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CDF Study Report: QPPF - Assessment of a Quantum Physics Payload Platform

CDF Study Report: QPPF - Assessment of a Quantum Physics Payload Platform

Publication date: 01 August 2018

Page: 1-272
Year: 2018

Copyright: ESA

Document reference: CDF-183(C)

ESA's Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) has completed an assessment study of the Quantum Physics PlatForm: a mission concept to test the quantum superposition principle with "massive" test particles. ESA's Science Directorate requested and managed the study as one of three topics selected for investigation following the "New Science Ideas" call for proposals.

The concept studied was a proposal to perform quantum decoherence measurements with particles of more than 109 atomic mass units.

The main goal of the study was to provide a reference mission design for such a quantum physics experiment, and to inform the community of the ESA process of requirements engineering in view of future calls for missions in ESA's Science Programme.

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