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CDF Study Report: GaiaNIR – Study to Enlarge the Achievements of Gaia with NIR Survey

CDF Study Report: GaiaNIR – Study to Enlarge the Achievements of Gaia with NIR Survey

Publication date: 24 October 2017

Page: 1-284
Year: 2017

Copyright: ESA

Document reference: CDF-175(C)

This document is the assessment study report for GaiaNIR (Gaia Near Infra-Red), which was one of the proposals received in response to the 2016 Call for New Science Ideas in ESA's Science Programme. Three mission concepts were selected as a result of this call, and GaiaNIR was one of them.

The GaiaNIR proposal encompasses:

  • Enlarging the astrometric achievement of Gaia to the astronomical sources which are only visible in Near Infra-Red
  • Maintaining the accuracy of the Gaia optical reference frame
  • Improving the star parallax and proper motion accuracy by revisiting the astronomical sources a number of years after Gaia.
The report has been prepared by the ESA Concurrent Design Facility (CDF).

This document was updated on 8 June 2018, with minor edits made to page 249 according to the final version of the document. The concerned lines are indicated by a blue band on the side of that page.

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