European Mars Science & Exploration Conference: Mars Express & ExoMars
Programme of the EMSEC 2007 conference held 12 to 16 November at ESTEC in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.
The abstract of each presentation can be viewed or downloaded in PDF format by clicking on the corresponding link in the "Abs." column. The complete conference abstract book is also available:
EMSEC 2007 Abstract Book | (13.3 Mb) |
Where available, a PDF version of the presentation is linked in the "Talk" column.
Monday 12 November 2007
Welcome and Introducion | ||||
Time | ID | Name, Title | Abs. | Talk |
13:00 | ESA Welcome and Introduction | |||
13:15 | Jacques Blamont History of Mars Exploration |
13:45 | 1116350 | Agustin Chicarro Mars Express - Science summary at the end of the extended mission |
14:00 | 1126437 | Jorge Vago ExoMars: ESA’s mission to search for signs of life on the Red Planet |
S.01 Mars Interior and Subsurface Structure | ||||
14:15 | 1112327 | Diedrich Möhlmann The states of water in the shallow subsurface of Mars |
14:30 | 1117857 | Marco Cartacci Surface and subsurface radar backscattering coefficient over the Martian south polar layered deposits from MARSIS data |
14:45 | 1118160 | Giovanni Picardi MARSIS data inversion approach: preliminary results |
- | |
15:00 | 1119305 | Jeffrey Plaut Radar sounding of the polar regions of Mars with MARSIS and SHARAD |
15:15 | 1104588 | Matthias Grott The evolution of the Martian elastic lithosphere and implications for crustal and mantle rheology |
15:30 | 1119877 | Doris Breuer Argon 40 degassing and loss history and Martian volcansim |
15:45 | 1118182 | Sandra Schumacher An alternative mechanism for recent volcanism on Mars |
16:00 | Coffee Break | |||
16:30 | 1118620 | Veronique Dehant The geodesy experiment LaRa onboard ExoMars |
16:45 | 1118879 | Philippe Lognonne Seismology on Mars with the GEP/Seismometer |
17:00 | 1118868 | Valerie Ciarletti The EISS GPR on the ExoMars mission: deep soundings of the Martian sub-surface |
17:15 | 1118269 | Svein-Erik Hamran The WISDOM GPR on the ExoMars mission |
17:30 | 1119895 | Tilman Spohn Interior evolution and habitability |
17:45 | 1117607 | Christophe Sotin The coupling between the dynamo shutdown and the water abundance on Mars: the mantle filter |
18:00 - 19:30 |
P.01 - Poster Session | HTML |
Tuesday 13 November 2007
S.02 Mars Geology and Geomorphology | ||||
Time | ID | Name, Title | Abs. | Talk |
09:00 | 1117423 | Mary Chapman Geologic history of Kasei Valles and Uranius Dorsum |
09:15 | 1111496 | Veronique Ansan Topography of valley networks on Mars from HRSC digital elevation models |
09:30 | 1117264 | Caleb Fassett Timing, nature and evolution of valley networks on Mars |
09:45 | 1119995 | John Bridges Sedimentary rocks in Becquerel crater: a palaeoenvironmental record |
10:00 | 1112497 | Harald Hiesinger The geology and hydrology of Uzboi and Dzigai Vallis, Mars |
10:15 | 1119029 | Monica Pondrelli Sequence stratigraphy of the Eberswalde fan delta (Mars) |
10:30 | 1118570 | George Postma Alternative origin for the point bars of the Martian Eberswalde delta |
10:45 | 1117582 | Erin Kraal Martian stepped deltas record rapid water release |
11:00 | Coffee Break | |||
11:30 | 1117343 | Gerhard Neukum Episodic geologic evolution of Mars |
11:45 | 1118205 | Ralf Jaumann Source regions and multiple water release events in valley networks in the Libya Montes region on Mars |
12:00 | 1117928 | Benedicte Diez Comparison of the Mars Odyssey GRS results with geological mapping at the Cerberus Plains |
12:15 | 1117247 | James Head Evidence for non-polar ice deposits in the past history of Mars |
12:30 | 1117253 | James Dickson Late Amazonian glaciation at the dichotomy boundary on Mars: glacial thickness maxima and multiple glacial phases |
12:45 | 1117498 | Bill Hartmann Probable ice flow structures in an unnamed crater, 38S, 113E: relation to high obliquity climate cycles |
13:00 | 1118465 | Olivier Bourgeois Debris aprons on Mars: rock glaciers or "mud glaciers"? |
13:15 | 1121321 | Mikhail A. Kreslavsky Slope streaks on Mars: testing formation mechanisms with HRSC data |
13:30 | Lunch Break | |||
S.03 Exomars In-Situ and Orbital Experiments | ||||
14:30 | 1111808 | John Parnell Selection of molecular targets for the ExoMars mission |
