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Suzaku 9th Announcement of Opportunity

Suzaku 9th Announcement of Opportunity

2 September 2013

The Ninth European Announcement of Opportunity for observations to be performed with Suzaku, starting in April 2014, is now open. Scientists belonging to institutions within ESA Member States are invited to respond. The deadline for receipt of proposals is 13 November 2013 at 16:00 CET.


Letter announcing EAO-9 from the Director of Science and Robotic Exploration


Dear Colleague,

I am pleased to invite you to respond to the ninth "Announcement of Opportunity" to submit proposals for observations to be performed with Suzaku.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), through the European Space Agency, invites participation of European scientists in the Suzaku X-ray astronomy programme, specifically in the Japanese portion of the observing time. Suzaku is a collaborative Japanese and U.S. mission which was launched on 10 July 2005 and has since been successfully performing astronomical observations using the X-ray CCD cameras and Hard X-ray Detector.

This letter is to announce the ninth European Announcement of Opportunity (EAO-9) and to solicit proposals from scientists belonging to institutions within ESA Member States for observing time in the portion reserved for the ESA-Japan programme. The EAO-9 observing time is planned to start in April 2014. The aim of the programme is to maximize the scientific return from the mission through co-operation between European and Japanese scientists. Thus, European proposals are expected to involve one or more Japanese co-investigators. If the European proposers cannot identify Japanese co-investigators at the time of proposal submission, JAXA will help assigning Japanese co-investigators later.

Approximately 8% of the observing time will be allocated to successful proposals from ESA Member States. It should be noted that whilst hereby facilitating access, ESA cannot provide funding for participation in this programme, full financial support must therefore be obtained through the usual national channels.

Proposals to participate in the Suzaku EAO-9 must be prepared in accordance with information which will be available electronically from ESA at:

and must be submitted electronically to ESA by 16:00 CET on 13 November 2013 at the latest.

Proposals will be peer reviewed by an ESA established Time Allocation Committee and the top ranking proposals, in order of priority, will be forwarded to JAXA. It should be noted that more proposals will be forwarded for consideration than can be accommodated. The final selection of European proposals will be made by the Suzaku proposal merging committee. It is expected that the selection of European Guest Investigators will be announced in around March 2014.

I would appreciate if you would circulate this Announcement to interested colleagues within your institute.

Yours sincerely,

Alvaro Giménez-Cañate

Director of Science and Robotic Exploration

Last Update: 1 September 2019
13-Mar-2025 16:57 UT

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