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Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Proposals

Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Proposals

10 July 2007

The following table lists the mission concepts submitted in response to the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Call for Proposals. The missions were placed into one of three main fields of space science.

Out of these 50 concepts, three medium-class missions (with costs to ESA not exceeding 300 million euros) and three large-class missions (with costs to ESA not exceeding 650 million euros) were selected for assessment (or feasibility) studies.

Luciola: Hyper telescope Space Observatory
Large multiaperture interferometer based on a large number of spacecraft and dedicated to high resolution Visible and near Infrared astronomy.
SPICA: The next generation IR space observatory
European contribution to the Japanese SPICA mission, dedicated to Medium and Far Infrared astronomy and to investigations on the origins of galaxies and planets.
XEUS: Physics of the Hot Evolving Universe
New generation, space based x-ray observatory dedicated to investigations on the evolution of the universe at higher energies and based on a 2 spacecraft formation concept.
PEGASE : an IR interferometer to study stellar environments and low mass companions around nearby stars.
A space based, near Infrared interferometer dedicated to the study of the interplanetary environment around young stars and solar-type stars, based on a 3 spacecraft formation concept.
PLATO - Planetary Transits and Oscillations of stars
Ultra-high precision, visible and near-infrared photometry mission, dedicated to investigations on exo-planets transiting in front of a large sample of stars as well as to investigations on the seismic oscillations of these parent stars.
SEE- COAST (Super-Earth Explorer - Coronographic Off Axis Space telescope)
Visible and near-Infrared telescope dedicated to the direct detection of Giant or super-Earth extra solar planets.
The Gamma-Ray Imager mission
Hard X-ray and gamma-ray space based observatory dedicated to the study of the universe with respect to high phenomena dominated by high energy and extreme density.
FIRI - the Far-Infrared Interferometer
A far-infrared interferometer, capable of achieving high resolution imaging and spectroscopy and dedicated to the study of the early stages of the galaxies, stars and planets formation.
DUNE: The Dark Universe Explorer
A wide field, visible and near-infrared space imager, with the primary goal of studying dark energy and dark matter with unprecedented precision by using weak gravitational lensing.
GRIPS - Gamma Ray Burst Investigations via Polarimetry and Spectroscopy
An all-sky gamma-ray and X-ray observatory dedicated to the study of the early universe, using investigations of the gamma ray bursts.
Darwin - Science across disciplines
A medium-infrared nulling interferometer, dedicated to the study of terrestrial extra-solar planets and based on a formation of 5 spacecraft.
SPACE : the Spectroscopic All-sky Cosmic Explorer
A near-infrared surveyor dedicated to an all-sky, spectroscopic survey of a large number of galaxies, aiming to obtain information on the evolution of galaxies in the universe.
B-Pol: For detecting primordial gravitational waves generated during inflation.
A space mission aimed at detecting the primordial gravitational waves generated during the universe inflation by detecting the B-polarisation of the Cosmic Microwave Background.
Millimetron: a proposal for a large Russian-European Space Observatory
European contribution to the Russian Millimetron mission dedicated to the investigation of the universe in sub-millimeter and far-infrared, with extremely high spatial resolution.
Fresnel Interferometric Imager
Space based, high angular resolution, near-UV, visible and near IR interferometer based on a 2 spacecraft formation and used for the detection of extra-solar planets as well as of stellar systems and proto-planetary disks.
Stellar and Galactic Environment Survey (SAGE)
High resolution soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectroscopy mission to carry out a survey of stellar and galactic environments.
EDGE, Explorer of Diffuse Emission and Gamma Ray Burst Explosions
X-ray and gamma-ray observatory dedicated to investigations on the evolution of different scale structures, from the early universe to present time, tracing the history of baryons.
The Molecular Hydrogen Explorer (H2EX)
H2EX is an infrared telescope allowing imaging and spectroscopy and dedicated to the formation of galaxies, stars and giant planets from molecular hydrogen.
Sample Return of Interstellar Matter (SARIM)
Sample return and in-situ measurements of interstellar and interplanetary dust particles in order to help characterizing the physical conditions during the planetary formation process.