14:45 | 1111593 | Jeff Bada The Urey instrument for ExoMars |
15:00 | 1114319 | Richard Mathies Mars Organic Analyzer (MOA): a microfabricated CE system for in-situ analysis of organica biomarkers |
15:15 | 1117615 | Richard Quinn The Mars Oxidants Instrument |
15:30 | 1118608 | Andrew Griffiths The Panoramic Camera (PanCam) instrument for the ExoMars rover |
15:45 | 1122423 | Jean-Luc Josset CLUPI: Close-Up Imager on the ExoMars rover |
16:00 | Coffee Break | |||
16:30 | 1120039 | Lucia Marinangeli Importance of a combined XRD/XRF analysis for astrobiological investigation of Mars landing sites |
16:45 | 1119903 | Jean-Pierre Bibring The MicrOmega ExoMars Investigation |
17:00 | 1116454 | Luigi Colangeli MEDUSA: the ExoMars experiment for in-situ dust and water vapour monitoring |
17:15 | 1117465 | Michel Hamelin ARES: an atmospheric electricity instrument proposed for ExoMars |
17:30 | 1119671 | Erik Laan SPEX: an in-orbit spectropolarimeter for planetary exploration |
17:45 | 1114508 | Francois Leblanc Mars Environment and Magnetic Orbiter |
18:00 - 19:30 |
P.02 - Poster Session | HTML |
Wednesday 14 November 2007
S.04 Mars Geology and Mineralogy | ||||
Time | ID | Name, Title | Abs. | Talk |
09:00 | 1119890 | Jean-Pierre Bibring The Mars evolution, at all timescales, as derived from the OMEGA hyperspectral data |
09:15 | 1117404 | Brigitte Gondet OMEGA/MEX global mineralogical maps |
09:30 | 1117363 | François Poulet Identification, mapping and mineralogy of phyllosilicates on Mars as seen by MEX-OMEGA |
09:45 | 1119366 | Alessandro Maturilli Emissivity spectra of Martian analogue minerals from the Berlin Emissivity Database (BED) |
10:00 | 1114129 | Damien Loizeau Layering of the phyllosilicates in the Mawrth Vallis region of Mars, as seen by OMEGA and HRSC colors and DTM |
10:15 | 1111228 | Nicolas Mangold The geology of sulfate-rich layered deposits of the Valles Marineris- west Candor Chasma region |
10:30 | 1120981 | John Mustard New insights into hydrated silicate minerals observed on Mars by OMEGA-CRISM |
10:45 | 1119893 | Göstar Klingelhöfer More than three years of Mars surface exploration with the mössbauer spectrometer MIMOS II on MER |
11:00 | Coffee Break | |||
11:30 | 1115837 | Ernst Hauber Plains volcanism on Mars revisited: the topography and morphology of low shields and associated volcanic landforms |
11:45 | 1118199 | Jouko Raitala Western Promethei Terra smooth plains region on Mars: implications of volcanic origin and analysis of surface features |
12:00 | 1118758 | David Williams Hadriaca Patera: insights into its volcanic history from Mars Express HRSC |
12:15 | 1117426 | Gilles Berger SO3-Basalt interaction : a potential mechanism for alteration of the Martian surface? |
12:30 | 1118536 | Patrick Pinet Mafic mineralogy variations across Syrtis Major shield as inferred from visible-near-infrared spectroscopy by OMEGA |
12:45 | 1118440 | Denis Jouglet Mars surface hydration seen by MEX/OMEGA through the 3 µm feature. |
13:00 | 1117982 | Marion Masse Mineralogy, morphology, sedimentary filling and history of Aram Chaos on Mars |
13:15 | 1118672 | Johannes Brückner Geochemical evidence of ancient water by the APXS of the Mars exploration rovers at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum |
13:30 | Lunch Break | |||
S.05 Astrobiology and Search for Remnants of Life | ||||
14:30 | 1102460 | Everett Gibson Life on Mars: where && |
14:45 | 1118693 | Monica Grady Exploring Mars with Martian meteorites: casting light on primary, secondary and tertiary processes |
15:00 | 1119695 | Martin Fisk Microweathering of olivine in terrestrial and Martian volcanic rocks |
15:15 | 1119443 | Charles Cockell Do microbes eat rocks like people eat apples? Microbial alteration textures and the search for life on Mars |
15:30 | 1105582 | Christian Muller Astrobiological effects of regional and global dustorms from SPICAM data |
15:45 | 1107984 | Pascale Ehrenfreund Survival of organic matter on Mars: laboratory studies in support of MEX and ExoMars |
16:00 | Coffee Break | |||
16:30 | 1118580 | Joop Houtkooper Biosignatures of anticipated life on Mars and their detection by MSL and ExoMars |
16:45 | 1115344 | Mark Sims Progress in life marker chip technology for detection of life on Mars |
