Exploring the X-ray Universe: Suzaku and Beyond - the fourth Suzaku Science Conference
Start date: 21 Jul 2011
Address: Kavli Institute for Particle Physics and Astronomy, Standford Linear Accelerator Centre, 2575 Sandhill Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025, United States
Now in its sixth year of operation, the Japan/US Suzaku X-ray Observatory continues to make fundamental contributions to astronomy across a broad range of topic areas, from the local ISM to cosmology.
The latest Suzaku results will be featured at "Exploring the X-ray Universe: Suzaku and Beyond," the fourth Suzaku science conference.
The meeting will highlight results from the Suzaku Key Projects, through which substantial amounts of observing time have been dedicated to addressing topics for which Suzaku is uniquely suited to make a major contribution. The meeting will also emphasize Suzaku's strong synergistic relation with existing observatories (Fermi, ground-based TeV, Chandra, XMM) as well as with eagerly anticipated new missions: NuSTAR, GEMS, ASTROSAT, eROSITA, and particularly ASTRO-H.