European scientists supported by a number of Topical Teams. Scientists interested in participating in the peer review process are invited to respond to the Call for Membership of the Topical Teams, also issued today.

By means of the Call for White Papers, the Agency is soliciting ideas from the scientific community for the science themes that should be covered during the Voyage 2050 planning cycle, which covers the time period 2035-2050.

White Papers are not proposals for specific missions; they should rather argue why a specific scientific theme should have priority in the Voyage 2050 planning cycle. At the same time, and to ensure realism in the resulting Programme, applicants should briefly illustrate possible mission profiles.

Any scientist or science team can submit a White Paper, with no limitation in terms of residence or nationality. All White Papers must be submitted in English. White Paper lead scientists cannot be members of the Topical Teams.

The Agency intends to invite a number of the lead scientists who have submitted a White Paper to present their ideas at an open workshop, planned to be held in October 2019. Details about the workshop will be announced separately.

Full details of this Call, including information about Voyage 2050, the requirements for White Papers, and the role these will play in formulating the future Science Programme, can be found at:

Schedule for this Call and important dates

Activity Date
Call for White Papers issued 4 March 2019
Deadline for receipt of White Papers 5 August 2019, 12:00 (noon) CEST
Workshop to present White Papers October 2019
Last Update: 1 September 2019
13-Mar-2025 03:47 UT

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