17:00 | 1135941 | Luann Becker MOMA: Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer |
17:15 | 1118350 | H. Steininger Biomarkers for the LD/GC-MS of ExoMars |
17:30 | 1115234 | Stephen Bowden Weathering of a micro oasis in an arctic desert environment illustrates difficulties of life detection on Mars |
17:45 | 1118415 | Wilfred Roling Molecular detection of life on Mars |
18:00 | 1110886 | Xenia Amashukeli Subcritical water extraction technology for Martian regolith chemical characterization |
18:15 | 1118119 | Manish Patel UVIS: the UV-VIS Spectrometer for the ExoMars mission |
19:30 | Conference Dinner |
Thursday 15 November 2007
S.06 Mars Atmosphere and Climate | ||||
Time | ID | Name, Title | Abs. | Talk |
09:00 | 1117326 | Mario D'Amore Mean meridional temperature cross section and zonal wind derived from PFS-MEX |
09:15 | 1117310 | Silvia Tellmann Recent results of the Martian neutral atmosphere from the Radio Science Experiment Mars on Mars Express |
09:30 | 1119700 | Aymeric Spiga Surface pressure maps derived from Mars Express OMEGA measurements |
09:45 | 1117869 | Christina Stanzel Detailed study of HRSC dust devils and comparison with Spirit dust devils |
10:00 | 1111356 | Thierry Fouchet Martian water vapour: Mars Express PFS/LW observations |
10:15 | 1118488 | Luca Maltagliati Seasonal water cycle of Mars observed by OMEGA and PFS |
10:30 | 1119333 | Anna Fedorova Vertical distributions of water vapor and aerosol in the Martian atmosphere by SPICAM IR spectrometer on Mars-Express |
10:45 | 1116730 | Nina Mateshvili Ice and dust clouds in the Martian atmosphere: results from SPICAM UV channel nadir measurements |
11:00 | Coffee Break | |||
11:30 | 1120052 | Ludmila Zasova Dust and water ice clouds in Martian atmosphere from the PFS MEX data |
11:45 | 1087870 | Franck Montmessin Hyper-spectral imaging of convective CO2 ice clouds in the equatorial mesosphere of Mars |
12:00 | 1116946 | Vittorio Formisano The vertical extension of the Martian equatorial cloud belt from PFS-MEX limb observations |
12:15 | 1116184 | Marco Giuranna MEX/PFS observations of the condensing CO2 south polar cap of Mars |
12:30 | 1118210 | Yves Langevin Interannual variability of south polar processes observed by OMEGA |
12:45 | 1118623 | Frederic Schmidt Effect of albedo and surface roughness on the seasonal south cap recession of Mars |
13:00 | 1119691 | Francois Forget Modelling the present Mars climate system as observed by Mars Express |
13:15 | 1122264 | Geronimo Villanueva An extensive search for biomarker gases in the Martian atmosphere using powerful infrared telescopes |
13:30 | Lunch Break | |||
14:30 | 1117180 | Franck Lefèvre The Martian ozone layer as seen by SPICAM on Mars-Express |
14:45 | 1113465 | Therese Encrenaz Simulatenous ground-based imaging of H2O and H2O2 on Mars |
S.07 Mars Aeronomy | ||||
15:00 | 1113223 | Rickard Lundin Solar forcing and Martian planetary ion outflow - new Mars Express findings |
15:15 | 1115760 | Markus Fraenz The plasma environment of Mars |
15:30 | 1117097 | Stefano Orsini ENA detection in the dayside of Mars: ASPERA-3 NPD statistical study |
15:45 | 1118793 | Andrew Coates Ionospheric photoelectrons and their role in plasma escape at Titan: comparison to Mars |
16:00 | Coffee Break | |||
16:30 | 1118249 | Susanne Vennerstrom The Martian inner magnetosphere - magnetic structure and variations |
16:45 | 1119353 | Ali Safaeinili First estimation of total electron content of Mars ionosphere |
17:00 | 1114555 | Francois Leblanc Multi-Instrument observations of aurora-types event by Mars Express |
17:15 | 1120009 | Martin Paetzold The structure of the ionosphere of Mars as observed by the Mars Express Radio Science Experiment |
17:30 | 1118917 | Gerald Keating The Mars global thermosphere measured by accelerometer facilities aboard orbiters and properties of the exosphere |
17:45 | 1118512 | Ana Keating Martian radiation environment: the importance of seasonal variations and landing site |
18:00 - 19:30 |
P.03 - Poster Session | HTML |
Friday 16 November 2007
Three workshops will be held in parallel in three rooms at ESTEC. For a detailed programme of the workshops see the "workshops" page linked from the right-hand navigation, or follow the HTML link in the below general schedule for this day.
