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News archive

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope, two of the most detailed pictures ever taken with the ACS camera were revealed today.
Published: 25 April 2005
Phase variation in the X-ray emissions from three pulsars has been examined using the EPIC instrument on XMM-Newton. In a paper published this week in the Astrophysical Journal scientists reveal that analysis of spectra over the pulsar rotation period has enabled them to track hot spots on the surface of the neutron star.
Published: 22 April 2005
As part of a new research group at the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Heidelberg, a postdoc position is available to work with Coryn Bailer-Jones on Gaia and SDSS/SEGUE. SEGUE is the recently approved extension of the SDSS project to the Galactic plane. The position is concerned with the development and application of astrophysical parameter estimation methods for both Gaia and SEGUE.
Published: 21 April 2005
Gaia in 2004, a status report prepared by the Gaia Project Scientist, summarises the status of the Gaia project at the end of 2004, describes the progress achieved in 2004 with emphasis on the scientific activities, and summarises the major ongoing and planned activities.
Published: 31 March 2005
Scientists using XMM-Newton have discovered an x-ray glow on Jupiter due to x-rays from the Sun being reflected back off the planet's atmosphere.
Published: 7 March 2005

Using ESA's XMM-Newton observatory and the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, scientists have discovered the most distant massive structure in the Universe.
Published: 2 March 2005
Scientists have pierced through a dusty stellar nursery to capture the earliest and most detailed view of a collapsing gas cloud turning into a star, analogous to a baby's first ultrasound.
Published: 1 March 2005

Scientists using XMM-Newton have observed a relativistic Fe line in the mean X-ray spectra of type-1 and type-2 active galactic nuclei.
Published: 23 February 2005
More than 100 participants from ISWT and collaborating teams attended a lively and productive workshop with many new exciting scientific results.
Published: 10 February 2005
The High-Mass X-ray Binary V 0332+53 (EXO 0331+530), currently undergoing a dramatic outburst, was a Target of Opportunity (TOO) for an INTEGRAL observation on 6-10 January 2005.
Published: 20 January 2005
Dear Colleagues,ESA hereby invites individuals or institutes in Member States,wishing to play a role in the Gaia data processing in the years 2006onwards, to submit a 'Letter of Intent' to ESA outlining theirpossible future involvement.
Published: 17 January 2005
The Tarantula Nebula is the largest known stellar nursery in the local Universe. Combining data from the Hubble Space Telescope and ESO's New Technology Telescope, a 23-year old amateur astronomer has created a detailed image of the nebula using the photoshop FITS liberator.
Published: 15 December 2004

A dedicated team of scientists has proven a new algorithm, that identifies sources by their x-ray line emission, to be successful and found three obscured active galaxy candidates.
Published: 10 December 2004

Using the computational power and flexibility of the GaiaGrid, a simulation corresponding to five years of Gaia observations of 1000 astrometric binary stars has been successfully completed.
Published: 17 November 2004

Scientists working on INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton, ESA's two high-energy observatories, have published details of recent observations on the galactic centre and a supernova.

Published: 9 November 2004

The discovery of a probable companion star of supernova SN1572A supports the theory of Type Ia supernovae originating in a binary system.
Published: 28 October 2004
The first INTEGRAL Data Analysis Workshop was organized by the INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC) on 5-9 October 2004. The workshop brought together PhD students as well as experienced researchers all wanting to learn more about INTEGRAL and how best to analyse the data from ESA's gamma-ray observatory.
Published: 22 October 2004

Using data from ESA's Hipparcos satellite, a team of European astronomers has discovered several groups of 'rebel' stars in the vicinity of our Sun, that move in peculiar directions caused by our galaxy's spiral arms.
Published: 20 October 2004
In the United Kingdom two posts have been created, for a period of three years, to start developing the data processing pipeline software for the photometric and radial velocity data from Gaia.
Published: 18 October 2004
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