Fundamental Physics
Direct search for deviation of the one-way speed of the light
An experiment dedicated to the measurement of the speed of radio signal between spacecraft and Earth.
Kant Mission
Theoretical proposal dedicated to investigations on the space and time relation.
Astrodynamical Space Test of Relativity using Optical Devices (ASTROD)
Mission dedicated to the verification of Einstein's general relativity theory, via deep space laser ranging experiments and atomic clock measurements.
Laser Astrometric Test Of Relativity (LATOR)
Experiment dedicated to test the nature of gravitation and the general reality theory via interplanetary laser ranging experiments.
Solar System ODYSSEY
Mission dedicated to the verification of the laws of gravity at the largest possible distances. The mission would entail a probe reaching heliospheric distances larger than 10 AU and performing radio-tracking and laser ranging experiments.
GAUGE (GrAnd Unification and Gravity Explorer)
Drag-free spacecraft platform hosting a number of experiments dedicated to the investigation of the gravitation laws and their link to other forces of nature.
EGE (Einstein Gravity Explorer)
Space mission devoted to a precise measurement of the properties of space-time using atomic clocks (e.g. modification of time in presence of gravity).
MWEG (Matter Wave Explorer of Gravity)
Space mission dedicated to the test of the equivalence principle via atom based interferometry.
S-EUSO (Space Observatory for the study of the Universe at Ultra High Energies)
A space based observatory dedicated to the study of ultra-high energy cosmic particles interacting with the earth atmosphere.
SAGAS (Search for Anomalous Gravitation using Atomic Sensors)
SAGAS is a mission dedicated to the study of all aspects of large scale gravitational phenomena in the solar system, based on an interplanetary travel to large heliospheric distances.
Fundamental Physics Platform - Critical Phenomena in Space
Space mission dedicated to investigations of critical physical phenomena occurring in microgravity conditions.
GALILEO GALILEI (GG) - A small satellite to test the equivalence principle of Galileo, Newton & Einstein.
Space mission dedicated to the test of the equivalence principle via ultra-accurate displacement measurements.

Solar System
(EVE) European Venus Explorer: an in-situ mission to Venus
In-situ observation of the isotopic ratio and cloud layers of Venus in order to understand the evolution of Venus and its climate.
(WARP) - Waves And Relativistic Particles
Investigation of physical processes leading to acceleration, transport and loss of relativistic electrons in Earth's radiation belt.
LunarEx - A Lunar Penetrator Mission
Investigate the origin and evolution of the Moon as well as the astrobiologically important possibilities associated with polar ice by placing scientifically instrumented penetrators into the Lunar surface.
Mars Origins Mission to Noachian-Mars: exploring the southern hemisphere of Mars in search of traces of life
Mission to characterise the very early geological evolution of Mars and the context in which life potentially arose, to search for traces of the transition from a prebiotic world to life, and to trace the early evolution of life and its fate as conditions on Mars changed.
Mars Environment and Magnetic Orbiter
Remote sensing and in-situ measurements from orbit of the Mars atmosphere, internal structure and magnetic field and its interaction with the solar wind in order to understand planetary evolution, the appearance of life and its sustainability
NEO Sample Return Mission (MARCO-POLO)
In-situ measurements and sample return from a primitive Near-Earth Object (Asteroid or dormant comet) in order to reveal information about the early formation processes of the solar system and the role of minor bodies in the origin and evolution of life on Earth.
Comet Sample Return Mission (TRIPLE-F)
In-situ measurements and sample return from an active Near-Earth Comet in order to reveal information about the early formation processes of the solar system and the role of minor bodies in the origin and evolution of life on Earth.
A Mission to Europa and the Jupiter System
In-depth, quantitative study of the Jupiter system and its moons, which focuses on the formation of the Jupiter System, the way how the Jupiter system works, and whether Europa is habitable.
KRONOS : Saturn atmospheric probe and deep atmosphere and interior remote sounding
In-situ measurements of the chemical and isotopic composition of the Saturn atmosphere with two probes and remote sensing in order to understand the origin, formation and evolution of giant planets, including extrasolar planets.
Titan and Enceladus Mission (TANDEM)
In-situ exploration of the two Saturn moons: Titan and Enceladus in order to gain knowledge on their geological, chemical and evolutionary history and possibly understand their astrobiological potential.
In-situ measurements of interstellar and interplanetary dust particles in order to help characterizing the physical conditions during the planetary formation process.
Quantifying the coupling in plasmas between different physical scales in order to address fundamental questions such as how shocks accelerate and heat particles or how reconnection converts magnetic energy.
The Interstellar Heliopause probe
In-situ mapping of the heliosphere and its boundaries and reveal the nature of the hydrogen wall, the bow-shock and the local interstellar medium.
Probing and understanding the dynamics the Solar inner core, the radiative/convective zone interface layer, the photosphere/chromosphere layer and the low corona in order to understand space weather, space climate and for stellar and fundamental physics.
PHOIBOS (Probing Heliospheric Origins with an Inner Boundary Observing Spacecraft)
Observations of the heliosphere very close to the Sun's surface in order to determine how magnetic field and plasma dynamics in the outer solar atmosphere give rise to the corona, the solar wind and the heliosphere.
HIRISE - HIgh Resolution Imaging and Spectroscopy Explorer
Perform high spatial, spectral and temporal resolution observations of the Solar atmosphere, from the photosphere to the corona, and of new insights of the Solar interior and convective zone.
Coronal Magnetism, Plasma and Activity Studies from Space (COMPASS)
Understanding the origin and evolution of the Sun's magnetic field and its interaction with the heliospheric plasma by mapping the magnetic field in the solar transition region and corona, both on the solar disk and above the solar limb.
POLAR Investigation of the Sun (POLARIS)
Determination of the relation between the magnetism and dynamics of the Sun's polar regions and the solar cycle.
Meteorological, seismic and magnetic network measurements on the Mars surface and from orbit in order to investigate the planetary interior and better understand the dynamics and general behaviour of the Mars atmosphere as well as providing weather forecast.
Last Update: 1 September 2019
25-Mar-2025 12:08 UT

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