Time | Event | Abs. |
09:00 | Workshops | HTML |
11:00 | Coffee break | |
11:30 - 13:00 |
Workshops | HTML |
Friday Workshops
On Friday, 16 November, the last day of the conference, three workshops were held in parallel in different meeting rooms at ESTEC.
Einstein Room
W.01 - The meaning of methane on Mars | ||||
Time | ID | Name, Title | Abs. | Talk |
09:00 | 1116934 | Vittorio Formisano The sources of methane on Mars |
09:30 | 1117365 | Anna Geminale Methane in Martian atmosphere: average spatial, diurnal and seasonal behaviour |
09:45 | 1121332 | M.J. Mumma Absolute measurements of methane on Mars: the current status. |
10:15 | 1117632 | Sergio Fonti Mapping the methane on Mars |
10:30 | 1119934 | Dirk Wagner Biogenic methane on Mars? |
10:45 | 1104079 | Christian Muller Martian formaldehyde: early observations and their interpretation |
11:00 | - | Franck Montmessin Detection of hydrocarbon and other trace species with a SOIR instrument at Mars |
- | |
11:30 - 13:00 |
Discussion | |||
Vittorio Formisano Discussion on isotopic bands of CO2 |
Sergio Fonti Discussion on methane |
Newton 1 Room
W.02 - Planetary cartography techniques | ||||
Time | ID | Name, Title | Abs. | Talk |
Photogrammetry | ||||
09:00 | 1119697 | Randolph Kirk HIRISE: a new source of high-resolution topographic data for Mars |
09:15 | 1120082 | Kim Jungrack Very high resolution DTM extraction from HIRISE stereo imagery |
09:30 | 1118115 | Konrad Willner Observations of Phobos' orbit and rotation using images of SRC on Mars Express |
09:45 | 1117569 | Li Rongxing Topographic mapping and rover localization during mer mission operations and new developments for future landed missions |
10:00 | 1116457 | Klaus Gwinner Systematic mapping of Mars by HRSC DTM and orthoimages: specifications and results for the first 6 months of the mission |
Special software tools | ||||
10:15 | 1119683 | Sebastian Walter Serving global HRSC/SRC datasets as OGC Web Map Services |
10:30 | 1119951 | Jose Luis Vazquez-Garcia Usage of the SPICE system for planetary missions |
Future plans | ||||
10:45 | 1117970 | Gian Gabriele Ori The ASI geological mapping programme for Mars Express and future planetary missions |
11:00 | Coffee Break | |||
11:30 - 13:00 |
Discussion / Posters | |||
Posters (W.02) | ||||
1119220 | Gregory Michael HRSCview: online access to Mars Express HRSC image and DTM mosaics |
1119662 | Andrea Pacifici ASI planetary map series - Map nº 1. geomorphological map of Ares Vallis, Mars |
1119909 | Lorenz Wendt Mapping of sulfate deposits using HRSC color data |
Newton 2 Room
W.03 - Landing sites and future Mars exploration | ||||
Time | ID | Name, Title | Abs. | Talk |
09:00 | 1143031 | Jorge Vago Introduction to ExoMars landing site selection process |
09:15 | 1143038 | Gerhard Kminek Planetary protection constraints for ExoMars landing sites |
09:30 | 1115900 | Ernst Hauber High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): a tool for ExoMars landing site selection |
09:45 | 1116909 | Mark Wieczorek Landing site requirements for the ExoMars Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3) |
10:00 | 1116196 | Martin Knapmeyer Models for Martian seismicity and possible contributions to the ExoMars landing site selection |
10:15 | 1121323 | Randolph Kirk High resolution topographic mapping of PHOENIX & MSL landing sites |
10:30 | 1126444 | Agustin Chicarro Mars-NExT - a future step in the European exploration of Mars |
10:45 | 1119401 | Frances Westall Mars Origins Mission |
11:00 | Coffee Break | |||
11:30 | 1135923 | Benoit Langlais Future Mars magnetic field investigations |
11:45 | Helmut Lammer Introduction to the posters and Poster Session |
12:00 - 13:00 |
Discussion / Posters | |||
Posters (W.03) | ||||
1135932 | Ari-Matti Harri METNET atmospheric science network for Mars |
1118298 | Ralf Jaumann PANCAM on ExoMars: an assembly of scientific cameras |
