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Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy V

Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy V

Start date: 14 Jun 2011
Address: Center for Astrostatistics, Penn State University, United States

The Scientific Program is divided into nine sessions with ~30 confirmed speakers.

  1. Statistical Modeling in Astronomy
  2. Bayesian Analysis Across Astronomy
  3. Bayesian Cosmology
  4. Data Mining and Informatics
  5. Sparsity
  6. Interpreting Astrophysical Simulations
  7. Time Domain Astronomy
  8. Spatial and Image Analysis
  9. Future Directions for Astrostatistics

More info:

The SCMA conferences, held every five years since 1991, are the premiere forum for research statisticians and astronomers to discuss methodological issues of mutual interest. Astronomers face an incredible range of problems in statistical inference from megadatasets, modeling data with nonlinear astrophysical models, time series analysis from irregularly spaced observations, spatial analysis of clustering processes, treatment of censoring and truncation, heteroscedastic measurement errors, and more. The issue arise in all fields of astronomy -- planetary, stellar, extragalactic and cosmological -- and observations at all wavebands of light. Major investments in new telescopes require new advanced statistical methodologies to attain their scientific goals.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
7-Mar-2025 02:36 UT

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