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Relative phases of radio and gamma-ray pulses from the VELA pulsar

Relative phases of radio and gamma-ray pulses from the VELA pulsar

Publication date: 16 September 1978

Authors: Buccheri, R., et al.

Journal: Astronomy and Astrophysics
Volume: 69
Issue: 1
Page: 141-142
Year: 1978

Copyright: European Southern Observatory

Gamma-ray observations from the COS-B satellite and radio pulse-timing measurements from the Tidbinbilla Deep Space Station are used to determine accurately the relative phases of the radio (2295 MHz) and gamma-ray (above 50 MeV) pulses from the Vela pulsar. Two independent analysis procedures are employed, and both show that the peak of the radio pulse leads the peak of the first gamma-ray pulse by 11.2 plus or minus 0.5 ms. This result, together with the data of Manchester et al. (1978), indicates that the phase delay relative to the radio pulse peak of the pulse components at optical and gamma-ray frequencies are about 11 ms (first gamma-ray), 21 ms (first optical), 42 ms (second optical), and 49 ms (second gamma-ray).

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