1119859 | Göstar Klingelhöfer The miniaturized Mössbauer spectrometer MIMOS II: future developments for ExoMars and Phobos-GRUNT |
1118565 | Roderik Koenders Landing-site selection: a systematic approach to locate optimal landing sites for ExoMars |
1118644 | Patrick Martin Possible Martian landing sites to be considered for future European exploration missions |
1118639 | Tero Siili Mars Limited Area Model and simulations of atmospheric circulations in landing areas & seasons of MSL and ExoMars rovers |
1119686 | Ludmila Zasova MIMA, a miniaturized fourier spectrometer for Mars ground and atmospheric studies: part II scientific goals |
Poster Sessions
Three poster sessions are held during the week:
Monday | 12.11.2007 | P.01 - Surface & Interior |
Tuesday | 13.11.2007 | P.02 - Geo-Mineralogy & ExoMars |
Thursday | 15.11.2007 | P.03 - Atmosphere, Ionosphere & Exobiology |
Below is an overview of all posters. Within each session the entries are ordered by the author's last name. Where available the complete poster is linked as PDF in addition to the abstract.
P.01 - Interior | ||||
ID | Name, Title | Abs. | Poster | |
1115324 | Elena Charalambakis Displacement-length relationship of normal faults in Acheron Fossae, Mars: new observations with HRSC |
1118892 | Stephen Clifford The effect of a subpermafrost vadose zone on the detectability of subpermafrost groundwater by radar sounding on Mars |
1108467 | Markus Fels The Martian lithosphere in the Tharsis region: a comparison between MEX gravity data and the MOLA topography model |
1116351 | Olivier Forni Thermal evolution of Mars with phase transitions |
1116826 | Fabio Gori Numerical simulation of the temperature of Mars interior to infer the subsurface structure |
1115891 | Peter Kronberg Rifting on Mars: structural geology and geophysics |
1118522 | Benoit Langlais Expected magnetic signature of demagnetized impact craters to time the dynamo shutdown on Mars |
1118392 | Javier Ruiz Ancient heat flow and crustal thickness at the Amenthes region, Mars |
1119315 | Ali Safaeinili Characterization of radar-transparent deposits in the southern and eastern Elysium region of Mars |
1114242 | Manikant Shrivastava Possibilities of terraforming Mars |
1118048 | Francesco Soldovieri Microwave tomography approach for upper layers subsurface exploration via GPR |
1116739 | Kai Stemmer Core formation with implications to the Martian dichotomy: thermo-chemical convection in a spherical shell |
1118755 | Valeriy Yakovlev Large basins of water on Mars |
P.01 - Geology | ||||
1120130 | Davide Baioni Energy relief analysis of eastern Tithonium Chasma, Mars |
1117962 | Davide Baioni Morphological analysis of a sulfate dome in eastern Tihonium Chasma , Mars |
1111871 | Charles Budney Results from the 7th international conference on Mars |
1117232 | Filippo Giacomo Carrozzo Water ice at low latitudes on Mars |
1096390 | Juan Echaurren Mathematical aspects associated to the generation of impact craters on Mars |
1119179 | Bernard Foing Search for climatic signal in Pavonis Mons fan deposits and periglacial features |
1115859 | Ernst Hauber Displacement-length relationships of normal faults on Mars: new observations with MOLA and HRSC |
1115866 | Ernst Hauber Geomorphic evidence for former lobate debris aprons at low latitudes on Mars: indicators of the Martian paleoclimate |
1119462 | James Head Preservation of ancient ice in tropical mountain glacier deposits on Mars |
1120809 | Laura Kerber Modeling eruptions from Apollinaris Patera: a stratigraphic framework from high resolution images |
1110910 | Edwin Kite Probable mud volcanoes in the northern plains of Mars |
1116733 | Maarten Kleinhans Alluvial fan and delta progradation in Martian crater lakes |
1108306 | Gennady Kochemasov "Odd" Martian dichotomy and its harmonic interpretation |
1117432 | Konrad Kossacki Conditions for preservation and accumulation of water ice in sub-polar craters on Mars |
1120023 | R.O. Kuzmin Effect of the water amount increasing in the upper layer of the Martian soil during winter season |
1115479 | Joseph Leach An ice dynamics origin for Martian ice cap geomorphology: new data for a Viking era investigation |
1119220 | Gregory Michael HRSCview: online access to Mars Express HRSC image and DTM mosaics |
1119898 | Jeremie Mouginot Preliminary results of surface study by MARSIS |
1119865 | Riccardo Nadalini Numerical simulation of thermal measurements in Martian regolith |
1119662 | Andrea Pacifici ASI planetary map series - Map nº 1. geomorphological map of Ares Vallis, Mars |
1116246 | Tomaz Podobnikar Enhanced visualization of Mars surface features from HRSC DTM |
1116920 | Ciprian Popa Tithonium Chasma salt bearing outcrops, stratigraphic marker for Martian water span |
1119517 | Dennis Reiss Summer observations of the Martian north polar residual cap by the HRSC in 2004/2005 and 2006/2007 |
1118281 | Thomas Roatsch PSA/PDS delivery of digital terrain models and orthoimages derived from HRSC data |
1116009 | Janna Rodionova The atlas of morphologic features of Martian craters |
1115977 | Angelo Pio Rossi Periglacial geomorphology of Thaumasia highland, Mars |
1117729 | Peter Saiger Two years Mars GIS development |
1117691 | Samuel C. Schon Layered morphology of the latitude-dependent mantle |
1122404 | John Simpson Application of automated crater detection for Mars crater GIS database production |
1119915 | Mariam Sowe Layered deposits of the eastern Valles Marineris and chaotic terrains on Mars |
1122251 | Stephan Van Gasselt Current state and disintegration of rock-glacier landforms in Tempe Terra, Mars |
1122254 | Stephan Van Gasselt Talus- and landslide-derived mass-wasting at Olympus Mons, Mars |
1117852 | Marcel Van Helden Geological and geomorphologic study of a potential sedimentary fan deposit in Aram Chaos |
1115189 | Michael Zanetti Scalloped terrain south of the Hellas Basin: results from HRSC, MOC and MOLA |
1119892 | Tanja Zegers Aram Chaos: fracturing and fluid activity |
P.02 - Geo-Mineralogy & ExoMars
P.02 - ExoMars | ||||
ID | Name, Title | Abs. | Poster | |
1119869 | Christina Aas Radiative transfer simulations for SPEX: an in-orbit spectrometer |
1115938 | Berit Ahlers The combined Raman spectrometer/ laser-induced breakdown spectrometer elegant breadboard |
1119981 | Andrew Ball ExoMars entry and descent science |
1120101 | Giancarlo Bellucci MIMA, a miniaturized fourier infrared spectrometer for Mars ground exploration and atmospheric studies: part I, concept and development status |
1119183 | Apostolos Christou A multi-instrument ExoMars study of meteoroid effects on the Martian environment |
1126448 | Francois Forget Microwave sounding of the Martian atmosphere from an ExoMars orbiter |
1104554 | Matthias Grott Thermal structure of Martian soil and the measurability of the planetary heat flow |
1118101 | Graeme Hansford A monte carlo model for planetary applications of x-ray powder diffraction and fluorescence |
1118881 | Paul Hartogh Submm Wave Instrument (SWI) on a potential ExoMars orbiter |
1117584 | Alexander Koncz The Exo-Mars experiment MiniHUM |
1118670 | Vaitua Leroi MicrOmega: design and status of a near-infrared spectral microscope for in situ analysis of Mars samples |
1106413 | Jonathan Merrison Laser based dust and wind flow sensor: DDES part of the MEDUSA dust suite |
1119423 | David Mimoun The SEIS experiment: a seismic package on GEP/ExoMars |
1119883 | Riccardo Nadalini Numerical simulation of thermal measurements in Martian regolith |
1118835 | Gerhard Paar Quality assessment of ExoMars PanCam 3D reconstruction |
1122276 | S. G. Pavlov Detection of minor and trace elements by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy under simulated Martian conditions |
1110339 | Isabelle Rauschenbach Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy of soils and rocks under Martian conditions |
1118705 | Pascal Rosenblatt A geodetic orbital experiment for ExoMars |
1117414 | Samira Roshany Yamchi GPS system and its application in Mars |
1118770 | Fernando Rull Pulsed remote Raman system for planetary surface exploration |
1119675 | Cyril Szopa Martian Organic Molecules Analyzer (MOMA) Gas Chromatograph (GC): objectives, principle and preliminary design |
1118310 | Susanne Vennerstrom Mars surface magnetic observatory: a geophysical and environment (GEP) experiment for ExoMars |
1117487 | Alian Wang Sulfates on Mars - from the eye of Raman-LIBS system on ExoMars mission |
1117576 | Peter Willis Microfluidic capillary electrophoresis lab-on-a-chip system microfabrication and integration for the Urey instrument |
1122300 | R. Wilson Surface enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy as a complimentary tool for planetary exploration |
P.02 - Geo-Mineralogy | ||||
1111501 | Veronique Ansan Deposits of phyllosilicates in terby crater from multi-datasets (OMEGA/MEX, Themis, MOC and HIRISE) |
1119439 | Matthew Balme Geomorphological mapping of the Elysium Planitia region using HRSC images |
1119663 | David Baratoux The alteration of the mineralogical composition of ejecta at Syrtis Major |
1129700 | Jean-Philippe Combe How to use HRSC multispectral data? Example for the Echus Chasma region |
1119431 | Alexander Dumke Olympus Mons, Mars: high-resolution digital terrain model and ortho-image mosaic |
1129696 | J. C. Echaurren New numerical estimations for both impact conditions and hydrothermal zones on Isidis Planitia, Mars |
1118874 | Ronald Greeley The Tyrrhena-Malea volcanic province, Mars |
1115877 | Ernst Hauber Mapping of plains volcanism in Tempe Terra, Mars: new observations with post-Viking data |
1112464 | Harald Hiesinger The rheology of young lava flows on Arsia, Pavonis and Ascraeus Mons, Mars |
1117568 | Jochen Jänchen Water and CO2 adsorption in phyllosilicate-free palagonite and smectites under Martian environmental conditions |
1118422 | Denis Jouglet Comparison of OMEGA and MCD surface temperatures |
1118396 | Denis Jouglet Search for carbonates on Mars with the OMEGA / Mars Express data |
1117921 | Thomas Kneissl Volcanic edifices at the Martian north pole - new investigations |
1119899 | Ruslan Kuzmin Is the gypsum spectral signature exists in the Juventae Chasma on Mars |
1117565 | Thomas McCord Mapping of spectral units using HRSC color data |
1124670 | John Mustard OMEGA-Crism characterization of mafic crustal composition in the Syrtis Major region |
1119182 | Antoine Pommerol Associations between water and minerals on the Martian surface as seen by visible and near-infrared spectroscopy |
1115964 | Angelo Pio Rossi Large-scale spring deposits on Mars? |
1116270 | Pablo Sobron Raman spectral characterization of a terrestrial scenario with implications for Mars exploration: Rio Tinto, Spain |
1118641 | Huawei Su Preliminary laboratory XRD/XRF instrument tests and evaluation |
1119847 | Daniela Tirsch The mineralogical composition of dark dunes in Martian craters and updated results of the grain size analysis |
1118772 | Erwan Treguier Diversity of surface rocks encountered along the traverses of Spirit and Opportunity |
1135905 | Mathieu Vincendon July 2007 dust storms observed by OMEGA in the south polar regions of Mars |
1119909 | Lorenz Wendt Mapping of sulfate deposits using HRSC color data |
P.03 - Atmosphere, Ionosphere & Exobiology
P.03 - Atmosphere | ||||
ID | Name, Title | Abs. | Poster | |
1117145 | Francesca Altieri OMEGA-PFS observations of a local dust storm on Mars |
1116543 | Frank Daerden A comparison of bulk water ice clouds in gm3 with measurements of ice clouds from SPICAM |
1113451 | Therese Encrenaz A study of water vapor over Hellas using OMEGA/Mars Express |
1116964 | Vittorio Formisano Analysis of CO2 non-lte emission at 4.3 |
1115046 | Cédric Gillmann The impact of degassing on the evolution of the atmosphere of Mars |
1119650 | Francisco González-Galindo LMD-MGCM extended up to the thermosphere: capability for the study of Mars Express upper atmosphere data |
1129723 | Lee Grenfell Quantifying photochemical catalytic cycles near the Martian atmospheric surface |
1088740 | Adrienn Kuti Pressure and temperature characteristics of possible ExoMars landing sites |
1120016 | Jean-Baptiste Madeleine Mapping clouds microphysics with OMEGA/MEX |
1118505 | Luca Maltagliati Atmospheric water vapor in the vicinity of Hellas Basin by OMEGA/MEX |
1118786 | Riccardo Melchiorri OMEGA/ Mars Express: water vapour daily variability on the south pole |
1118452 | Ehouarn Millour The new Mars Climate Database (version 4.2) |
1087879 | Franck Montmessin The origin of perennial water ice at the south pole of Mars |
1117021 | Giovanna Rinaldi Study of aerosol phase function with PFS data |
1120796 | Peter Rogberg Assessing Martian atmospheric predictability using a general circulation model and a re-analysis of MGS/TES observations |
1119867 | Aymeric Spiga A new mesoscale model for the Martian atmosphere |
1112562 | Oliver Stenzel A simple scheme for batch processing atmospheric corrections of HRSC colour images |
1119933 | Alexander Trokhimovskiy Water vapor in the Martian atmosphere by SPICAM IR/Mars-Express: two years of observations |
1118156 | Ann C Vandaele Detecting CH4 and other trace species on Mars with a SOIR instrument |
P.03 - Plasma | ||||
1118598 | Jean-Yves Chaufray Mars solar wind interaction: formation of the Martian corona and atmospheric loss to space |
1118694 | Jean-Yves Chaufray Sounding of the Martian exosphere with SPICAM on Mars Express |
1119839 | Fabrice Cipriani Constraining the atmospheric escape at Mars |
1118637 | Niklas Edberg Simultaneous measurements of the Martian plasma environment from Rosetta and Mars Express |
1119696 | Francois Forget The density and temperatures of the upper Martian atmosphere measured by stellar occultations with Mars Express SPICAM |
1117590 | Rudy Frahm Simultaneous photoelectron and ion measurements in the Martian ionosphere |
1119914 | Gabriella Gilli First modelling of the Mars ionosphere with the European Mars GCM |
1117149 | Helmut Lammer Athmospheric escape from Mars during evolutioary time scales |
1117138 | Helmut Lammer 3D hot particle and upper atmosphere modelling of Mars |
1117168 | Anna Milillo MEX/ASPERA-3 NPI data statistical analysis |
1116965 | Kerstin Peter Ionopause features of Mars as observed by the Radio Science Experiment Mars on Mars Express |
1110584 | Olivier Witasse Mars Express SPICAM UV data: results on the upper atmosphere of Mars |
P.03 - Exobiology | ||||
1119672 | Patrice Coll The MOMIE experiment: study of the behavior of organic molecules to the UV radiation at the Mars surface |
1116225 | Dominikus Heinzeller CUPIDO: biochemical and basic geophysical field study of Mars |
1088522 | Anil Kumar Exploration and characterization of a novel thermophilic bacterium, Kurthia sp. |
1118180 | Tze Chuen Ng Soil preparation system and multi-functional drill for future subsoil sampling activities on planet Mars |
1120024 | Stephen Phillips Analysis of snow algae from the Cairngorm mountains, Scotland: high resolution measurement of organics in icy terrains |
1122274 | Stephen Phillips Targeting the search for life: evaluation of life indicating parameters on the Quiraing Basalt, Isle of Skye, Scotland |
1118382 | Jouko Raitala Tectonic and paleo-environmental constraints of Claritas Fossae on Mars |
1119669 | Cyril Szopa Characterization of biotic and abiotic carbonates in the frame of future in situ investigation of the surface of Mars |
1117859 | Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) and implications for (IRAS) on ExoMars |
Conference Photos
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ExoMars Rover and Display Panels
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